Chapter 135: Zoey Fought the Law and...

Arthur used all the mahna in his body to forcefully restrain Winters from breaking free. This left him completely open to being pulled forward by the brat's monster strength. The man in charge of enforcing the magji world's laws and rules flew through the air straight toward the still-restrained Zoey. She snatched his own chain and used it to bring him toward herself.

Arthur would've been helpless to resist if they weren't his chains made from his mahna. The Head of Justice dematerialized his spell briefly, freeing him to land safely back on the ground. Unfortunately, this gave the girl more than enough time to break his chains apart. She looked directly at him with fury raging like flames around her body. The pupils in her eyes were gone. It was nothing but blank whiteness. Empty of any restraint or mercy.

"To think a child like you would practice such a terrifying technique. I never liked that teacher of yours. Always believed himself to be above the law and those who enforce it just because he had a little more talent than others. Well, look at him now. He's nothing more than a worthless nobody forced to live in the same world as Gullies! Even if he wanted to save you, he'd have to risk his life to do so! After assassinating the previous heads of the OM, he was forced to make a heart oath never to involve himself in matters of the Organization of Magjistars. And as his student, I'm sure you know the consequences of breaking a heart oath." Arthur chuckled.

Zoey dashed and buried her spiked gloved fist into Arthur's face. Just barely, he managed to raise his guard up in time. Zoey's fist impacted against his chains, but she still sent him sliding away. She opened up her palm and clenched it again, trying to get control over her strength.

"Are you done blabbing yet, pig?" Inner Zoey spat on the ground. "My teacher isn't the one you need to worry about. I'm more than enough to crush you corrupt assholes. But unlike Victor, I'm not going to make any dumb promises to never do it again. If I see you fuckers trying to pull some bullshit, I'll just keep smashing your heads in till you understand the differences between right and wrong. Even an awkward fuck-up like me knew what was right and wrong before coming into this world." Inner Zoey got in sprinting position.

"I know the weakness of that technique! All I have to do is survive until your body breaks down on its own. Then off to the cell for you." Arthur grinned.

Arthur's body shook from the pain, but he was confident in taking in Zoey. "Restraint Volume III: Unbreakable Armor!" Dozens of chains shot out of Arthur's body like metal tentacles. They wrapped around his body, swallowing him up in a squirming sea of metal until the only thing left was a giant suit of armor lying on the ground.

"Thanks for making it easier for me, dumbass." Zoey suddenly appeared over Arthur's supine position with her fist drawn back. "Combo Volume I: Combo Time." Zoey let off the first hit.

The impact of the first hit shattered the ground and buried them in a miniature pit. Then came the second impact, which seemed even worse than the first one. Arthur felt his life was in danger. Arthur's flight or fight instincts kicked in. He no longer thought about trying to outlast Winters until she fell from the side effects of her own technique.

The only thing on his mind was surviving. A mass of chains exploded out of his stomach like a swarm of metal eels. Zoey was knocked into the air as the mass of chains wrapped around her body. Arthur held his hand on his chest as he angrily cursed that he was brought to this point by someone he considered nothing more than an arrogant troublemaker. He looked up to see his giant ball of chains trapping Winters in the sky, slowly but steadily breaking.

Arthur held his injured head as he carefully stood up on his two feet. He wobbled, finding it difficult to keep his balance. Chains began to fall from the sky. The Head of Justice knew it wouldn't hold that monstrous brat for long. He grumbled in annoyance as he pulled out his last resort. A magji tool that he almost didn't bring because he thought she was just some brat that didn't know any better. A magji tool he brought on the off chance that her teacher might show up even with the Balance of the World limiting his actions.

The Head of Justice squeezed the golden amulet as he infused his mahna into the magji tool. In seconds, a golden aura encapsulated his entire figure. His mahna rising exponentially. Arthur knew he couldn't control this amount of mahna flowing through his body, so he did the only thing he could. He poured it into his chains.


"This." Punch.

"Shit." Punch.

"Won't." Punch.

"Stop." Punch.

"Me!" Punch.

Zoey repeatedly through rapid-fire punches to the ball of chains holding her in the air. She didn't care how many chains there were. She didn't give it a passing thought when she was on the verge of breaking free. The chains suddenly grew tougher. All she cared about was giving that piece of shit exactly what he deserved. Then she'll make her way to The Council and kick their asses too!

In the middle of growing her combo, the chain prison suddenly shrunk. This gave Zoey less maneuverability to punch. Then the chain floor she was standing on wrapped around her ankles all the way to her head. Effectively halting her combo entirely. Zoey shouted in anger as she resisted with all of her strength.

Zoey's strength rose to the next level as, for the first time, she had to take Overdraft to the second level. Unlocking two of the nine magji gates in her body. A total of three magji gates were unlocked. She flailed like a fish as she strained her muscles to shatter the chains wrapped around her body. Flexing harder than she's ever flexed before.

The chains gave way to her significant boost in strength and broke apart at the links. She got on all fours and began pounding the floor made of chains. Although she had to restart her combo, Zoey had even more power to start with than she did before. In a matter of seconds, the floor began to dent inward from the force of Zoey's punches until she finally managed to shatter a hole in the chain prison.

Zoey slipped through the hole and quickly glanced around, looking for the magji cop asshole. She spotted him just as she sensed something coming from behind her. Her body responded before her mind did. "Boxing Series: Super Punch!" Zoey's fist launched into the giant chain dragon's open mouth.

A massive mixture of wind pressure and mahna blew apart the spell from the inside out. It also had the unintended effect of blasting Zoey away as well. Zoey made eye contact with the dumbfounded chief cop and blinked. Appearing next to him on all fours as she landed on the ground in the same position she was in the air. She didn't give him time to react as she pounced forward and nailed him in the back of the skull. As he dropped face-first into the ground, Zoey carefully disabled him as she mounted him.

Armored or not, there were some things that armor couldn't protect you from. Zoey decided to move fast as she didn't want to be sent into the air again. Through multiple applications of her wrestling techniques taught by her wrestling teacher, Zoey broke the guy's limbs and, to be extra safe, shattered some more bones as well. It was easy ignoring his screams, threats, and promises. There was no way a fucker like this was reliable in any way. She got off of him and looked around the park. There wasn't a single conscious magjistar from what she could see.

"I think I won…" Zoey's visible magji aura dispersed as her magji gates resealed themselves.

"Are we still heading back home or going to The Council?" Tink asked.

Zoey took a moment to think as she stretched her body. She had some aches and pains but could totally go for some more fighting. If she went to the building where the Council was, she'd definitely be facing a large group of people at once. It wouldn't be impossible to win as long as she was careful and there wasn't an S-Grade magjistar hiding there somewhere. If there was, could she even escape? Zoey was proud of her running skills, but she couldn't run away from that chief magji cop. What if they pulled some bullshit like that there, and she was trapped again?!

Running back home would be a bad plan. They knew her address or could definitely use some magji to find her location. That S-Grade magjistar would probably kick her ass no problem if they were anywhere near as strong as Victor. Someone that Zoey still couldn't defeat even when going all out.

"We should go home." Zoey decided. "As long as we prepare in case they try to attack me at home, they can't do anything." Victor helped her set up some magji defenses around her home to protect her family when she was away.

Zoey hasn't forgotten the daemon attack coming soon. If she went to the Council and kicked their asses, a lot more innocent people would die. Although they really deserved an ass kicking and more, Zoey wasn't apathetic enough to doom the lives of people because she was a petty bitch. She wouldn't be petty for getting payback for bullshit, but still.

"We can ask your teacher for help if they do show up!" Tink reminded.

"Maybe." Zoey didn't know how lenient his heart oath vow was.

"We should train for the daemon attack." Zoey wasn't too worried about revenge from The Council. If that guy was the person in charge of arresting criminal magjistars, there couldn't be too many people stronger than him in the Council. At least, that's how she felt.

"Can I wait till I recover first before we train?" Tink could still feel the ache all over their body.

"Yup." Zoey made her way out of the abandoned amusement park, leaving the bodies of the magji cops on the ground.