Chapter 6: Looking For Miles.

'Now this is a rich boy school...' Zoey marveled at the sight in front of her.

  Large black gates to keep any poor riffraff out, a huge school building with an outside pool, a track, and a field that could be used for football and soccer. Probably had a lot more shit inside too. Miles definitely got it good here.

'I wonder why he wants to be a gangster if he could get an education from a place like this.' Zoey thought.

  Maybe things aren't all good at home. But Zoey couldn't really judge other people's life choices too much. Considering her goal in coming in and coming to this part of the city. She wasn't blind to the danger and insanity of it. Just excited. It was an abnormal feeling that she shouldn't feel but it was one of the perks that came with getting the Status Box. Along with learning that magic and magicians were real. This was all to protect herself in the long run. Not just for the sick feeling of satisfaction of beating the face in of criminals and gangsters. That was a bonus, along with leveling her skills.

  Right now, Zoey was waiting for their school to end and Miles to come out. He seemed like the type to hold a grudge even when he was in the wrong. Zoey hoped that once he saw her, he would get help from one of his other friends. Then if she was lucky, a few of her skills and stats could rise today.


"What the fuck are we fucking doing today men?!" A spiky black-haired teen asked as he took a smoke of a cigarette.

"We could do some karaoke with some babes."

"I want to play pool."

"You always want to play pool."

"Hey you guys see that down there?"

"I can't see shit."

"That fucking girl by the gates."

"What about her?"

"Boxing gloves, black skin. Isn't that the crazy bitch that put Miles in the hospital?"

"Is her ass nice? He said she had a nice ass."

"How many fucking black girls are running around the city with boxing gloves?! Of course, it's her!"

"Should we give Miles a call and tell her she's here for him?"

"He definitely isn't going to be happy if we told him we saw her and didn't tell him about it."

"I'll call him, give me a second."

  The three delinquents sat upon the rooftop smoking on their lunch break. They were "friends" with Miles but they weren't one of his followers. He could bark, yell, and scream all he wanted at them but unless he flashed some cash, they weren't doing shit for him. The only reason why they were calling him now was because they were interested in seeing this boxing girl for themselves. Miles would no doubt call up his friends to take care of her for him, they wanted to see the show.

  If she could beat up Miles and his boys without being hurt, then she had to be capable somewhat. She also put Miles of all people in the hospital which meant she was new around here. Nobody would touch Miles without good reason or preparation. His pockets run too deep and his connections aren't weak at all.

"Why do you guys think she's here?"

"For Miles, why else?"

"Yeah but Miles is in the hospital not at school. Do you think she even knows he's in the hospital?"

"Maybe she got beef with someone else at our school."

"Oi, who is that walking towards the gate?"

"Is that Duncan?"

"Captain of the wrestling team Duncan?"

"Oh, he's going to crush that chick."

"Let's go down and get a better look!"

  They rushed down the stairs to make it to the gate.


"You're a big guy..." Zoey muttered as she saw the beefy uniformed boy coming towards the gate.

"Miles sent me. Meet me at the park and I will destroy you there."

"What park?" Zoey asked before he turned around and was about to leave. She didn't know the area all that well.

"... Liberty Park." He said after a moment of silence.

"I'll be waiting." Zoey told him.

  Instead of asking for directions to the park, Zoey decided to handle other stuff first. She went to a small café for snacks, a drink, and a bathroom break. The next time she came to the city, she had to bring a charger with her or something. Playing on her phone drained her battery fast.

  After spending some time to herself, Zoey finally walked to the park. School probably just let out for them unless rich schools had different times to get out. Once she made it to the park, she saw a crowd of people hanging around the area. Were all these people here for her? And how did they get out of school so fast? It should have just ended!

  Zoey was confident in her skills but she wasn't confident in taking on more than 20 people yet. Should she just run before they notice her? Would they be able to catch her? Her body stat was at a nice 1.1, which she guessed was 1.1x stronger than the average person.

"There she is! Come over here Boxing Chick!" Someone called her out.

  Everyone started to crowd around her, trapping her in a circular formation. The beefy boy from earlier glared at her while they were in the circle. This made her feel pretty relieved. It looks like she wasn't going to get jumped by all these people. They were just here to watch. Hopefully...

"Who are you?" He demanded.

"Uhh... A fighter?" She wasn't expecting such a simple question and answered like a retard.

  She thought they were just going to fight not talk. Zoey didn't prepare any answers for questions like that. At first, she was going to say something lame like a Fighter of Justice or something like that. But that would be too embarrassing.

"Duncan." He revealed his name. She only nodded, still refusing to give her name.

  Zoey's legs got lighter as she got into her boxing stance. She stood on her toes and kept her weight equal on both feet.

"Why did you hurt Miles? Are you serious about wanting to fight me?"

"Save questions for later... Fight first." Zoey said, nearly unable to contain her fighting spirit. Also irritated with all the questions.

"She's ready to go Duncan! You heard her!"

"Don't keep a lady waiting! She's ready to kick your ass! Haha!"

"Quit stalling you pussy! Aren't you the wrestling team captain?! Fight!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Everyone shouted together.

'A wrestler, huh?' Zoey took note.

  He let out a roar as he dropped down low and ran towards her with his arms open wide. Bad match-up for a standing fighter like her. But this will be a necessary and very fruitful learning experience in helping her learn how to deal with grapplers both standing and on the ground. As long as she was careful, she shouldn't take too much damage. He was slow but once he snatched her, it could be over in seconds.

  Zoey did the complete opposite of what everyone was thinking she was going to do. Instead of trying to dodge his charge and get out of the way of his arms, she instead dashed forward. She'll only get a chance like this once while he was still unaware of how she fought. If she ran away like a little mouse while tapping him every now and then, it could work. But she wanted to save something like that for when she had no other options.

"Oh my god! Is she crazy?!"

"The balls on this girl!"

"She's coming for you Duncan! Hahahahaha!"

  Zoey struck down from above and landed a blow to the side of Duncan's face, stunning him. Seeing him stumble after taking her punch, Zoey's arm reared back and landed another hit in the same spot, causing him to fall over on the ground. His fallen and dazed state was just ripe for taking advantage of. The boxing teen dropped to her knees and began letting off punch after punch on Duncan's head while he was down, surprising everyone watching.

  She didn't even give him the chance to get up! Normally for these delinquents, after you knock someone down, you at least give them a chance to stand and try again but this chick didn't care about that all! She punched and punched and punched while Duncan was trying to rise back up. The many blows to his head were affecting him badly and everyone could see it.

  Duncan managed to push Zoey away with his hand, allowing him to stand once again. He was pissed, in pain, and could barely take in what was happening around him. The loud voices of the crowd shouting didn't help him in his attempt to focus. But there was one thing he could focus on, that short black figure in front of him running towards him.

  Zoey leaped off the ground and aimed a strike straight towards Duncan's face while he was still recovering. All those hits from earlier had to have had an effect on him. Getting your head knocked around should do that to you. But sadly, it might not have been enough as Duncan took her punch head-on with his forehead and just grabbed her wrist.

"This is going to hurt a lot for you..." He growled.

  Duncan was shocked once he felt the strength of the girl trying to pry her arm away from him. Why was this girl so strong? No wonder Miles got his ass beat by her, her punches were enough to make him want to never take another one again. But he wasn't the captain of the wrestling team for nothing, if he couldn't hold down a girl as small as this, all of his weight lifting would be for nothing.