Chapter 110: The Speech!

"Hello, everyone. My name is Lindsay Hoffman, and I'm a graduate of Extraordinary Magji Academy who was given the golden mark for certain to exceed as a magjistar. After only a couple of months of solving cases, I'm already a B-grade magjistar with a 100% rate of success for my cases." Lindsay introduced herself to the council. She heard appreciative noises and saw some nodding, which was a good sign.

"I'm here on behalf of myself and a few others to suggest an idea that we hope the Council will consider is worth investing in for the sake of the magji community as a whole. But before I begin, I must ask, is the Council aware of the recent events of two magjistars nearly revealing the existence of magji to the world?" Lindsay asked.

"Victor's apprentice, right?" Tyson, Head of Magji Defense, asked in a casual tone.

"There was also that foreign magjistar, right?" Harper, Head of Internal Defense, added.

"Correct. These two young magjistars are well known within the normal world for their fighting prowess. However, they aren't the only ones. There are many others in the magji community that are secretly involved in the normal world's fighting community. Connie Blade, Cory Mars, Jacky Collins, and Joseph Astor are just a few talented magjistars that are involved in the normal world's fighting communities."

Murmurs of interest were shared by the Council heads. This information was certainly news to them. They had enough on their hands trying to keep up with the rising incident with daemons forming groups. Whatever was going on with the youth of today was the farthest thing from their minds. As long as they were solving cases, the Council didn't care much for what they were doing outside of that.

"This brings up the question of why there are so many talented young magjistars going to the normal world to fight instead of trying to solve as many cases as they can. Surely if it was just fighting, they could get enough fighting by taking on daemons, right?" Some nodded, while others kept silent. "Unfortunately, it isn't that simple. There's an inherent risk in taking on cases, and that risk is the possibility of death! Even if one takes a case that's suited for their rank, it doesn't mean that they can't be killed while solving it." Lindsay went on.

"They're scared of fighting to the death, so, they go and play fight with gullys?" Tyson asked.

Ignoring the dismissive and vulgar remark toward people who couldn't use magji, Lindsay continued her speech. "The natural fear of fighting to the death is present in most magjistars. No one wants to die, and no one wants to face death just for the possibility of getting stronger. If there was an opportunity to fight without possibly dying, who wouldn't take it? Fighting is the only way for magjistars to grow stronger. Testing their skills, their physical limits, and learning how to use their spells comfortably."

Lindsay could see it was time to hit home.

"What I'm here to propose is that we add a specialized combat sport for the magji world. Instead of having our magjistars go out into the normal world and potentially risk exposing the existence of magji to normal people, why don't we just give them a reason to stay in the magji world? Let them fight against other magjistars without getting the Council involved to punish them for fighting or their background involved. Just a test of skills between magjistars. The outcome of the match will simply be a learning experience and not an opportunity for relationships to worsen in the magji community. Participants in the sport would be able to freely show their magji skills and improve them regardless of if they win or lose. No threat of death in case they lose, just the understanding that they have more to improve on during their training afterward." Lindsay suggested.

"That sounds kind of fun." Tyson laughed in amusement. "So, we let all the little squirts go at each other with no repercussions afterward, no matter who wins?"

"Of course, there shall be several rules to ensure the safety of fighters, the safety of those in the audience, and the safety to fight without worrying about something happening outside the ring. But for the most part, yes." Lindsay let out a breath of relief.

"This idea isn't bad." Xavier, Head of Magji, rubbed his chin.

"I agree." Daniel, Head of Safety and elder from the Star Clan, nodded in agreement.

"There are also several benefits to making this for the Council." Now that Lindsay had their attention, she had to strike it home why it would be beneficial to them to implement this. "Through this competition, the talents of the current generation would be on display for the Council to see. This makes it easier to find out which competitors had talents worthy enough to invest in or decide to take on as an apprentice. Magjistars will be closer to one another as a result of bonding through fighting. Joining cases with people you can trust and know the techniques of will greatly improve the success rates of cases. For injuries, we could have the Star Clan practice their magji on the injured participants to help them develop their techniques more." Lindsay continued.

"Alright, enough." Xavier stopped her. "Thank you for properly making an appointment and bringing this to our attention. We will get back to you about our decision soon. You may leave."

"Oh, alright. Thank you for your time and for considering my proposal!" Lindsay thanked them as she left.

Lindsay was met with the faces of her friends. She didn't particularly know how to face them. The way the Head of Magji interrupted her confused her. It seemed like the Council was more likely to take up her idea, but honestly, she didn't know.

"That face doesn't look like a success to me," Hayato commented in his deadpan voice.

"How did it go, Lindsay?" Alexander asked.

"I really don't know to be honest. It looked like they liked the idea, but they suddenly cut me off during my speech and sent me out." Lindsay explained.

"Sounds like they hated it and were just being nice because we're kids," Hayato said.

"Or... They heard enough good points about it and already considered accepting it." Alexander gave an opposing viewpoint.

"Guess we have to wait and see who's right and who's wrong." Joseph chuckled.

"I hope it goes well..." Lindsay sighed. "We put a lot of work into this, and if it doesn't pay off, I feel like all of our hard work was wasted."

They spent several days thinking of all the good things and bad things about making a fighting league. They came up with several rules, vending areas, advertising, and different types of battles, with some involving captured daemons or magjistars fighting in a group and loads of other stuff in their proposal pamphlet. If all of that was just thrown away, Lindsay didn't know how she would feel. It just wouldn't make any sense to her.

"Well, we could always make our own secret fighting league." Alexander jokingly suggested.

"The Council will not like that one bit." Hayato reminded him. "If they refuse us and we try and go ahead with it anyway, what do you think will happen to us?" He asked.

"I was just kidding..." Alexander rubbed the back of his head.

"Use your head," Hayato told him.

"No, Lindsay," Joseph said without her even saying anything. "You don't even need to say anything. That look on your face is enough to tell me what you're thinking. We're not making a secret fighting league for magjistars even if the Council turns down our idea."

"I wasn't really thinking that..." Lindsay could feel how weak her defense was as it escaped her lips. "You can't even see my face in the first place with that blindfold on." She tried to strike back.

"Yeah, but I can see your swirling emotions flying around as you think of ways of keeping the idea alive." Joseph retorted.

"It would be so lame if they don't follow our idea," Lindsay whined.

"I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you. Just no secret magjistar fighting league." He let her know.

"Fine..." Lindsay knew it was crazy just thinking of the logistics and manpower needed for it in the first place.

"What do we do now?" Alexander asked.

"Zoey said she met a new friend. It's a nun or a monk or something. She taught her something cool and wanted to show us." Hayato pulled out his phone.

"Why did she text you that and not us?" Joseph questioned.

"She asked me if I knew anyone in the magji community called the Four Monks."

"Again, why did she ask you instead of us?"

"My family were assassins. Information-gathering is part of our foundation."

"I guess that makes sense." Joseph nodded. He didn't know any Four Monks and wouldn't know about finding out about them except by asking his master.

"Let's go see what cool thing Zoey has to show us." Alexander led their way out of the office building.