Chapter 36: Gaming With Bro.

 Zoey didn't instantly turn into a gaming master after gaining the gaming skill. The Status Box was powerful but it wasn't that powerful. It required her to continually build experience with the skill if she wanted the skill to level up and become unstoppable. Gaming Lv1 slightly improved her hand-eye coordination and aiming when playing a game. In their second, third, and fourth match, they all ended up in similar ways to the first match. Her brother got stream sniped and they were surrounded and gunned down. However, in the fifth match is where things took a turn for the better.


[Name: Zoey]

[Sex: Female]

[Body: 2.2]

[Mental: 1.3]

[Magic: 0.3]

[Skills: 6]

[Gaming Lv5]

  This skill leveled up quickly when she was doing everything she could to not hold her little brother back and give those sons of bitches a bullet in each of their skulls for harassing her innocent little brother. She didn't know how often something like this happens but she was definitely going to level up this skill until she's a gaming god and can defeat anyone in this game so that her brother could have an enjoyable experience. Just because he was a little kid, they think they can harass him? Just because he's trying to become a famous streamer and bring entertainment and joy to people across the world? Not on her fucking watch.

  Zoey knew if she didn't have the Box, she would probably be telling him to block and mute them on the game and move on with his life. That was a valid option as the blocking system in this game was made well. You wouldn't be matched up against people you have blocked but as a result of this, it may take longer for you to get into matches if you block a lot of people. She only knew this because Everett brought it up that they should just block them.

"One more round. If we get killed by them this time, then let's block them." Zoey said over the mic.

"Alright..." Everett put them into a queue and they quickly found a match in 10 seconds.

  As they were in the cargo plane getting ready to drop, Everett suggested that they land at the prison. Zoey did as he suggested and soon, they were falling towards the prison with their parachutes. xXYou_Zuck_PnessXx, Orphan Donor, BigNickDigger, and FuppyPucker were right behind them. Those were the stream snipers that had a hard-on for messing with her brother and trolling his streams. Once she landed, she ran straight into the prison building and began searching through the rooms for weapons.

  BigNickDigger came following right behind her punching at her with his fists. If he landed 4 punches or two jumping punches, it would be enough to knock her down. Since Everette wasn't anywhere near her at the moment, if she went down, she was dead. Thankfully throwing a punch slowed your character down for a moment which made it impossible for people to punch and keep up with people running away. Zoey managed to juke him and avoid most of his punches but not all of them.

  She had about half of her health left before she found a weapon. Luckily, she managed to find a Remington 870 along with some shells that were more than enough to carry her along to the end of the match. He managed to land another solid punch on her that sent her health below 25% as she was equipping the shotgun. As he was about to throw a punch that would've definitely knocked her down, she turned blasted his head off and pumped her shotgun. BigNickDigger's character immediately went down and Zoey teabagged his character before finishing him off with a second shot.

"I got one of them." She told Everette.

"Great! I need some help on the north side of the prison. I only got a pistol and there's a bunch of people here." Everett said over the mic.

"I'm on my way." Zoey began bandaging herself to recover some health as she ran to the north side of the prison on her map.

  The Remington 870 was a godsend in a location like this with tight spaces and short hallways. Anyone that came face to face with her as she turned a corner was instantly downed and eliminated from the match with two quick satisfying buck shots. Zoey's aim was borderline unbelievable. She didn't miss a single shot on her way to the north side of the prison. Taking out more than 5 other players to help her brother out. Of those five, Orphan Donor was one of them. He was equipped with an assault rifle and ambushed her at the door leading to the part of the prison where her brother was at. Orphan Donor nicked her legs and left arm, slowing her down and almost killing her.

  Zoey hid inside a cell next to the door leading to where her brother was and bandaged herself. Thankfully, he didn't come busting out the door to fill her full of bullets. Unlike Everett, they couldn't watch her screen unless Everett suddenly died and he started spectating her. Once she was all healed up, she opened the door and tossed a grenade where she heard his bullets firing from. Her headphones heard the sound of his footsteps running before the explosion went off. That was when she ran in. She immediately spotted him running behind a bunch of boxes that couldn't be shot through.

  Knowing that he didn't know her current position, she snuck around to his left before he could spot her. But Zoey wasn't the only one with good headphones, Orphan Donor was ready for her by listening to her footsteps and started spraying bullets once she made it to his backside. With one accurate buckshot to the dome, he went down while Zoey had less than 2% of health left. Her screen was red while the sounds of a heart beating rapidly came through her headphones. She gave him a quick double teabag before finishing him off and limping her way to Everett.

"You got any bandages?" Zoey asked.

"Yeah, I got some for you. If I make it out of this, hehe." He laughed.

"I'm here. I'm here. Where are you getting shot?" Zoey looked around but didn't see anything.

"Up top on the balcony and the exit door."

'Shit, the balcony? My shotgun can't get a good shot from that far away.' One of the disadvantages of the shotgun was long-range. It was unbeatable at close-range but basically useless at long range.

"I only got my shotgun. Can you toss me your pistol for a second?" Zoey asked, running her character over to Everett.

"Yeah sure, but are you sure you can hit him from here?" Even he wasn't confident in hitting xXYou_Zuck_PnessXx from down here.

"Maybe." Zoey picked up Everett's dropped pistol and hovered her crosshair over xXYou_Zuck_PnessXx's head.

  xXYou_Zuck_PnessXx was shooting at them with a submachine gun from the balcony while FuppyPucker shot at them from the exit with a light machine gun. Zoey pegged the penis guy in his head twice before he went into hiding. She then with the pistol aimed her sights at the puppy fucker. She shot him three times in the gut and his character went down, crawling off into the distance slowly bleeding out. The penis guy should be bleeding out and unless he has bandages, he should be dying soon just like the puppy fucker outside.

"Let's go." Zoey dropped his pistol for him and they started running outside the prison together.

  Everett picked up FuppyPucker's light machine gun after he bled to death outside the exit and they started running off towards the middle of the map before the Circle of Death killed them on the outer edges. The Circle of Death was a game mechanic that forced players to constantly be on the move. If you were caught outside the Circle of Death, your health would begin to slowly drain until you died or got back inside the circle. Eventually, one last player or squad will be left before the Circle of Death completely closes in the entire map.

  After escaping the prison and killing the stream snipers, Zoey found a military jeep. She decided to drive because her shotgun would be less effective in a shootout while they were driving compared to Everett's light machine gun. They made their way to the middle of the map where the Circle of Death was closing in and camped there together. Zoey went inside a building and searched for armor and bandages. Everett made his way to the roof to keep a lookout for other players coming.

  With the stream snipers dead, it was much easier to play the game without having someone know exactly where they were along with three other people. Zoey and Everett won their first game together thanks to their communication skills, excellent gaming senses, and good luck. She was given an extra level in her Gaming skill for winning and Zoey felt extra proud for helping out her brother. Maybe going for another round to teach them a lesson wouldn't be so bad.

"Sorry sis," He called her sis because he didn't want his viewers finding out their personal information because they already knew his first name. "That win was enough for me today. I'm gonna end the stream and do something else. But thanks for playing with me. I appreciate it..." He told her.

"No problem." Zoey responded.

"Bye guys. See you next time." He turned off the stream and quit the game.

  Zoey however, did not quit the game but actually queued up for another match. She acted quite subdued and friendly while on her brother's stream. While actually, she wanted to be completely toxic and unlady-like! Cursing out the players on the game, making fun of them for dying to her, and laughing as they raged! It was fun being toxic to strangers. Wait, no, it was fun to win! She liked the feeling of winning!