Breaking a record yet again

I'm finally done with editing!

Phew! Took me a while.

Anyway, I hope you've all enjoyed your new year, I've enjoyed mine, drank some tea, and patted my dog while I watched the fireworks from outside the window.

In any case, we continue from where we stopped.

As before, information on Skills and all of that.

Make sure to give me your opinions as you read, commentaries are so easy to post... Just kidding, go at your own pace.

See you down there!


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If you wish to support this series, take a look at my P@treon.


And if you are bored, remember to check my other Novels.

(Including the one on my other account, its called: Azimuth: The Elden Throne

You can also find it by searching for my other account: Follower_of_Abadom)







'The chairs and the table fell all at the same time, crashing against the ground, while Philip's head crashed against the floor!'


'Once things settled in, Philip's voice emerged...'


'Despite the impact, he was fine, albeit, annoyed.'

"So it seems it isn't forever… Well, it obviously wasn't."

If shouting was that effective I would have to reconsider my actual strength.


'Philip pushed the table and chair aside, putting them back in place as he dusted his body, taking a seat once more.'

'Pondering over what just happened, he quickly came with an examination.'

"It lasted around 5 minutes, long enough for me."

Why this value? There must be a reason...

'Philip took out a small book from his Class inventory, inside it were many runes and phrases, almost all in the Dragon's tongue.'

"The study of this language sure is tiring."

'After documenting the effects he just experienced, he tossed the book back onto whatever the inventory space was.'

"Let's see."

I checked both Statuses, and apart from testing the new Skills I got, there doesn't seem to have a lot left for me to analyze…

"Hm… I should start making some plans…"

'He opened his Main Status, taking a look at his stats:'


Mind> 280 (299.9)(+)

Physical> 281.2 (299.9)(+)

Energy> 299.9(+)

Spiritual> 297.8 (299.9)(+)

Mystique> 100(+)


'Philip saw his new values, but he frowned.'

"It reached its limits?..."

It isn't surprising, but I expected my body to be… How's the word?... Gifted?...

Okay, now I sound like a conceited person.

"When I came to this world for the first time, I trained and trained non-stop for even a moment, but even so, I barely had one of my Stats rise above a certain margin…"

It was only through the procedure with Dae that I managed to raise all Stats beyond the barrier that is 99.

After that, I trained yet again, and eventually took the special Attribute potions that were left behind by the Principal as an advanced payment.

This led to my body evolving once more, evolution may be extreme, but I don't know what to say either.

My race didn't change, but my Type did.

As such, my body was strengthened and I went beyond 199.

"Now I've reached a limit once more… Is the only option evolution?"

'Pondering as he gazed at the forest outside, Philip's thoughts were cut by a sudden voice:'

"Since when was evolution such a free grab?" Laplabe asked slowly


"You were awake?"

"What? You didn't realize? I've been here ever since you finished brushing your teeth…"

I knew that I should've said something...


I completely forgot he existed for a moment.

"Anyway, don't worry, I'm used to seeing you talk alone, it doesn't really faze me…"

"Rude… But okay, do you have any ideas for my current situation?" Philip asked with a small smile as he grabbed Laplabe, placing him on the table

'He wasn't really worried about his powers leaking to it, even if they did, to whom would it share? The dead Principal?'

'Of course, that didn't mean he was fine with just saying anything...'

"Your growth problem?... I do, in fact." He replied without much problem

"Great, I didn't expect that, care to share?"

"I don't but..."

Won't this guy stop? He needs to rest a little...

"Look… I know you're a Hero and all of that, the responsibility and sense of duty..."

"But don't you think you're taking things a tad too… Hum..."

"Don't you think you're going a bit too fast?"

"Fast? How so?"

"Philip… It doesn't take a genius to see how much you've grown in a matter of a few days…"

'Laplabe became silent before having an idea.'

"If you add water to clay, it'll soften, allowing you to shape it into what you desire."

"From a small, thick bucket, to a larger, thinner bucket…"

"At some point, you'll find yourself without clay to expand it."

"... Are you telling me my body is in a dangerous situation right now?" Philip asked with a frown

I don't feel anything, but that doesn't mean I'm safe.

If I need to give my body some time, then so be it, I don't mind.

I'm already full of other things to do anyway.

"Not quite, I wouldn't really say danger… It doesn't actually reach that level of concern... Yet."

"What I'm trying to say is that rushing ahead… Isn't exactly necessary for you."

"Your body will naturally gather more 'clay', and eventually, you'll grow beyond these limits you currently find yourself in."

"You simply grew too fast, barely giving time for your body to adapt to its new shape."

"It's only been a few days since you drank those potions, their side effects are likely still lingering, even if you can't feel them very well..."

"In other words."

"You aren't at your limit yet, you just need some time."

'Philip became silent, thinking, pondering…'

"This is what I think at least, but if that's not enough, how about this, do you need to get stronger now?"

"... No."

Strength is always desirable, but if that's the goal, I have half a dozen ways to do that.

Focus on my techniques...

Improve my arsenal...


Heck, learn more about what it means to be a Mental Lord...

There are a lot of things to do.

"In that case, why not just continue living your life, and give your body a few months to adapt, you don't even need to stop training, just continue to do what you always did…"

"Uh... Scrap that, what you always did isn't exactly in line with what you should do..."


The last few days were indeed a bit full...

"E-Eventually, it'll grow on its own, if not, I do have some ideas…"

"Oh? Care to share?..."


'Laplabe was annoyed by Philip's lack of understanding.'

"Try to develop some shame in the meantime kid."

"Don't forget why I'm here, I'm supposed to help you, but this is a 'we help each other' type of deal!"

"Albeit you didn't take much from me and the legacy, you also did nothing at all."

"Ah, man… It's only been a few days…" Philip said, embarrassed

"Indeed, but who was the one that wanted to grow stronger? It surely wasn't me…"


Okay, now he's rubbing it on the wound...

"Once again... I'll remind you, if you have the time, you can inherit his will, your body has enough talent, and I've seen enough of your personality by now to say you'll do fine."

Not a perfect fit but much better than anything the old man ever found.

"Compared to the old man, you are much 'stabler'. That's one of the most important things to be a proper wizard…"

"All of his disciples were weird in that regard, one was overly greedy, the other was overly emotional, the other was overly kind…"

"There was even that stupid one... His only notable talent is how well he can manipulate Mana."

'Laplabe seemed extremely tired as he spoke of the disciples…'

"You don't seem to like them very much." Philip commented



"I did have a... Amicable relationship with some, but a few were overly 'Bratty' for my tastes..."

"Anyway, that doesn't matter right now." Laplabe said as he shrugged this matter away

'Philip nodded, he didn't really care about some wizards that were likely still struggling all the back at the Academy to stabilize the situation.'

'Speaking of that, Philip decided to stick a mental note to himself, it wasn't wise to keep himself uninformed, especially considering he was the main culprit for all that mess.'

'As far as he was aware, if they don't find anything inside the Academy, then they'll start their research outside of it, and the first ones who'll be researched will definitely be the people that left moments before the alarms.'

'It was only a matter of time.'

"Once again, I'll have to refuse your offer." Philip said strongly

"Putting my all into studying that form of Magic doesn't really fit my current schedule."

'Laplabe scoffed, speaking ironically:'

"Schedule? You have the balls to say that to me?"

"By schedule, do you mean reaching a new city after stealing a great mage's inheritance, offending a Noble, buying a Manor, having a spasm from overdosing on attribute potions and Stimulants, going to a fancy party, beating up the Noble you offended and stealing his money, spending all your time training in an isolated room, spontaneously combusting into strange blue flames, collapsing on the floor for half a day out of nowhere, then going around the Middle sector of the city to wipe out a criminal organization headquarters just to save a family of Dwarves?"

"All the while wooing girls and talking to yourself?"



'Philip looked at Laplabe with a twisted expression, but he couldn't refute him.'

"You win… son of a bitch…"

"I heard that!"


'Philip could only smirk helplessly.'

When did I woo girls?...

/After a small while…/

"What about Viera?"

"The girl with purple hair?"

"Who else?"

"... As I said before, she seems to hold the necessary talent, she's also very hardworking, but personality wise… That remains to be seen."

"Do you really need to check her personality?"


"It takes much more than just effort and talent to become worthy of greatness."

"And how did you determine I was good enough?"

"You showed me more than enough... Besides, it was the old man's vestige that determined you to be worthy, not me."

"Also, she already has a master, and although that is hardly ever a problem in practicality, people in these positions tend to be protective over those they take care of."

"As they normally groom their student to be the better version of themselves, they see other masters and even teachers as possible interferences in this process."

"Of course, that is only a generalization."


'Philip also found that to be a problem, he was merely told to take care of her and have her stick around him, he had no idea how her master would react…'

'And he can't even contact her!'

"If she does accept it, as long as she passes the test then it's all good, I don't think the Old principal will have anything against her having another Master… If you get what I mean."

The true problem lies on the other side...

"Though… If you're willing to give it a try…"


'A small hand-sized object suddenly fell onto the table out of thin air.'

"What's this?"

I remember seeing this in the Principal's Office… It was on his shelves as far as I remember.

"In front of you lies the test, a complicated piece of Magitech engineering."

"It seems small, but it has over 12 thousand moving parts, each made with complicated materials and enchantments treated through a series of overly complicated steps that I never bothered to even take a look at."

"Its function isn't nearly as glorious as that though…"

"Upon using it, her conscience will enter inside it and from there, she'll go through the Trials the old man set up."

"Also, remember what I said about him being terrible at everything apart from Alchemy? Yeah… It took him a long time to finish this… Like… I don't remember how many times he broke his prototypes…"

"Good times."


"I see… The classic small world inside the jade…" Philip said with a smirk

Will he ask her to kowtow 9 times and to greet her ancestors?

"Hm? Are you familiar with these sorts of tools? The old man was pretty satisfied when he finished it…"

"You could say that I am…"

'But he then became serious.'

"Are there any…"

"Nope, no dangers." Laplabe quickly replied, interrupting Philip

"At most… Boredom from staying inside too long, and perhaps some bodily discomfort depending on how you were before entering it."

"Would you like to try it? You can try it out as many times as you want, just make sure it's always powered… Just open the small compartment below and you'll see how much charge it has left…"


This feels wrong... Why is the magical item in need of a power source?... And in such a perfectly executed way...

It feels like I'm opening a Roomba...

"Inside the inventory are several energy sources, so we won't fall into the awkward situation of finding someone suitable yet having no way to test them."

'Philip followed his instructions and checked the item, it seemed pretty good for now.'

"Anyway, I won't be testing it."

Even though I'm curious.

'Philip pushed the object aside, once he was back from this small relaxation time, he would talk with Viera.'

"A bummer, many would die to have such a chance though…"

If the old man was still alive, he might've suffered a heart attack by now.

He searched for someone suitable his entire life, and imagine how he would feel if the moment he found him, he just refused with such a straight face…

I can't even imagine how frustrated he would be.

"Well then, since you don't want it, that's nothing I can do about it, just remember to seek an inheritor soon, once you have one, I can open most of the inventory items for you to use."

"Though remember, those items are for the inheritor… Not for you… Buuuut… If they are under you… You know?..."

"Yeah yeah, I got it, besides, I'm not some manipulator villain…"

'Philip then looked at his Titles but he shook his head, unwilling to accept the harsh reality.'

"I'm just messing with you, if you found an inheritor, how would they protect themselves if you just handed them everything?"

"I can't go with them, I need to keep you company until you finish the Principal's requests, but neither can you let them be…"

"So... Siiiigh… More baggage?" Philip asked with a frown

"I'm afraid so." Laplace replied in agreement

'In the end, even if he found someone suitable, Philip couldn't let them be, and even if they could protect themselves, neither could he just go as many of the items inside could and will be of use to him.'

'The items inside the inventory needed to be delivered to the person at hand whenever they needed it, so he needed to be close at all times.'

'If it was him, then that's that, if it was Viera, she would be nearby regardless…'

'But if it was someone else… Considering most Archmages in the Academy are currently extremely pissed off, leaving someone with his inheritance wouldn't be wise.'

'So Philip was unconsciously tricked into protecting the inheritor because he needed to, else his oath would be broken, and he would also lose access to the boundless resources inside the inventory item.'

'There was all to lose in exchange for not taking care of an extra person. He could only hope that they would be easy to handle…'

"Since we're done with that… Time to continue." Philip said as he opened his status screen, ignoring Laplabe


And there he goes…

What kind of bizarre sight will he show me now?...

Just a shame that I can't see what he sees, I'm sure it would've been quite the sight.

'Opting to remain silent, Laplabe waited.'


'Philip opened a leftover notification, he now finally had the time to see what it was.'

When I was back in the prison cell testing my Magic, I received a new notification…

But I ignored it since I didn't have the time to occupy my mind with something else.

It's time now to see what the System wants to relay to me…

"It should be related to my Magic…"

Perhaps something along the lines of what happened when I replicated the Rodrigues Perfected Shadow technique?

It should be a decent reward…


[You have developed an entirely new and functional System of Magic]

[A never seen before way to manipulate the World, the ultimate achievement a Wizard may acquire]

[An achievement of untold magnitude!]

[You have made an achievement never once recorded in History!]


The fuck...

[Your Title, Magical Enthusiast has changed to Magic Lord]

[You have made an achievement never once recorded in History!]

[From your first interaction with magic until now, you've successfully mastered magic in record time!]

[You have gained the Trait, Flow]

[Congratulations on being the first Hero to master both Magic and Martial Arts!]

[Your Title, Jack of all trades has changed to Master of all trades(Incomplete)]

[You have made an achievement never once recorded in History!]

[From a no-name to a GrandMaster, you achieved an esteemed status in both Magic and Martial arts in record time!]

[You have gained the Title, Extreme]

[Congratulations for being the first Hero to achieve the rank of Lord through effort!]


[An imprint of your existence has been left on *****]

[A gigantic achievement]

[You have gained the Trait, Spiritual Mountain]

[Highly attuned spiritual bodies will now feel pressure when interacting with you]

[Affinity towards Magic has been raised greatly]

[Affinity towards all Elements has been raised considerably]

[Affinity towards Negative Elements has been slightly raised]

[Resistance to Chaotic decay has manifested]

[Your authority has been elevated slightly]

[Processing Achievements…]

'It seemed the System would have to think for a while since it went silent, thus, Philip decided to take a deep breath... While he still could.'

"I was wrong… This is… Big…" He said as sweat fell from his forehead

Perhaps even bigger than when I formed my Mental Palace and evolved it into the Castle Town... There are already 2 record achievements...

Or at least… In the same magnitude.

Is it really that significant? Did I end up messing with something massive without realizing it?...

Also, what's that with the censorship again? What does it mean by imprint…?

"A new Trait?..."

[Processing done]


Whatever those are, I'll understand it once these notifications end, I'll see for myself what the System means.

[You have made five record-breaking achievements and a few minor ones that will be fused into the rewards]

[First Achievement, developed a new and functional System of Magic]

[Second Achievement, became a Magic Lord in record time]

[Third Achievement, first Hero to achieve the rank of Lord through effort]

[Fourth Achievement, first Hero to master both Magic and Martial Arts]

[Fifth Achievement, achieved mastery over Magic and Martial arts in record time]

[Sixth Achievement, you have once again expanded the ***** with never seen before knowledge]

[Plus some minor achievements]

[Your rewards shall be given taking your current bodily state and condition into consideration]

[Displaying rewards…]

[You have gained the Title, Seeker of Magic]

[Your Affinity for Supernatural forces has increased]

{You have gained the Title, Judicator's Attention}

[To accommodate your new status, your body will be reforged and your stats regulated]

[You have gained the Abilities, Spiritual Pressure, Spiritual Manifestation, Command Magic

Host is incentivized to seek out more applications on his own]

[Skill fusion has detected 2 abilities suitable for fusion]

[Spiritual Pressure + Spiritual Manifestation]

[Special effect has triggered]

[Fusion will result -> Spiritual Control]

[Skill fusion will automatically activate and be added to the rewards]

[Chances of critical fusion have been considerably increased]

[Fusion complete]

[Critical Fusion!]

[You have acquired the new Ability, Weak Spiritual Domain Lv0]

[Advanced Skill Fusion Lv5 -> Lv7]

[Your Trait Spiritual Mountain is reacting with your Weak Spiritual Domain…]

[Skill fusion will automatically activate to aid the process]

[Partial conditions have been met]

[Your Trait, Spiritual Mountain has changed to Spiritual Ascension(Incomplete)]

[Advanced Skill Fusion Lv7 -> Lv9]

[You lack the minimal requirements to become a Spiritual Lord]

[You may choose 2 "skills" from any of your Secondary Statuses to pass on to your Main Status]

[The last reward shall be a pick between several choices]

[1- Race

2- Talent/Potential

3- Skills

4- Title Evolution

5- Path to fulfill the missing Requirements

6- The prospect to the Order of Magic or an Order of Second Magnitude

7- Increase in Authority

8- Communion with a Greater Power


[The host has 24 hours to make a choice]


'The moment all of the notifications finished playing out, Philip lost conscience.'


'His face hit the table, his eyes white…'


'Laplabe turned into a shadow as many tendrils started to check Philip's body, trying to figure out what was happening…'



'But suddenly, Laplabe felt an incredible pressure fall down on him, it wasn't heavy, it merely made him stop in place, his limbs freezing.'


What's happening to him this time to affect me like this?!

This damn kid will get me killed one of these days...

'If Laplabe had teeth, he would be gritting them right now.'

'The pressure so intense it made it hard for him to even speak or breath…'

'Despite the many times Philip fell unconscious and woke up, Laplabe was right to worry this time.'

'Because inside Philip's body, mayhem was happening…'

[Your body is undergoing a change…]


[Apex Evolver has…]


[Castle Town **** protects your mental body from collapsing]


[Your Dragon Soul remains unshaken under the Spiritual corrosion]

/Time passed.../


'Philip suddenly raised his head, looking around in great confusion.'

'Sweating extremely hard, Philip looked around in distress, trying to understand what is going on.'

'His shirt getting wet, his eyes red and unfocused, and his pupils were like those of a reptile.'


'Pain covered his body, but it wasn't continuous pain, it was similar to the pain that came after the most extreme of exercises.'

"Hey there! You okay, kid?"

"I… Wh…"


'Philip gulped down, trying to calm down…'

The world seems… Brighter?

What happened? My head hurts…

"I'm gonna puke..."

'Philip turned to the side and...'



He's awfully honest sometimes...



'After cleaning his mouth, Philip tried to recover...'

'He was sure his Trait would protect his mind, but does that extend to his brain itself?'

'He wasn't sure.'

"Against all odds, it does look like you're okay…"

"I'll move to the side to not get in your way."


'Laplabe transformed his body, and he moved to a shelf nearby, his body stretching as if someone had painted a long stroke of black paint in the air.'

"Once you're done recovering, you can talk with me to discuss what has happened."

'Honestly, Laplabe could stay near Philip if he wanted to, but he was afraid Philip would once again dirty him like last time.'

'He already endured that experience, he didn't want to go through it again.'

'Even a mimic has rights.'

"Haaaa… Okay… I got it..."

'Breathing in and out, the pain finally started to subside, allowing Philip to breathe easy knowing his body was recovering from whatever it had just gone through.'

"This is such…"

'Frowning, Philip took out a bottle of cold water from his inventory, splashing some of it on his face, and drinking the rest.'

'He was already drenched anyway, what would change if he splashed some water on his face? Besides, he needed that hydration asap!'

'And albeit he ignored it for now, he could already feel how hollow his stomach was...'



'After drinking the water, his head recoiled back, and he stared at the ceiling with a tired expression.'

This was intense, my heart is beating like crazy...

'He opened his system, but his hand hesitated.'

Before that, I need to take a look at this from a rational perspective.

"Why does this keep happening?"

Two days ago... The moment I replicated the Rodrigues Perfected Shadow technique, my Title of Martial Adept evolved into Expert, and eventually, Grandmaster when I fused everything into what is now known as Armament.

This was a result of the System being triggered due to a series of events related to my Class.

What does that have to do with this?

Simple, both are situations due to my Class abilities… Abilities prevenient from worlds outside.

But there are some things that need addressing.

First, why did it happen now? I had yet to transfer my magical abilities to my Main Class, shouldn't that be the trigger, considering that when I transferred my Hunter Skills from my first Class, nothing of the sort happened?

There were some reactions, but they weren't so extreme...


I have a few ideas…

What changed from that to now?...

My System broke down and was repaired.

So what if… It always tried to process these rewards, but it always failed, eventually culminating in its broken-down state as the problems kept piling up?

It stayed like that until the day finally fixed it

At that moment, all of my Achievements were processed, but most of them had likely… Been lost due to memory corruption.

As such… Now… My System can perfectly do them without a problem!

But this doesn't answer the question of how.

My Main System is different from my Secondary System, so how is it reacting to whatever happens due to it?

It has been like this ever since it was repaired…

'The dots started to connect…'

Does my Secondary System have anything to do with the Origin Orbs? The fragments?...

Even if one isn't directly tied to the other, are they perhaps related in any way, a connection meaningful enough so that the main System can now calculate properly?


"This is making me go damn insane!" Philip said as he slapped the table, making it tremble

If that's the case… Will this repeat in the future?

Every time I come back and bring new things… The System will go crazy since I have brought something it had never seen before, so it'll reward me immensely…

The proof of this is this notification:

[Sixth Achievement, you have once again expended the ***** with never seen before knowledge]

Whatever is this, I can be sure that every time I come back with a new Class, I'll definitely receive this Achievement.

This can be considered good, more rewards are always welcomed… Up to a certain point.

I'm being overwhelmed by this, I don't have the time to sit down and train properly, to understand myself, to fuse my abilities together…

The System keeps shoving me with things and I can barely hold them.

"Heh... I'm complaining about being rich... I'm so two-faced..."

"Sigh… Bickering won't lead me anywhere." He said with some conviction

Open Status!


Name: Philip Vinten

Race: Type 2+ Pure Human (+)

Home World: Earth (+)

Registered World: Eden (+)

Level 0

Class: None (+)

Title: Apex Evolver(One of a Kind) (+)

/Resonation Effect: Progenitor/

All Titles:

Exterminator of Nightmares; Hunter Genius; Antesunderian Archeologist; One man army; Master of all trades(Incomplete); Great Scholar; Martial Grandmaster; Magic Lord; Mental Lord; Blessed; Apex Evolver; Soldier; Protector; One of a Kind; The Invisible Hand; Seeker of Magic; Extreme; Judicator's Attention;

-Vital info-


Mind> 330.4 (399.9)(+)

Physical> 325.1 (368.3)(+)

Energy> 329 (399.9)(+)

Spiritual> 334.8 (371.8)(+)

Mystique> 250(+)


Armament Lv1 (Hybrid)

Mental force Lv13 (Hybrid)

Mental force manipulation Lv13 (Hybrid)

Mental Domain Lv5 (Hybrid)

Command Magic Lv0 (Hybrid)

Weak Spiritual Domain Lv0 (Hybrid)


Ripper Mode LvMax (15) (Active)

Ignition Strike LvMax (10) (Active)

Phantom Sword Lv16 (Active)

Great Scholar Vision Lv0 (Hybrid)

Origin of a Desire Lv0 (Active)

Advanced Skill fusion Lv9 (Hybrid)

Western continent language Lv2 (Hybrid)

Combat Genius LvMax (Passive)

Gamerverse (???)


Castle Town ***** (Recovering)



Sword Heart


Spiritual Ascension(Incomplete)


"By the 8 Divines…" Philip blurted unconsciously

Everything just…

My Race…

My Stats…

My Abilities and Skills…

Even my Traits changed… I got 2 more Traits!

W-Wait… Castle Town… It changed from Weakened to Recovering!

This is revolutionary!

'Philip closed his eyes, it was time to analyze again!'

"I need to go from the beginning…"


[Apex Evolver has started to devour the Trait, Flow]


The what and huh?

'Against his expectations in his moment of utmost calm and peace, the terrifying bell noise of the System rang, indicating his worries were far from over.'


'Philip smashed the table to pieces, making Laplabe smile at how smart he had been.'

"What's this supposed to mean?!"


'The shed trembled under his voice.'

When did I allow it?! I don't even know what this new Trait does!

'Before he even had time to react...'

[Apex Evolver has consumed Flow and added it onto itself]

"I… Am speechless." Philip said as he looked at the table below


'Magical light formed in his hands, and the table slowly moved back in place, its pieces fusing back together until it eventually returned to its pristine state.'

I guess this isn't that bad…

If it fused the Trait onto itself then it's one less thing for me to worry about, while it also doesn't matter, since the effect would still come from the Title… Right?

'Trying to make himself feel better, Philip thought of some nonsense as so to calm himself down...'

'Just when Philip was about to open the Title to check the changes… Something else happened.'


[Apex Evolver has started to devour the Title, One man army]

[Apex Evolver has started to devour the Title, Protector]

[Apex Evolver has started to devour the Title, Soldier]

[Apex Evolver has started to devour the Title, The Invisible Hand]

[Apex Evolver has started to devour the Title, Seeker of Magic]

[Apex Evolver has started to devour the Title, Extreme]

"I'm gonna have a fucking heart attack!"

'Philip's eyes turned bloodshot as he looked at these notifications, anger resurfacing from the depths of his Soul.'

'He understood that the Title was nothing more than a representation of his desire for evolution, and even if it possessed some sort of autonomy, it wouldn't try to harm him…'

'But that doesn't mean he agrees with its choices! Nor that he will allow his body to be handled like that!'

'It wasn't time for that yet!'

[Castle Town ***** soothes your mind]


'Philip, who was about to explode in anger started to calm down, his eyes going back to their normal sheen as he studied this phenomenon.'

'However, that didn't mean he wasn't angered, on the contrary, by studying all of this with his rationale, he got even angrier.'

"Who gave it such permission?... Stop it... For fucks sake."

'Philip didn't know what to do, what should he do? Is he supposed to let his Title devour things like that?'

'What if it decides to devour other things? Albeit it should be impossible… He is the very definition of something out of the boundaries of possibility.'

"Fine… Fine! Do what you wish!"

'Helpless that he didn't have a solution for this situation, Philip could only watch as his hard-earned Titles were devoured away…'

'But honestly, if he were to think it through, half of those Titles were useless with only some Nitche uses.'

'Even the bonuses they produced to him in the very rare instances they could be used were weak compared to his other main Titles.'

'So is everything just devoured away by his main Title, the one he always uses… Wouldn't it increase their value in the long run?'

'Even if he lost a little when that specific situation appeared, wouldn't he make for it by having a passive effect 100% of the time?'

'Of course, Philip had a certain greed, and that greed was fusing those Titles away when the opportunity arrived, and that would come whenever Skill Fusion evolved.'

'It may be far away, or it may be very soon, but he believed it would come one day…'

'So he felt it was a shame, that even if the destiny of his Titles are to be devoured, wouldn't it be better to fuse them together before feeding them to Apex Evolver?'

'He truly felt that it was a shame…'

[Apex Evolver has consumed the Titles]

[Some Title effects are conflicting!]

[Some Title effects are compatible!]

[Changes are undergoing within it]

[Apex Evolver has started to devour the Title, Hunter Genius]

"Even that… Your hunger sure is unsatiable…"

My first Title… I rarely use it since it can be considered useless… I have very few Hunter Abilities… I fused them all.

Well, Armament could be considered a Hunter Ability, I've honestly never tried it…

Considering its effects, if they extended to Armament, the Title might have some uses.

[Apex Evolver has consumed the Titles]

[Apex Evolver will go into slumber]


'Even more frustrated, Philip opened his Title to see for himself what changed.'

[Apex Evolver

Description: You seek to unshackle from the mortal body you currently reside in. One step at a time you will reach greatness through constant evolution.

But senseless evolution is not what you seek, it's the perfection in the flesh, the mystery of the soul, the spice in the mind, all of it is a perfect balance, a golden ratio, and only through that can you achieve a perfect evolution.

No one can stop you and all the tries shall become fuel for this endless mutation.

To seek a path none have traveled before, and to go beyond all others…

Effects: Body potential is greatly increased, along with your body's natural adaptation toward environmental changes.

First contact, your body creates a passive resistance to all environments it comes in contact with once. The degree of resistance depends on your body quality and how extreme the environment is.

Great Physic, your body has breached into its true potential, and hence, all of its attribute's raw values have been increased.

Your evolution choices have been considerably enhanced due to your great body quality. With the chance of one high Tier evolution appearing due to it achieving 5-State balance.

Your body can take and handle foreign sources of energy to a considerable degree without hurting itself. This may change depending on the origin and purpose of the energy.

Due to the absorption of the Flow, your body's ability to deal with any foreign energies has become immaculate, and most aggressive forms of energy corruption won't affect you.

This Title can be linked with another Title allowing for two Titles to be equipped at once.

One extra effect may or may not be generated when another Title is linked.

>Extra effect: Golden body

You achieved the impossible and evolved towards an impossible path, achieving the obscure 5-state body.

The Golden body is constant and as such, it boasts the same level of defenses from its outside to its inside.

The Golden body strives to keep the balance of the energies within itself.

The Flow of all things has been absorbed, and hence, the limits of this balance have been greatly increased.

>Extra effect: Seek the path ahead

You can see up to two evolutionary choices ahead.

>Extra effect: Extreme Apex

Terrifically increases the learning speed of new subjects.

You're slightly gifted towards all crafts.

Greatly increases all attributes when being challenged. The effect can be boosted and decreased based on your feelings.

Victory against stronger enemies proves to be more rewarding.

Recovery time from overextension is greatly reduced.

>Extra effect: Beast of the Battlefied

Fighting large crowds of enemies alone considerably boosts your Stats.

If in a group, take charge as the leader, and you may blend in with any Army.

Fighting while in a formation greatly boosts your Physical and Mental strength, up to how coordinated all members of the formation are, and how big it is.

The need to possess a formation Title is removed.

>Extra effect: Nest

Set up a nest in any location and at any time, claim it as your territory by defeating its previous ruler.

All intruders will receive a Mark, reducing their fighting capabilities while fighting them increases your Stats.

Fending off intruders temporarily boost your Stats.

>Extra effect: Shadow Lurker

Grants the Skill, Stalk.

>Extra effect: Veteran Hunter

Increases the Level of all of your Hunter's Abilities by 2 while also increasing their development speed.

/Evolver has absorbed 10 Titles and is undergoing a change/



'Philip smiled bitterly…'

This Title is perverted…

'His frustration had yet to go, he had barely had a chance to see what the new Titles did, but at least, it seems they still live on, even if now inside the belly of this monster.'

'But there was a lot to do still, time was ticking and he needed to make a choice.'

'Philip still had a lot to do.'

'So he raised his hand and tapped the air…'





Wow, there sure was a lot to take yeah?

Initially, I didn't actually intend for it to be like this you know.

It was supposed to be something very simple, just a raise on his Magical enthusiast Title...

But it ended up becoming this.

I thought it was fitting, he has indeed made an absurd thing, even if from his perspective, it isn't that big of a deal.

So I started to add more and more... And when I realized, I had this.

I still think I could've added more if we were going for covering all possibilities of what would happen, but I thought that I could easily add those later in a more appropriate situation instead of handing so much to Philip.

Anyway, we saw 2 more Lord Titles!

Spiritual Lord and Magic Lord made their way into the ring.

Albeit he failed to become a Spiritual Lord, he at least got something.

And while the Trait associated with his Magic Lord Title got absorbed, it's technically still with him.

And at long last, Mental Lord is finally becoming a thing.

Initially, when I started to write this part, I thought a lot... I was conflicted.

Actually, at first, I made that he became a Magic Sage, and the Magic King as an evolution of Grandmaster, but not yet a Lord...

Eventually, I scrapped Sage since I wanted Sage to be connected mainly to Knowledge, or a higher realm beyond Lord, perhaps more tied to the knowledge in the given field.

Perhaps the reason Philip failed to become a Spiritual Lord is that his knowledge in this field is so damn bad the System got embarrassed to call him one...

Anyway, despite all of this, I feel like the rewards were still a bit lackluster, considering he became a Lord, even though I based myself on his other 2 great spurts of growth.

It depends on how you interpret the choices he was given, because if so, then the reward may or may not make sense and add up.

Regardless, it's up to him to grab the option he desires, and who knows which one of those is the best one, and if even if there is a better one, would it be the suitable one for him to choose?

What do you think about this all? I like opinions and suggestions, especially if I forgot something or made a mistake.

Tomorrow there'll be another chapter since despite me taking a break from Danmachi for a week, I'll still write this one.

With that all in mind, have a good new year my fellows!