Chapter 57: Zoey's Monday.

"We're going to definitely lose this year's Annual Meeting of Young Magjistars." A girl with a wrapped sword-shaped weapon on her back groaned. Zoey didn't think much of her statement. She was being rude but it wasn't like Zoey came here to win or anything. Her goal here was for skills, experience against fighting magjistars and to have some fun fighting against people who are strong.

"Come on now, Lea. At least let's ask the little guppies what they can do before dismissing them as dead weight." An older boy with too much hair gave a bright smile as he patted her shoulder. Looking at him made Zoey want to call him Hedgehog because of how ridiculous his hair was. It was basically as big as his body.

"..." A girl who looked like she watched too much anime and now thought that she should emulate her favorite characters just glared at Zoey. She had a mouth scarf with a monster's toothy grin designed on the front of it, long black and straight hair that reached to her back, and short stature that was about equal to Zoey's.

"Come on, we're not as weak as you think. Give us a chance. Without us, you'll have a huge handicap. The other 3rd years are out of state or the country and the rest of the 2nd years are here or missing." Alexander tried to reason with her.

"Weak." Cosplay Girl commented before turning her head away.

"You even brought a... wait, she isn't a normal person... Where did you find this magjistar?" Bossy Girl looked down on Zoey.

"I would also like to know more about you, mysterious magjistar. These two were the only trainee magjistars to pass the academy from what I remember." Hedgehog Hair also looked down at Zoey but with a smile on his face.

"This! Is our friend, Zoey! She was our Bringer before awakening her inner talent and becoming a magjistar." Alexander introduced her.

"..." Cosplay Girl and the others didn't seem impressed.

"Oooh, she's a late bloomer, huh? Lea's definitely fuming about that." Hedgehog Hair looked at the Bossy Girl that Zoey now knew was Lea.

"To think that I believed you two had talent... You brought this girl who probably doesn't even know the difference between magji power and magji control here to participate?" Lea shook her head looking at the three of them.

"How about we have a fight?" Zoey spoke up for the first time.

"Pfft." Cosplay Girl couldn't help but laugh and break her previous stoic appearance.

"Let's just calm down and peacefully discuss things before resorting to-" Hedgehog Hair's reasonable words were silenced as Lea took the wrapped object from her back and swung it in front of his lips.

"The little gully wants a fight. I'll give her a fight." Lea grinned.

"Sigh... I knew trying to join would be nothing but a mess..." Lindsay sighed.

  Lea led the way to an open space at the magji academy. A wide-open space, a forest to the side of them, and the school building to the left. Zoey and Lea stood across from each other as the others watched from the side. With her cursed boxing gloves ready to go, Zoey calmly bounced up and down to calm herself. Her fists shot out quickly and accurately into the air, a small warm-up.

  Everyone could see Lea smirking in mockery. Boxing? The gully sport with rules and limitations? Lea doubted Zoey ever got in a real fight in her life. She's been fighting daemons since she was in magji school. Her entire life was based around magji and daemons since birth. A weak gully that got lucky enough to unlock her magji talent believes she stood a chance against her? A C-Grade Magjistar who's on her way to being promoted to a B-Grade Magjistar? Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

"We're starting in 3..." Hedgehog Hair announced himself as referee.

"2..." Zoey faced Lea, her body bouncing from the balls of her feet.

"1..." Hedgehog Hair's hand was swiftly coming down.


"Combo Volume I: Combo Time." Zoey softly whispered.

  An aura of magji layered itself around and inside her body. She could feel the magji coursing through her blood, organs, and muscles. Zoey expected Lea to move in as soon as the match started but she stayed where she stood. It wasn't her first time being underestimated but when going up against this type of person, Zoey didn't feel like holding back to have a good fight for once.

  Zoey's feet rushed at the stationary magjistar. She grinned as she held out her wrapped-up weapon and prepared to block Zoey's attack, whatever it might be. Zoey's fist came rushing out like a cannonball. Before suddenly stopping inches away from Lea's weapon. Her other fist sneakily sunk itself into the ribs of the C-Grade Magjistar that caused her to suddenly spit out a wad of saliva.

  This was the perfect moment to capitalize on her arrogance. Zoey released a rapid whirlwind of blows as she circled around Lea. Only two punches landed on her body before Lea started to take the fight seriously. Zoey's punches could no longer reach her body with the C-Grade Magjistar blocking them with her weapon.

  Zoey didn't let up and only focused on speed. It was a new experience for her as she usually focused on technique or power. She constantly moved around Lea targeting any spot on her body without focusing on any spot in particular. Lea's obnoxious smirk was wiped off her face long ago and now she was trying to find the perfect moment to go on the offensive.

  The spectators could hardly believe their eyes, except for Alexander and Lindsay. They predicted two outcomes. Either Zoey lost horribly or their upperclassman would be in for a tough fight. Even though Zoey was doing really well right now, the two of them still didn't believe she had what it took to actually win once Lea started trying. If Zoey didn't give it her all now she won't have the chance to come back.

"Zoey! Give it your all before she can get used to your fighting style!" Alexander shouted in support.

  Said support went in one ear and out the other as the wrapping around the weapon burst apart and Zoey's glove was viciously chomped on by the weapon in Lea's hand. Zoey was very surprised by the unnatural attack but didn't let her combo end. Just as she felt teeth slashing down her knuckles, Lea's guard went down and she struck her fist into the magjistar's face. Lea was knocked off her feet and sent flying across the field.

'Combo. Combo. Combo.' Zoey's mind only focused on one thing. Keeping her combo going.

  Zoey tossed her cursed gloves away and smashed her bandaged fists together before chasing after Lea. Lea's face was bright red as her feet touched the ground and she slid across the grass, glaring at Zoey with her demonic knife. The knife was colored a deep red and black as it pulsated like it was a living breathing creature. Sharp dagger-like teeth lined the top and one side of the blade.

  Lea refused to be put back in that situation she was in before and this time charged at Zoey. Zoey didn't falter against the magjistar. It was as if she didn't know fear and this caused Lea to question the girl's sanity. Zoey's fist struck against the toothless side of the knife on the back of the blade, altering its path into only cutting into her thigh. This action of Zoey's actually caused Lea to overextend her initial slash and leave an opening that previously wasn't available to her before.

  With a quick grab of her wrist and a violent shove, Zoey managed to knock Lea off her feet straight to the ground on her back. She stomped on her wrist holding the demonic knife, bent her knees, and began unloading punch after punch on the girl's face. Each punch ramping up in speed and power due to the nature of her combo magji. Eventually, she was forced off the girl when something really painful slammed into her from the side and knocked her away.

  Zoey's eyes locked onto the source of the figure who caused the pain and knocked her fists against each other before speeding off toward Cosplay Girl holding a large open book in her hand.

" Word Volume II: Cripp---" A hand covered her lips and a mass of hair threw the book to the side.

  Zoey was also not spared from the entangling of the hair. Her arms, legs, neck, and torso were all wrapped around. She felt herself being lifted up from the ground and brought over to the others watching. Momentarily, she made eye contact with the cosplay nerd.

'You're dead meat.' She mouthed.

  No, she didn't feel bad about threatening Cosplay Girl who probably was very similar to her growing up. No friends, lack of any sense to properly understand common sense among popular people or just normal people in general, and a weirdo. These were all just assumptions on Zoey's part but she felt that the little cosplay nerd was exactly like she described. But there was a difference between her and Zoey and that difference was, Zoey was incredibly petty.

  If someone slighted Zoey for the smallest of reasons, Zoey would definitely remember it the next time they met. It could be something as small as stepping on her shoe, taking the seat she always sat in during class or simply looking at her in a certain way. Her brain would remember it and plan to take vengeance in any way she could, but being the socially awkward geek she was, rarely did she ever get payback on anyone that did her wrong. However, maybe things would change now that she isn't completely hopeless anymore. Socially, physically, and mentally.

"I have to apologize to you, Zoey. I didn't think much of you just like my friends here but after your performance, I'm more than happy to have you on the team. I'll get around to persuading these two." Hedgehog Hair suddenly reached out and entangled another fair maiden with its surprisingly soft but firm strands.

  Lea tried attacking her from behind while she was captured and helpless to resist. Blood leaked from her face and absolute hatred spewed out of her eyes. To think she had to team up with someone like this... Zoey had a feeling she'd be killed by her teammate before the enemy team could.

'Bring it, you psycho! This bitch ain't scared of anyone anymore!' Zoey wasn't afraid at all after beating her once. She dared Lea to try to fight her.