Chapter 105: Zoey Winters vs Angelica Myers Continued!

  Zoey sat flat on her ass after being punched by Superstar. She could feel blood dripping down her nose and the taste of iron in her mouth. A normal human managed to surprise her and even make her bleed? Haha, no fucking way bitch. Actually, Superstar just used magji in front of all these people just because she got pissed. That sudden use of magji increased the speed of her punch after Zoey was already used to her regular attacks.

  Zoey licked the blood around her lips with a grin as Superstar came rushing at her downed figure. Unlike in boxing, the match doesn't come to a brief stop when one fighter goes down. As taught by her world champion grappling instructor, Zoey leaned on her back and struck out with her feet to prevent Superstar from mounting her. Her eyes locked in as she turned with her feet in any direction Superstar tried to come at her at.

  From the audience perspective, it was an incredible strange thing to look at if they weren't regular fans of mixed martial art fights. Angelica was unable to press her advantage as each time she got close Zoey would just push her away with her feet with surprising strength. The huge screaming and cheering slowly came to a halt after Angelica's first successful hit, now everyone watched in excited anticipation to see if she could be the first fighter to defeat Zoey Winters or will she end up like the rest of Zoey's opponents.

"Quit playing around, Winters. I know you're holding back." Angelica Myers got out of her fighting stance with a smile as the bell rung, signaling the end of the first round.

"..." Zoey grunted in pain as she forcefully bit her tongue as she was about to say something completely inappropriate.

  Talking about being a girl who likes a little foreplay in front of a big ass audience like this would be showing too much of Inner Zoey. She was 17, not 18. Almost an adult but not quite there yet! And yes, in America that one digit difference was a huge difference. Just because 17 and 18 were so close to each other did not mean they were similar in any way.

"How ya doing, kid?" Coach Scott asked from outside the cage.

  Zoey grunted in response with a relaxed posture in her corner. Crouching with her arms spread out, legs spread out, eyes staring directly at the smiling face of Superstar. She wondered just how much Superstar could handle. It was the first time facing a magjistar from outside of the country as far as she knew. As a sort of magjistar immigrant herself, she knew very little about the customs, norms, and whatever of the magji world.

  Zoey didn't go to that magjistar school every young magjistar went through. They only teach young kids because that's when they go looking for them. Her situation was a first from what Victor told her. People around her age don't suddenly awaken their potential for magji. If they don't have potential when they're younger, they don't have it at all. The OM finds children with magji potential at very young ages. How? She had no idea. Probably some magji device or something in the hands of the OM.

  The one-minute round break was over and the second round started. Zoey and Angelica started off the second round strong. Both fired off a powerful straight toward each other. Although neither was using their full power, it was enough force that it caused the audience to go crazy as their fists clashed together. Neither fighter fell back from the clash and simply pulled their fists back to prepare another attack.

  Zoey smiled as she measured exactly how much power was behind Superstar's fist. She decided to equal it in power and defeat Superstar with skillful technique! Zoey's Victorious Boxing wasn't going to level itself if she just overpowered all of her opponents without giving them a chance to fight back. For Superstar, Zoey decided to go with Regular Boxing Form. The only form in Zoey's Victorious Boxing that balanced offense and defense equally.

  Superstar rushed forward with a flurry of powerful punches. Each punch had magji behind it, giving Zoey little room to handle them safely. Zoey curled up into a defensive shell while weaving her upper body. The blows from Superstar seemed to slide and curve off of Zoey's body somehow. They landed on Zoey's body for sure, however they didn't impact with the full force behind them. Zoey negated most of the damage from Superstar's offensive rush while also dashing in close.

  Angelica had an entire head over Zoey and it showed through the range of her attacks. When Zoey managed to force her way into Angelica's guard with minimum damage, her options to retaliate were limited compared to Zoey's. Zoey reared her fist back as she broke into Angelica's space. Both fighters knew how devastating Zoey's blows were. Angelica's eyes widened in surprise but she did not panic.

  Angelica knew that she couldn't let this punch go through. Zoey Winters had fists that could down sumo wrestlers. It wasn't an exaggeration to compare her fists to man-made and natural weapons. Utilizing all the energy in her body, Angelica forced herself into moving her body in a way that would definitely injure her. Her body creaked and groaned at the magji usage.

  Zoey couldn't help but stare in shock as her opponent damaged her body just to escape her punch. No, it wasn't just escaping her punch but actually countering her completely! Superstar grabbed Zoey's outstretched fist and with a perfect textbook arm throw Zoey's ass was on the matt again. She couldn't help but laugh. This was actually fun!

  As Angelica dived down to pummel the downed Zoey with hammer punches, she was met with a sudden fist to the face from the girl on her back. Angelica stumbled backward holding her bloody nose in shock. Then she heard laughter? Zoey Winters was laughing as she got up off of the matt and then suddenly ran at her.

  Angelica kicked out with her foot to stop Zoey's advance. Imagine her shock when the girl came to a dead stop and grabbed her vulnerable leg with one hand. Panic filled her body as Zoey raised her elbow. With a hop off the mat, Angelica kicked the leg she was balancing on toward Zoey's face. Only for Zoey to catch that one as well much to Angelica's shock.

  Zoey grinned as Superstar fell to the mat face first with both her legs caught. She gripped Superstar's legs underneath her armpits and began to slowly twirl the girl around in a circle. Soon the two girls were spinning in a whirlwind around the ring. The audience went ballistic at the sight of this wrestling move.

"Dear Lord Chuck what am I seeing right now!?" Announcer Mike shouted into the mic.

"Are we sure this is a match between two teenaged girls? You couldn't see a fight as exciting as this if you were watching a match between two professional fighters with a decade-old rivalry!" Announcer Chuck yelled.

  The sounds of screaming in the audience peaked as Angelica went flying into the cage after being tossed by Zoey. Everyone could see that she was dazed after being spun so fast. Zoey could be seen laughing as she followed up her toss with a savage pummeling. Angelica Myers could be seen desperate defending her face from the blows of the girl but Zoey Winters wasn't just targeting her face. She just rained blows down on Angelica's figure for the hell of it!

"Ref, you got to stop the match before she kills her!"

"She's being slaughtered! The Devil takes no prisoners!"

"Stop the match! Stop the match!"

  Angelica Myers wasn't down and out just yet though. Although pain ached her from every part of her body, her will to win wasn't something a little pain could stop. With an unknown source of energy, she forced herself up and tackled Zoey Winters to the ground. When she looked down at the American girl, she only saw a devil smiling back at her. For some reason, something about that smile filled Angelica with fury.

'You're not better than me!' The voice in Angelica's heart shouted.

  Zoey felt that maybe this friendly match wasn't so friendly as she saw the look on Superstar's face. Superstar mounted her and went for the ground-and-pound finish. Each blow was slowly ramping up in a power, forcing Zoey to rely more and more on her defensive technique. Using her guard to block punches to her face, moving her head and face around to dodge, and throwing back punches of her own to get Superstar off of her.

  Although multiple of her punches landed on Superstar's face, she did not want to get off at all. Zoey couldn't help but laugh at how fun this was. It wasn't as if Superstar was weak either. If a normal person was hit by these punches, they'd be hospitalized in seconds. Even with Zoey keeping her magji power equal to Superstar, it still felt like she was being hit with bricks.

  Angelica's revenge from being spun around and thrown like a sack was interrupted by the referee. He forcefully put himself in between the two girls and sent them to their corners. The bell for the second round rang and it was time for their last break before the final round. Angelica and Zoey broke for their corners. Angelica, with a grim look on her face and a slight limp. Zoey with a smile on her face and full of energy despite her injuries.