Chapter 76: Hanma Clan!

"..." He didn't respond back to that one.

'I think I pissed him off with that one.' Zoey inwardly snickered.

  His reaction to Zoey's insult was to run at her with his sword. The mahna covering his blade gave it a gray glowing aura around it. If it landed on her skin unprotected, it would easily slice right through like butter. A small smile was slowly forming on Zoey's face. This guy might actually be something...

  There were a few magjistar prodigies that Zoey felt were on her level during her bullying spree. If this guy was on the same level as them, Zoey was very excited to fight him. But, she didn't like his magji. It was annoying and didn't match up well with her fighting style. If he was really talented, he could bleed her out with a thousand cuts without getting hit once!

  He wasn't that fast though, so Zoey doubted it would come to something like that. At least, from what she could see now, he wasn't fast. He might be holding back or have a secret technique up his sleeve. It would be in line with ninjas and assassins to have something to fall back on. Zoey had her own trick for when she ran into something she couldn't handle. It wasn't often that she got to use it but that was for the best. A trick wouldn't be much of a trick if it was used often. People would start to expect it by then!

  Zoey had no more responsibilities for the rest of the day as far as she knew. After dealing with the twins, she planned to meet up with Victor to see what the hell she was supposed to do if they lie and paint her as some vicious criminal who had a craving for magjistar blood. A very easy thing to do because of the bullying spree she went on with Victor for techniques. Unless they very conveniently gained amnesia about the entire event...

'Hmm... I never tried blackmailing someone before. And with Victor behind me, I can get away with things that most magjistars in my position can't...' Zoey clicked her tongue in annoyance. 'Fuck. I really wanted to have some fun with this guy too.'

  Zoey prepared herself to strike her hitman at the same time he planned to slice right through her. She was more than confident to see how much pride he had in his sword technique. Would he take her fist head-on or avoid it like last time? Zoey's fist tore through the air as it headed straight for Mr. Assassin's face.

  Mr. Assassin passed right through her like a hazy illusion. A disappointed sigh accidentally escaped her lips but then again, magjistars weren't the type to fight the way she liked to fight anyway. As a proud meathead, she liked to clobber, overwhelm, and sometimes toy with her opponents. Magjistars liked planning things, keeping a distance, and spamming magic to win.

  After passing through the ninja, Zoey blinked behind her while still facing forward and reached out with her boxing glove morphed into a daemonic dog head. A surprise groan cried out as she caught the assassin by the throat with the teeth of her cursed gloves. Zoey received two quick kicks to the midsection after capturing the guy but barely felt anything at all. She patiently waited for him to go all ghost-like again to chase after him and pound him into the dirt but... he didn't.

  Zoey suddenly revealed a terrifying grin as she figured out a certain secret of this assassin.

"You can't use your magji when in contact with another person, can you?" Zoey asked.

"..." Sweat dripped down the forehead of the masked figure.

"Have you ever killed a person before?" Zoey suddenly asked him.

". . ." He shook his head.

"I can't tell if you're lying so it doesn't really matter anyway." Zoey shrugged before she rammed her fist into the pit of his stomach.

  The masked ninja spit up inside his mask with saliva darkening the mouth area of his mask but Zoey did not release her hold around his neck. A second punch came targeting the same spot and the assassin was helpless to resist it. Zoey had to force him to the ground unless she wanted vomit on herself because he could not keep his vomit down after that second punch. With him completely helpless like this, she pulled out her phone and started texting Victor to come to her. She still kept a firm grip around his throat though.

"Be right there!" Victor responded through text.

  As Zoey was waiting, she pulled off the ninja's mask and took a good look at the guy who came after her life for some reason. Snot, vomit, and blood mixed with his good looks kind of ruined the reveal for Zoey. Long straight blonde hair that reminded Zoey of a supermodel's hair, a fair-skinned face that would probably be beautiful if it wasn't in the state it was now, and strong willpower it seems. If Zoey couldn't see their junk innocently lying underneath their outfit, she would think this was a girl rather than a guy around her age!

"I'm here!!!" Victor appeared from out of nowhere. "Oh, uh... Should I give you some privacy?"

"What do I do about assassins?" Zoey ignored him as she sat on the assassin's back. "Oh, and the twins! How do I deal with them if they try and lie about me?"

"Assassins, huh?" Victor crouched down and took a good look at the guy underneath Zoey. "You messed him up pretty good. I'm surprised. This kid is from the Hanma Clan and since they sent him after someone like you after all the videos I put up, he had to have some skill."

"He was so-so." Zoey gave her honest judgment.

"So-so!? I've trained all my life to master my clan's techniques and assassination skills and they were just so-so in your eyes!?" He tried to force himself from underneath Zoey's butt in anger but it was a pointless effort. Zoey just put more of her weight down on him.

"You need more experience." She answered him. "It was one of the reasons why I asked if you ever killed someone."

"Experience...? I... need more experience? I grew up killing daemons since I was four!"

"There's a difference between daemons and humans, you know?" Zoey stated the obvious.

  It was also at that point that Zoey realized that he may have killed before but not a human. She could've been his first human target. Zoey didn't know whether to feel proud or pissed. Mainly because she didn't do anything to deserve being killed in the first place! This Hanma Clan... Maybe the magji world would be better off without a clan like this.

"How strong is the Hanma Clan?" Zoey asked Victor.

"I know what you're thinking but it's still too early for you to deal with them now." Victor chuckled.

"How about you just answer my question instead of assuming you know what I'm thinking?" Zoey rolled her eyes.

"I'll think about it." Victor grinned.

"Annoying." Zoey sighed. "So, what should I do about him?"

"You can do anything you want to him honestly. Break all his bones, throw him to a nearby daemon so they could feed on him, let him go on his way, it all depends on how you feel." Victor informed her. "At best, he has some knowledge on your capabilities and whatever else you talked with him about during your fight."

"He knows I'm looking for friends but I don't think that's too important, right?" Zoey looked over at Victor.

"If you do plan to let him go, be wary of anyone trying to befriend you. But that should be the case anyway, you little monster. There are dozens of people who would love to use you for your strength." Victor advised.

"Alright." Zoey used one of the new magji techniques she gained from Victor as part of her deal during the bullying spree.

[Mahna Gathering Bomb Lv1]

  Zoey gathered the mahna from within the Hanma assassin's body for a few seconds before she felt resistance. A quick punch to the back of the head and a second attempt fixed that resistance she felt. Soon, a majority of the mahna in his body was gathered into a small white sphere that floated above Zoey's hand. She tossed it into the air, got up from the guy's body, and gave him a devastating soccer kick to the ribs for trying to kill her.

  He fainted from the lack of mahna flowing within his body and the combination of injuries he received from Zoey. Zoey left him lying on the ground as she went to the hospital with Victor to deal with the twins. Maybe conveniently giving someone amnesia wasn't as impossible as she thought. How hard could it be to threaten two kids?

'Am I turning into a bad person or is it the world that's bad?' Zoey suddenly wondered.