Another like me?





/A few minutes ago…/

'Two Elven girls made their way across the lit streets under the dark skies and the stars…'

'They were pretty similar, almost like sisters.'

'Though if their facial features weren't enough to help you differentiate them, then by looking at the tiara's on their foreheads, then you would find it easy to do so.'

'One had a glaring red gem, while the other had a dark purple gem… They seemed to reflect their moods, one bright and the other cold…'

'They held a few things in their hands, multiple bags full of items... The "spoils" of their venture across this city's many shops.'

'As they walked, the cheerful one raised her head to look at the moon.'

"He truly vanished, huh?"

It's already deep in the night, and it's time to find a place to sleep at... And if he doesn't come back soon, how are we supposed to tell him about it?

Most shops have already closed, so it's time to take it easy... Tomorrow will be quite hectic.

"Heh, he'll come back eventually." Her friend replied in a carefree manner

"Why are you so sure?"

/Cling cling…/


'Smirking, the moody elf raised her right hand, displaying a pouch full of gold coins.'

"We have the money, so unless he finds some laying around, he won't have a roof tonight."


You could've given some to him you know...

'She had the urge to facepalm...'

'Unfortunately, the cold girl couldn't read minds, so instead, she startled rambling.'

"That's what he gets for leaving in such a hurry, we weren't even able to give him some pocket change, I wonder how he managed to feed himself?" She asked with a slightly cruel smile

"Sigh, as long as he doesn't cause any trouble…" The cheerful elf said as she looked around

'She exhaled, the air condensed into a faint white mist...'

Phew... It's rather cold.

'While she played with the mist, the moody elf shrugged, looking around her for directions.'

"Now then, should we move to the meeting point? If we arrive after him it's going to be such an embarrassment."

He always loves to boast, so if we arrive late… I'll end up having to shut him myself.

Otherwise, he'll never stop speaking.

And if we delay this any further, finding a place to stay might be a bit hard.

No way I'm staying at the place they choose for us, I'm sure they'll be watching us...

'Her friend nodded.'

"Yes, it's way past the time in fact… I do need a bath and a warm bed."

'She pointed towards the North.'

"Shall we?"

"Fufu… Ladies first."


'The two smiled at each other before going on their way… But the cold elf suddenly stopped midway…'


'Her face snapped back, gazing at a park at the edge of the street, way on the horizon…'

"Is something wrong?"

This expression...

'The moody elf did not reply, her blue eyes flashed purple and her pupil turned into slits, like those of a reptile...'

'Her gaze became focused as if she was looking at something else...'

"I… Are 'you' sure?"

'She started talking to herself, seemingly confused, her expression a mix of shock and disbelief.'


'Her friend remained silent, she knew what was happening, and she knew it was better to remain silent.'

'As such, she raised her guard, making sure there weren't any peeps laying around...'

'Although there were some creepy dudes following them, they weren't threatening in the slightest, though it's not like they would leave them be either.'

'It's just not the time.'


'The minutes passed, and the girl kept talking with the air when sudently...'

#"... Behind, another..."#

'A dark and raspy voice echoed in their ears, it was old and it carried a lot of wisdom...'

'Both of them shuddered.'

'Normally, only the purple gem elf could hear it, but today, it spoke for the two of them, something that took it a great effort to accomplish.'



'They looked at each other in silence, wondering what they should do.'

"Should we…?"

We are not in a position to explore any potentially dangerous endeavors...


Yes yes, I agree...

'While the cheerful girl let herself loose in her own thoughts, her friend let out a sigh.'

"Sigh, I don't think we have a choice… "

"Besides, I don't want to hear him nag in my ears throughout the night..."

"Let's go, the quicker we do it, the faster we go back to the meeting point…"

Worse comes to worst something bad will happen and we'll arrive late.

Well... That's actually quite terrible.

'Although the cold elf seemed tired and fed up with this situation, she was actually sweating. "Another…"...'

'It meant that…'


'And if that was the case, the last thing she wanted to do was approach it.'


'The purple gem on her forehead flared, whatever had spoken before was pushing her forward… It wanted her to meet it.'

'So she complied, moving towards the park…'

'And right behind her was the cheerful elf.'

'Two girls with equally strange powers...'

/A few minutes later…/

'They were almost there, the park was already in sight…'

'At this time, there was almost no one in the park.'

'This is the time of the night most mothers would tell their children to avoid and stay at home...'

"Do we need to go any further?" The icy elf asked, eyeing some of the people walking around

We are a bit far from the main street, it's getting quite dark...



'The voice proclaimed, it wouldn't accept a refusal.'

"Are you going to explain, or are you going to keep quiet?"

'She raised her slender hand, pointing it at the park as her other hand rested at her waist.'

"Is there a 'priest' in there?"


'After a few moments...'

#"Of course not."#

#"I should be the only one."#

"Then why…?"

#"Exactly because."#


'This situation greatly confused her.'

'Sometimes, out of all possible choices, she regretted this was the one that fell onto her lap...'


'As if knowing what she was thinking, the creature from beyond growled.'

#"Let me do the talking."#

"Please, elaborate..."

#"... It has already noticed our presence."#


#"It's here."#



'The two elven girls suddenly felt something heavy behind them… The wind had changed, there was something blocking it.'

'The lights on the streets seemed to dim a little… And even the sounds of the city were muffled down.'

'As if everything was so far away...'

'The cheerful girl felt something entangled around her body, and she tensed, she was one step away from getting into a defensive position...'


'But something spired in her ears and she calmed down.'



'As they calmed down and focused, they started to realize that only the faint sound of breathing was left behind...'

'Theirs… And one more creature...'



'They stood like that in a deadlock, not having the courage to turn back.'

'Though they wondered… Why wasn't it speaking anything either?!'

'After everything it had done, it opted to remain silent now?'


'Finally, the newcomer spoke.'

'Its masculine voice likely indicated that it was a man, and it sounded pretty normal as well, so they found it weird…'

'They expected it to be… Creepy at the least?'

"You know… Don't you think it's rude to spy on someone at night? I might have some misunderstandings…"


'They remained silent... And the man started to grow impatient.'

"You two… How long are you going to stare at the fountain? I'm not the police, and I'm not inspecting you two…"

Not quite at least.

'Finally, after gathering enough courage and being fueled by the fact they weren't alone, they decided to take the plunge!'

'The two girls slowly turned back, but one had her eyes closed...'

'While the other one… Was left completely agape!'

'And the man obviously noticed that.'

"Well… That is by far the greatest expression I've ever received from a girl…" Philip joked as he stared at them

Though... Who might they be?

'Just like the Elf, he did the same, sizing her up and down, his mind racing at incredible speeds…'

Why are they like this?... She has that spoked expression as if she was looking at a monster… While the other one is straight out blocking her vision...

Damn, am I that bad? I made sure not to dirty myself during the fights…


Enough jokes.

Though… Something's wrong.

I felt something weird, but here I am… And the result are these two Elf girls?

'He checked every inch of their bodies... But he found nothing.'

They look pretty average… No...

Their appearance is above average, even for elves.

Their clothing is even higher than that, even when you consider that we are in a Nobler section of the city.

The one on the right seems shy, and she gives me a strange impression... Like clean laundry?

She's... Fresh? It's hard to explain.

While the other one looks lazy... Yet cold, like a block of ice.

Alone each of them would stand out in a crowd, together they are like a beacon, especially so late in the night.

There are even a few sketchy people looking at them from afar… Though it doesn't look like they can do anything to these ladies…

After all…

[Latry Fyrlake...

Level 37


[Xima Lalta...

Level 41


Both their names and Levels are extremely weird…

After Scholar evolved into Great Scholar, it started showing me the names of the people I inspected amidst the many other improvements to its previous functions.

Not really useful most of the time, but it can make a difference… Like now.

Their Levels would indicate that they are indeed Nobles, considering that they look young, yet this capable...

Though I can't take it at face value, Elves age at a pace equal to several Human lifetimes.

While those names aren't usual Elven names...

I mean, all species' names in this world are already weird, some species have names that are extremely difficult to pronounce even by Earth standards… Depending on where you're from of course.

But even so, each race has its own standards.

And theirs aren't exactly in line with the Elven standard…

It's like seeing a kid with a full-blown Chinese name in the middle of a Canadian school.

Yet the kid doesn't look Chinese at all and is in fact, 100% Canadian, and so are his parents.

Well, anyway…

They are... Weird to say the least... Especially when you tie in the fact they came after me on their own...

I can't really tell where I got that strange feeling from… Neither am I going to brush it off.

I felt something, and I want to know why.

Though honestly, it won't matter much if I can't make sense of it.

This world is weird with a full repertoire of strange abilities, either born in this generation or passed on from older times...

I can't stop at every nook and cranny due to some confusion.

But if I were to guess... The icy Elf?

'Philip crossed his arms, having finished his thoughts, he let his mind relax as he awaited their reply…'

"... ?... Oh…"

'The cheerful elf, Latry, finally opened her eyes, seeing the creature in front of her!...'

'And her first reaction was...'

A handsome... Human male?

'What appeared in front of her was a black-haired man with blue eyes, a bit taller than her, staring at her with a deep gaze…'

'His eyes even seemed to glow…'

'It left a deep impression on her...'

'Philip had brushed it off, but he had changed his secondary Title a couple of minutes ago after his fight to "Blessed", and one of its functions was exactly that.'


Wait a minute...

'She could see a faint green glow around his body...'

His attunance is so high... For a Human... Extremely so...

It's higher than most talented Elves I've met so far...

'She suddenly stopped, her gaze unfocusing...'


A-Are you sure?!

'Philip noticed her strange behavior, yet couldn't properly understand what she was doing...'

Wait... Is he not Human per chance?!

'While she once again lost herself in her own thoughts, Philip frowned, because, for a moment, he saw a faint figure stick its head from behind her.'

'He stared at its eyes for a few seconds, and once the strange creature realized he was looking at it, it shyly hid behind her neck, only looking at him from time to time.'

"Ah… H-Hi…"

'Latry raised her head, brushing her hair aside as she spoke meekly.'

After thinking so long, this is the best I came up with?!

'The cheerful elf shook her head as she stared at the ground, making Philip frown.'


She's a strange Elf… Is she some sort of spiritualist?

It's not my first time meeting these invisible creatures... Though it would be hard to say if they are Spirits or not.

Fabrin had something like that... That girl from the Azul Family had something like that too.

Though, why does she look so embarrassed?

Most Elves have some sort of aversion to Humans, so such expressions are unfamiliar to me.

It's quite… Nice?

'Philip smirked.'

I guess every guy does have some sort of fantasy about Elves.

Though after coming to this world, most of them went down the rain since Elves aren't as magical and mystical as one may think…

In fact, I would even say they are quite boring, with most of the time, their only redeeming feature being their beauty.

Regardless, the more I look at them, the more suspicious I become, I'm now 95% sure they are the source of that strange feeling...

'Finally, her friend decided to say something.'

"My… You're better than I thought."

'The cold elf, Lalta, smiled, looking at Philip with a deep gaze…'


What did she say?...

#"Enough, you're embarrassing me."#

'The voice once again came from the void, shaking them awaken.'


This feeling!

'Philip also heard it, and he immediately looked around warily.'

'Though it end, he failed to pinpoint it, staring instead at the two elves.'

'All of this was so strange, yet Philip felt no danger...'

'Otherwise, he wouldn't have approached them in the first place, at least not like this.'




'Dark-gray mist started to form behind Lalta, and a pair of purple eyes opened within it…'

'A figure seemed to materialize around her... But it was faint and almost indiscernible, its form hidden within the smoke.'

'If Philip tried hard enough, he could see a faint figure within, the outline of a large horned beast…'

'And as he did so, he felt that the creature smiled...'

#"As I thought, you can see me."#

'Philip thought this to be strange, but he noticed that as the smoke spread, the two Elven girls failed at reacting to it, they also didn't react to its words unlike before.'

'In fact, they were oddly still... Or was he too fast?'

'Raising his head to stare at the creature's face, or what he thought was its face, he said quickly:'

"... That was a pretty sick entrance… Ah… I mean… Who are you?"

'His tone becoming sharper, he proceeded to check his information...'


Level ???]

Well, this guy does look cooler than the other two…

But this... I really hate it when this happens.

#"Hm… Playful… Though that is to be expected of one such as your age."#

#"Albeit, you should be more discreet when sizing someone up, look at how embarrassed those two are."#


This is... Surprising.

I didn't expect to be found out like that...

'One of the most offensive things you could do in this world was to inspect someone with such observation abilities.'

'Some may take an apology as enough, others could straight out take it as a form of aggression...'

'And depending on who you are dealing with, the situation could end up very tense...'

I need to raise it's Level fast, can't risk it anymore.

One day I'll use it and someone is going to get pissed.

But... What was that about my age?... Child?...

I am 22…

About halfway to 23 mind you… If I add the time… Forget it.

'As if hearing him, the being replied:'

#"I am over 400 years of age young one, and I'm considered a proud adult, compared to that, how are you anything if a child?"#


He read my mind?...

Impossible, I didn't receive any sort of notification, much less felt anything.

'Philip took a step back, the more he heard, the more cautious he became.'

'A bit after he thought those words, the voice added:'

#"Hm... Confusion, mystery, suspicion... anger."#

#"Are you, mayhaps, imagining that I can read thy thoughts?"#

#"I do not possess such abilities, instead, I'm replying to your 'emotions'."#

'Philip was slightly stunned.'


#"They are very apparent... Calm, like the surface of a river... Yet, this stillness makes them that simpler to decypher."#


'Philip scratched his head, thinking...'

'Though he was still skeptical, regardless of what he's doing, he decided to be apprehensive until proven wrong.'

I now know what gave me that strange feeling...

A feeling of familiarity.

This guy...

#"Doubt..."# The creature mumbled in a low tone

"... Even if I'm a child to you... Isn't that only under your race's standard?"

Better change the topic, give myself some time to think...

This conversation is so strange… How did I go from drinking my Slurpee to talking with a beast in the mist?

One that might very well...

#"Race's standard? Child, aren't thou a Dragon as well?"#


'Philip smiled helplessly… It seemed his suspicions were proving to be correct.'

'Now, it was time to start digesting what he learned with this...'

There are no Dragons in this world.

A proper way of phrasing that is that Dragons aren't a unified species of similar beings, but are instead a form of classification given by the people of this world.

Creatures of extreme might and danger, that kind of thing you don't want to mess up with.

I learned about this all the way back at the Palace.

So there are only 2 possibilities.

Either this guy is part of a race that names itself as such...

Or they aren't from this place.

There is the last possibility... And that's the fact the translation is iffy and the words aren't coming out properly...

But that would be... Quite the letdown.


#"Caution... Hmm… It is my first time seeing one such as yourself."#

'Its eyes moved, sizing Philip up and down.'

#"A body of a Human, but the essence of our kind… It's fascinating."#

'Its eyes narrowed.'

#"Do thy keep it hidden in order to blend in?... Or..."#

#"Child, there is no need to hold thyself like that..."#

'A small batch of mist slowly moved towards him, it morphed in the air, taking the shape of a claw.'

"What are you..."

'Philip felt something was very wrong... But before he had the time to move, a beam of light hit his chest!'



My body... Is fucking burning!

[Your Dragon Soul is resonating with another Draconic existence]

[Your essence is laid bare to the world!]

[Title, One of a Kind has been forcibly equipped]

[Apex Evolver has activated]

[The Titles are resonating]

[Resonation has been successful!]

[The temporary effect 'Progenitor' has been activated]



Increases all bodily attributes considerably.

All inherent abilities are enhanced to various degrees.

Massive increase in appeal to the opposite gender of the same species.

Slight increase in appeal to the opposite gender of different species.

Greatly increases virility.



'A flurry of emotions suddenly overwhelmed him... Threatening to unbalance his emotions.'

'A desire for conquest, battle, destruction...'

[Castle Town ***** maintains your composure]

'After the beam of light hit his chest, Philip felt something flare within his body.'

'He couldn't stop it, and he felt that if he were to do so, it would cause great harm to him.'

'Ignoring all of the notifications, he let it all out!'


'Bluish flames gathered around his body, the key mark of his Armament...'

'However, instead of armor, they gathered around his body, thinning out, transforming into strange half-translucent shapes such as scales, horns... And a pair of wings.'

"Huff... Huff..."

'Philip felt visibly tired, yet, strength kept overflowing onto his body.'

'He raised his head, looking at the mist creature, it seemed to be nodding.'

#"That's how it's supposed to be, albeit odd."#

'Its voice was lighter now, more relaxed.'


#"Don't misunderstand, I shan't judge."#

'Philip looked at his own body, questioning himself...'

Is this?...

Scales... Horns... Even wings?

'He knew what this was.'

Dragon... Aspect?

'He had the desire to scratch his head, and before he could move his hands to do so, his wings did it for him, almost giving him a scare.'

'Trying to think this through, he closed his eyes, focusing on his body.'

It hasn't been long since I gained the ability to properly shout, so I haven't experimented with it.

I feel weird, though I look fine for the most part.

Hopefully, nothing wrong is happening with my body… Nothing long-lasting...

'As he thought of that, the flames slowly vanished, and the strange energy dissipated into sparks…'

#"Though it leaves me perplexed, how did you come to such a foreign place, child?"#

#"This is certainly no place for one such as..."#

"Uh… Wait wait wait… Let's slow down a little…"

It feels like I'm talking with my grandfather.

And I need some time to think about this.

I think he misunderstood something, and although it wouldn't be exactly wise to fix that, considering I have no idea how it might react, it wouldn't be wise to leave things like this…

"First of all…"


#"My apologies this time, youngling."# The Dragon said, interrupting Philip

#"Despite my grand interest in your circumstances, including my desire to hear your story, I'm afraid this is my limit."#

'The mist trembled, and the Dragon's outline vanished, leaving only a pair of purple eyes in the sky.'

"What? Don't leave me hanging like this…"

There's so much I need to ask.

I won't be able to sleep peacefully...

#"Hanging?... That is an expression I am unfamiliar with… Though one I shall adopt."# The Dragon replied in amusement

'Yet its next words were pronounced with great sadness.'

#"Allow me to extend my late greetings, the one you speak with is referred to as !@$^*!"#

'The words it pronounced... Philip didn't understand them.'

'Though somehow, he felt that he did... If he were to translate it... Its name sounded the closest to: "Xor of the $%#".'

'Seeing that Xor was waiting for him to speak, Philip said:'

"I'm... Philip... The Human...Dragon?"

'Xor looked at him and nodded, happy to hear his name.'

#"I am unsure as to how one such as you has made your way onto this distant land..."#

#"But I greatly admire and envy your tenacity, to be able to walk upon the earth without the need of one… And it seems you are unaffected by it as well… Truly, how curious."#

#"As of now, I'm restricted to my priestess… So I can't keep this for long."#

'The mist slowly vanished, gathering back onto Lalta.'

#"Today, I infringed onto your personal space, for that, you may yet again have my apologies, but I hope you can understand, meeting you like this was something I could've never imagined."#

#"And as such, it seems I failed in holding my curiosity... Still."#

"I think you are misunderstanding something…"

'But the Dragon did not reply.'


'The world went back to its normal speed, the proof of that was a small green leaf that fell onto the ground.'

'Their entire conversation was only enough for the leaf to fall a few millimeters, only a few fractions of a second.'


'The two elven girls looked unphased for what had just happened, once again proving this hadn't been some sort of large area magic.'

'They, however, remained silent nonetheless, they knew who he was talking with, and for now, it was best to let them talk.'

"Curiosity…" Philip mumbled

Was this truly all due to that?

'Finally, he turned to face them.'

'He was almost completely sure of what they were, though some things were still left hanging on his mind… And that would be the why.'

'Though at the end of the day, showing respect first wouldn't hurt anyone, even if they were to refuse it, at that time, he could say he at least tried.'

"I think I have yet to introduce myself, all things considered."

If I just stare, we'll stay here all night.

Someone has to speak first, even if...

"Name's Philip." He said as he raised his right hand

'Lalta smiled, she grabbed Philip's hand, saying:'

"Lalta, and this on my side is Fyr."


'She was very stiff, almost like a log.'


'Lalta elbowed her friend, trying to have her stop being so awkward.'

'It was strange to see that the cheerful-looking girl was the most awkward while the cold one was the most talkative.'

"Honestly… This isn't exactly how I expected things to flow…" Lalta said as she fondled her hair

"I imagine you… Talked with the big guy."

"You mean... Xor?"

That's how you pronounce it in this language? It's the closest I can think of.


'Both Lalta and Fyr seemed extremely surprised to hear the name.'

'Her impression of him completely changed.'

"He told you his name?... That's unexpected."

"Is such a thing special by any means?"

From what I understood, it seems Xor misunderstood something.

Perhaps due to my Trait, it saw me as a member of its kind, and even if didn't, perhaps noticing its misconception, it still saw me in a positive manner.

This meeting wasn't purely by chance, considering how he came here straight for me, there is a possibility he felt something... Just like me.

This is a problem, if my Trait has some sort of leftover signal, I wonder what sorts of creatures would be attracted to it?

I doubt they would be as friendly as it…

"Special? Not exactly, but he's quite prideful…"

Took me a while to have him even speak with me.

"I see where you're going." Philip replied with a nod

'Their conversation was short, and pretty awkward, but it's not like they are to blame.'

'To meet in such circumstances… Isn't exactly a good recipe for a warm conversation.'

'And because of that…'

"I… Although I would like to continue our talk…"

"Would you mind if we met some other time? I'm sure you have your questions as well."

'Philip's mind raced, but after a second, he replied:'

"It is indeed a bit late, if you two ever have the time, I do have a Manor a few blocks from here."

'Philip pointed at the mountains, it was a bit far, but it was possible to see the street leading to his home.'

"If you don't have the time to visit, you can always send a letter."

"Marvelous." Lalta said with a genuine smile, her first today

'Tough she quickly became a bit finicky…'

"I would like to share our address as well, but we just arrived…"

"Once tomorrow arrives, we'll contact you… If that's fine by you of course."

'Philip smirked.'

"I'll be waiting."

'They exchanged a few more awkward words, yet, it seemed they came a bit smoother than before.'

'It was hard, but the ice was slowly being broken.'

'Philip wanted to keep in touch with them because he found them interesting, and there was no point in shoving them away.'

'If he was right about what they possibly were, keeping an eye on them would be extremely helpful… And as long as they didn't know what he was…'

'Lastly, whatever that Dragon did to him, he wanted to learn how to do it as well, because it somehow interacted with his Soul, and such a thing wasn't easily found…'

'With complex emotions, Philip turned around, vanishing in the woods of the park, leaving the two elves behind.'

/Half an hour later…/



'Philip got out of his steaming hot bathtub, wiping his chest with a very fluffy towel.'

"Finally a damn bath, I feel like I haven't had one in ages."

My time in this city has been a fucking mess.

"Ever since I arrived a string of things happened one after the other, much to my displeasure..."

I meet with the eldest son of the Pyke Family… I should add that I also met with the eldest daughter of the Azul Family.

Then I opened the inventory item the Principal of the Academy gave me, meeting Laplabe, the strange Mimic, and drinking the Attribute potions in the process, greatly increasing my Stats and also changing my race.

"Hm… I think I should add that it was also around this time that the fragments were absorbed and I learned their true name…"

The Shards of Ithas…

Then I went to the party, meeting the Princess and also that strange hidden guard that was observing me, we even clashed in the forest, although I'm sure I lost…

Though not without dealing some damage.

"That guard didn't seem keen on injuring me at all, and it's with great distress to say that had she counterattacked, I would've lost at least one arm."

After dealing with Rafiel and 'borrowing' a lot of money, I came back home to check some pending rewards…

I fused my Skills and used the rewards, and the result was Armament and a few other things.

I received a New Class and came back from the dream.

Then I went to explore the city in search of the target, and after sniffing around for around a quarter of a day, I finally found something, which ended up being the right call.

Had I not gone, there was a big chance that even if his wife survived… Something else would've kicked the bucket…

In the end, everything went well, and I finally got some time to rest and drink something in the park…

"But a fucking Dragon came to meet me?"

'Philip stopped in front of the mirror, looking at his wet hair falling down his shoulders.'

"Now that I think about it when was the last time I slept?"

Due to my intense training at the Academy, I was sleeping very little, sometimes, I didn't even sleep even after 3-4 days of intense training.

I would at most drink some energy drinks to pump me back into action…

"One… Two… At least three days since the last time I slept."

And I don't really feel tired.

"I've become a monster… Pfft…"

'Smiling slightly, he left the bathroom, putting on some clothes.'

'Tomorrow would be a great day, there was a lot to do.'

'He sat on the bed, reflecting.'

"The training room is still being repaired, though it's not their fault, I asked them to start repairing around dinner time, they had to stop when it got too late."

"Other people live here, after all, can't have construction in the middle of the night."

Though they'll end it around tomorrow's noon.

"I also asked them to make a workshop for me."

It's time to grind some Skill points, and it's also time to make some better gear for me.

The Manor has a lot of space in the form of gardens and a small back forest, clearing a small portion of it to build a workshop is more than doable.

The only thing against the law is actually digging into the ravine as doing so could endanger its structure and stability.

And since I don't have the time to wait for someone to approve, I'll just have to improvise.

'He laid his head against the pillow, it was very comfortable.'

"It smells nice."

Is anything left?

I already wished that girl goodnight… Well, I kind of found her sleeping on the table in the Office, so I lifted her up back into her room.

Laplace is also hibernating, so much so the poor sod wasn't even awake when I met with the two Elves.

He'll surely frown when I meet them again.

"Tomorrow… It might also be a good idea to visit the Dwarf family again…"



"So much to do…"

'But he smiled.'

'After turning around on the bed for a few more minutes, Philip finally slept.'

'He had a conscious dream this time… And God forbid him for what he did in there…'

'A man will be a man at the end of the day…'

/In the dreamland…/

"FOR THE EMPIRE!" Philip exclaimed as he raised his hands, commanding his soldiers to fire the Star-Destroyer's main gun


'Smiling as the spaceships in his field of vision turned to ash, Darth Vader appeared behind him, breathing faintly.'

/Knock knock knock/

'The sun rose, and the birds flew into the clouds.'


'Pushing the blankets aside, Philip opened his eyes drowsily.'


"It's me M'Lord, you asked me to wake you early…" Sebastiano replied from the other side

"... I did?... I did… Enter enter…"

'He moved to the edge of the bed, getting up with a small smile.'

"Time to get things started."







Description: You have been blessed by a divine being

Effects: Passive regeneration of wounds and stamina.

Your body's affinity towards the Divine arts has increased massively.

Other entities will have a better first impression of you. This effect may be positive or negative.


Evolver + Blessed -> Holy presence

[Holy presence


Further increases the passive regeneration of wounds and stamina.

All creatures deemed Unholy will be weakened around you.


Real notes:

Honestly, there were 3 ways for this to go.

The first one-> Philip never met with them, likely only meeting them in a more distant future.

I actually wrote this, but I scratched it, I didn't like it, and in the end, we stoped where the last chapter ended.

This one-> Philip meets with the Elven Heroes, though there were several ways as to how this could happen.

My first one was a complete chance, they would meet in the park, but since it was so late, I thought it would be weird to have such an interaction happen.

And this one, where the ability of the girl... The Dragon detects Philip's existence and gets curious.

The last one would be something akin to a fight, but I thought it was too soon.

I didn't quite like it, for me, it felt extremely forceful.

Listen, I had made the "character sheets" of these 3 elven Heroes close to 10 chapters ago, so I didn't take a Dragon out of my ass just to make this kind of interaction.

This would lead to the last possibility, the Dragon would detect Philip's existence, yet would not move out of his way.

In case most people dislike this development, I can very well introduce it.

It would cut most of this chapter, but editing it would be easy.

It's up to you all really, otherwise, I'll keep the story like this.
