Chapter 89: A Promising Partnership?!

"Let's make a magical oath on it." Zoey suddenly remembered.

"An oath?" Prometheus' ears pricked up at this.

"That's right. Just like you said before! We'll have an equal and beneficial relationship afterward in exchange for helping you and some of your men from dying here. You'll share with me anything magji-related when I ask and from time to time, I'll lend you my services as long as it doesn't involve killing, harming, or endangering innocent people." Zoey offered.

  At first, she thought about threatening him into making an oath with her that would basically make him her slave but the realization that all daemons weren't human-hating predators stopped her. He didn't harm her and as far as she could tell didn't plan to. His first choice was to help her find her way to the East Wing even if it was for his own survival in the end. Almost all of the other daemons she's met's the first choice would be to ambush her before she made it to the East Wing and kill her.

'I'll give him a chance.' Zoey trusted her instincts.

  She didn't trust the daemon but she trusted what she felt from him. That being, he didn't want to come into conflict with her no matter what. Zoey felt a little bit proud that he could notice how strong she was. She could barely imagine just how much stronger she'll be once she gets her hands on more magji techniques to learn like Overdraft and Mahna Gathering Bomb. Even now she had a crazy training plan in mind for Overdraft to boost her strength even higher. Although, she might need to find a healer magjistar before attempting to practice with that technique.


  When Prometheus was first born, he was nothing more than a lowly creature of instinct. He lured, hunted, and devoured humans just like any other newly-born daemon. Despite being created from the suffering of several victims from a well-known human criminal organization, Prometheus didn't begin to think until he nearly lost his life against a group of magjistars. They were in a group of three and played with him like an animal. Spells after spells slammed into him. His cries for mercy and help were drowned out by their laughter.

  Prometheus never felt so helpless and weak in his entire life. He cursed the humans. He cursed his uselessness. He cursed the world for bringing him into it without any way to defend himself.

  Then just as one of the magjistars was about to deal the finishing blow, Prometheus felt a violent tug from his magji shard. In seconds, information and knowledge on how to escape from this situation flowed into his mind. Step by step planning to ensure his successful escape. Knowledge and information gained from the one-sided beating he received from the magjistars. Detailing their strengths, weaknesses, habits, and a chance percentage. Prometheus felt his mind expand as thoughts raced through his head.

  As Prometheus went through scenario after scenario in imagined escape attempts, the chance percentage began to increase from 0% to 100%. It is lowered based on lack of information or plausibility while increased based on facts. The condition his body was in at the time was horrid. Saying he was on the verge of death would be accurate enough. Performing any physical actions resulted in a 0% for escaping no matter what he tried. So, he didn't rely on his body but on his mouth.

  It felt like hours went by for Prometheus as he used his magji shard to think of ways to talk his way out of dying a dog's death. But in the real world, only a few seconds passed. His lips and tongue worked in tandem as his entire demeanor changed instantly in the eyes of the magjistars.

"Before you kill me, could I convince you to spare me?"

  The young magjistars only smirked and laughed but nonetheless, they were interested. They demanded he explained what he had that could benefit them. Prometheus was already utilizing his daemonic magji awakened only a few moments ago.

"I know places where several daemons hunt. If you promise to spare me, I will tell you of each place along with the characteristics of each daemon."

  This got the trio thinking. More daemons to hunt along with information on their strengths would get more cases under their belt. More successful cases meant they would be closer to rising up in the ranks. But every magjistar was taught not to trust the words of a daemon. A magjistar's main plan when encountering a daemon is to kill it on sight! Anything else was unneeded in the eyes of the OM.

  On the border of life and death, it seemed that Prometheus managed to survive. The trio agreed, completely unaware that they were making a heart oath to the World. Something that Prometheus didn't understand at the time. After fulfilling his side of the deal, the humans tried to go back on their deal. Each one sent a spell intended to kill him right then and there. However, as soon as their intentions were made known to the World, their heart stopped and all three fell dead not understanding why. Prometheus thought his life was over only to realize that he managed to survive somehow.


"I, Prometheus, vow to uphold my side of this deal." Prometheus felt something draining from his magji shard as the words left his lips.

"Good. Also, I don't think I can be seen working with daemons. So, our relationship is going to have to be on the down-low, alright?" Zoey felt the need to tell him.

  She didn't plan to become some revolutionary figure just yet. The day when humans and daemons could coexist was not now. She was still too weak for something like that. Not to mention, this guy and his group seemed to strange compared to all the daemons she met so far. They might not be a good representation of regular daemons!

"How should I contact you then?" Prometheus questioned.

"Phone or social media. You got a phone, right?" Zoey asked to make sure.

"Yes..." Prometheus wasn't stupid.

"Great. Go to your contacts to put my number in. It's 202-555-0372."

  Prometheus saved her number on his phone and was quite pleased that things were working out so well. Soon after, Zoey and Prometheus began to discuss in detail how she in particular was going to save his men. Mostly Prometheus giving her helpful details about the strongest daemons in the school building still alive and a warning about the secret hidden underneath the gym.

"Try not to spill too much blood if you can help it. As far as my magji shard is telling me if too many perish here, an unspeakable evil will be born from the blood of hundreds." Prometheus warned her.

"Well, I can just run away if things get too difficult. I'm pretty confident in my running skills." Zoey smiled. There were also the higher-ranked magjistars stationed here. They should be able to handle it. After all, Zoey was just a lowly bringer.

"I see..." Something told Prometheus that avoiding the daemons wasn't what Zoey had in mind at all. "Little Imp, please lead our new friend to her destination and avoid being seen or heard if possible. I'm going to need another drink soon." Prometheus downed the rest of his liquor as Zoey left with his right-hand man.

  Little Imp turned invisible and flew next to Zoey. He was going to lead her to the strongest daemons and it was Zoey's job to avoid as much bloodshed as possible while focusing only on the strong daemons. A wide grin appeared on Zoey's face as she followed Little Imp's directions. All this free exp and he wanted her to skip out on it?! No way! He's out of his fucking mind! All Zoey had to do was kill without spilling blood. How hard could it be?


  Turns out, it was pretty difficult but not impossible. Multiple daemons rushed at Zoey once she entered the East Wing alone. The gas obviously strengthened daemons but it also seemed to drain them of their sanity. In front of her were drooling, crawling, mindless beasts. Zoey felt a little light in her head as if she was about to step on cloud nine from cloud eight. Overall, it felt nice and worry-free. Little Imp had layered cloth over its nose and mouth to protect it from the gas.

  Zoey's body and mahna worked together as she planned to use Twisting Force to kill these daemons. She rushed at the daemons rushing at her. Multiple lightning-fast jabs landed on their faces as she slipped through the group with ease. Her feet shuffled, slid, and bent as she avoided their attacks. Each daemon hit was left with a critical portion of their body twisted in a horrific manner, unable to continue fighting or instantly dead. Zoey left behind those that weren't dead as she focused on honing her magji technique.

  Could she control her Twisting Force punches to shift between clockwise and counter-clockwise? What about controlling the size of the twist? Instead of twisting the entire face of the daemon she punched, could she only twist their nose or mouth? Was it possible to use Twisting Force on objects besides herself? Wait! How far could she even use it on herself?!

"Hmm? A human has made it this far alone?" A winged female daemon sat on top of a teacher's desk with two animal-like muscular daemons resting next to her.

  Her large blue breasts hung freely and with pride as she slyly smiled at Zoey. A red blush crept up on Zoey's face as she quickly focused her attention upward. Zoey wasn't gay but damn, even a girl can appreciate a nice pair of tits every once and a while. It's a shame this daemon wasn't like Prometheus. Then again, if this daemon tried to fit into human society, Zoey would have no idea where she would belong. A gas that can weaken humans doesn't seem to fit any job she could think of. Unless it works on animals too. Then maybe she could work as a vet or something? Possibly.

"Seen enough, yet?" She smirked. "I guess ogling my body is as gracious enough of a parting gift for a lowly human like yourself. I didn't realize human women also had an interest in the bodies of other females."

"Some are but I'm not like them. I can just admire a good thing when it comes. Now, are you ready to fight?" Zoey got in her fighting stance, boxing gloves raised.

"Sorry, sweetie. I'm not much of a fighter, you see? Without my pheromones, I'm just a pretty face." She smiled, noticing Zoey's immunity to her magji.

'Oh, this won't take long then.' Zoey prepared to move.

"But, I do have helpers for situations like this." As she finished her sentence, a giant hulking figure crashed through the board behind her along with several other daemons strengthened by the winged daemon's pheromones. "Take care of her for me, boys." And they all charged.