Chapter 49: How Did Thing's Get Worse?!

"Fuck everyone taking that punk-ass bitch's side! That motherfucker lost plain and simple. There's no reason for there to be any arguments about any of this. Zoey Winters whooped that little bitch's ass fair and square. You stupid motherfuckers were the ones to bet on a kid who was gonna lose in the first place! That little bitch's fighting record didn't have shit on Zoey's! Do you know how many times he lost compared to Zoey Winters?! A SHIT LOAD OF FUCKING TIMES! HOW RETARDED DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO BET ON A LOSER LIKE THIS INSTEAD OF AN UNDEFEATED QUEEN LIKE ZOEY WINTERS!? Alright, that's all I have to say about this stupid drama. Zoey, if you're watching, call me." James Johnson ended his video, and the war restarted in the comments on social media.

  The war that Donald Aldo so desperately tried to stop was as flimsy as wet paper. Now it was no longer something as simple as taking a look at themselves and acknowledging their rash behavior and mistakes. Now they were being insulted straight to their faces! It wasn't even about Donald Aldo anymore but the fans of good-hearted fighters themselves!

  James Johnson was not a good person in or out of the ring. He was arrogant, cocky, foul-mouthed, and usually gave respect to no one but himself. So to see someone of his character coming out and defending Zoey didn't really help Zoey's image. Unlike Zoey's Devil persona, Donald's personality was the real deal. That was who he was at his core, and it hit with a major crowd.

  Now some of James's fans were supporting Zoey if they already weren't. And because of his last comment at the end, many people began shipping the two evil fighters together. A match made in hell, some called it. James being the big evil while Zoey being the little evil. As the two were very different in size. When placed together, Zoey barely reached up to his belly button. That's just how large he was in comparison to her.

"Get out of my face. I think this whole incident is stupid in the first place. To think two nobodies could get so much attention. It doesn't make any sense." A contestant from the tournament pushed an interviewer's camera out of his face.

"I'm personally a fan of Zoey. Even if she's kind of an evil bitch, us girls gotta stick together after all. The fighting community is not that kind to us even when we do well." Another participate of the YFTL shared her thoughts. Many female fans flocked to Zoey because of the strength she had and the unyielding personality she gave off towards men. She was a real idol in the eyes of these fans because she was carving a new path that no woman has so far as ever done before in the YFTL.

"I don't know if Zoey was acting a character or anything in the ring, but if she was, she should quickly make a statement saying so." "Am I a Donald supporter or a Zoey supporter? Well, if I had to pick, I'd say Donald. He's kind of cute, and I'm not gay."

"My thoughts on Zoey Winters?" A calm, gentle voice repeated the question sent her way. "She's someone I plan to defeat with all my strength.

"Tch! I'll be the one to crush that girl." Cory promised to the cameras, his foot pointing directly towards the lens.

"I won't hold back and will give everything I have to beat her." Connie shared as she went back to training with her wooden sword.

  The day before, the next round of the YFTL was supposed to start, the YFTL was going to release an announcement about the incident between Donald and Zoey. The YFTL released an announcement about the incident that happened last Monday. An official statement that would either appease both sides, strengthen one side, or mean nothing at all. Everyone who cared about this entire situation in the first place all got onto Beetube to watch the live stream announcing the YFTL's decision.

"The Youth Fighting Tournament League officials are deeply embarrassed by the event that happened last Monday. We have determined that a number of factors have led to this event and we are quickly working to make amends." A group of men in business suits stood in front of the camera, bowing at the viewers.

"First off, Announcer Bob Jimmel and Secondary Announcer John Richardson have been placed on paid leave for an indefinite period of time. We have reviewed the factors that went down at the incident and realized that these two willingly making an underage child out to be a horrible person is what may have led to the riot that eventually broke out. Our announcers from now on will not be allowed to judge the character of our underaged fighters in a negative light no matter the circumstances." After he was done talking, he bowed, and another man rose up.

"Many of our fighters go into the ring with a persona. A persona being a role or character thought up by the fighter or their coach. These personas cannot be used for judgments of their official persons and should not be used as reasons to send negativity to these underaged children. The Youth Fighting Tournament league cares deeply for the physical well-being and mental well-being of our young fighters."

"We are willing to go to any lengths to make sure the Youth Fighting Tournament League is a place where they feel safe to be and express themselves. However they like."

"Now to the announcement that everyone has been waiting for..." The almost a million viewers in chat were going crazy spamming the comments.





"I'm glad the YFTL recognized the mental damage these children could suffer under the words of others. If everyone around you called you a villain, you would definitely start to think of yourself as one."

"Zoey was called the Devil of all things. Imagine the impact this could have on her mental health. I know some religious people were even talking about burning a cross in her family's yard!"



  Thousands of comments went by per second, and the media was eating up every comment they could. The good fans of Zoey and Donald, the bad fans of Zoey and Donald, the crazy fans of Zoey and Donald, and the ones who just came to watch the chaos and drama unfold. If people thought the chat was chaotic now, they were unprepared for when the results of the match between Zoey and Donald would be revealed soon.

"We at the YFTL have decided to rule the match between Donald Aldo and Zoey Winters..."

"In Zoey Winters' favor." And chat completely exploded.

  Instead of thousands of comments going by per second, hundreds of thousands of comments went by. Out of the almost one million viewers watching the live stream. It was difficult to read even a single comment going by before it was quickly replaced with a new set of comments. But thanks to the spammers, most people could see the reactions of chat. Many were crying out in uncontrollable rage and hatred for Zoey Winters and her fans.





  With so many hateful and toxic comments like these for an innocent child, the mods did their very best to ban as many toxic commenters as possible. They weren't banning them because they were right or anything of the sort but because spamming, bullying, and death threats were against the rules of the website. Some administrators on Beetube permanently banned accounts for hateful messages toward the 17-year-old child.

  After a few more closing comments from the YFTL officials, the live stream ended, but the people in the chat did not stop their comments. Somehow the battle between Donald Aldo fans and Zoey Winters fans turned into something that no one expected at all. Religion got involved somehow, racism got added, sexism, it was a complete mess that very few people could explain or understand at all. Regardless of whose side was right and whose side was wrong, there was a group of people that benefited from this chaos; The media didn't give a crap about either side and only cared about the drama!

  They fanned the flames of the war between Zoey Winters fans and Donald Aldo fans with their articles and reports.

[Supporting Donald Aldo means you are a white supremacist?!]

[Zoey Winters is the figurehead for Black Rights!]

[Supporting Zoey is supporting the Devil!]

[Donald Aldo is on the side of Christ!]

  By this point, it was too late for the YFTL to do anything. Things have already blown far out of proportion and out of their hands. Even if they tried to stop these false rumors and lies about their fighters, they didn't stand a chance against the huge media outlets. Too many people stood to gain from the war between these kids. Money was the sole cause for it. People happily gave money to anyone that seemed to know more about the situation, to learn about the situation, and to understand everything going on with it. Even people that didn't know anything about the fighting world soon came to know the existence of Zoey Winters and Donald Aldo.