Chapter 168: The Meeting Between 2 Families.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the bustling city. Winters and Sinclairs would be coming together, their lives now connected by the growing life inside of Elizabeth's stomach. Zoey, deciding to be responsible since she was a grown-ass bitch now, had taken the initiative to organize the gathering, driven by the feeling to establish a stronger bond between the two families. Nephew/Niece or not, they were going to be raised in a loving and supportive family if she had something to do about it. Not a struggling family, not a separated family, and not a family that was constantly at war with each other.

Zoey considered herself kind of lucky compared to other people raised by single parents. Bruce didn't show up in her life until Zoey was early in her teens. Before that, she kind of hated her mom. It was only because of her stepdad that she realized how useful it was to have a mom, even if Zoey couldn't relate to that mom with some of the simplest things. Girl stuff was girl stuff. Zoey didn't have enough courage to go to Bruce with her girl shit, even if she somehow felt more comfortable talking with him than the woman who literally raised her from birth. All in all, Zoey thanked God that Bruce wasn't a child predator.

She wasn't religious but yeah. Zoey would've been a full-class meal for Bruce if he was. It's so fucked up how her mom raised her. Although Zoey couldn't entirely blame her mom, she could still feel justified in the way she personally felt about it. It was just the way her culture raised their kids for the most part. Zoey saw it all the time on social media about how other black children are raised with whoopings, no sense of privacy for themselves or their belongings, and other messed up stuff. But it was normal to the previous generation. Maybe they just didn't know better or just didn't understand that children were fucking people too? She honestly couldn't wrap her head around it.

On the way to the meeting place, Zoey had to take her parents through Luminaurora. Her family, who had little to no experience with the magji world, was now going to see the heart of the magji world and all of its inhabitants.

Amidst the vibrant hum of anticipation that wrapped around Luminaurora, Zoey's family found themselves on a magical tour that would witness the good side of the magji world. As they ventured through the heart of this hidden city of magjistars, the enchantment of Luminaurora began to unfurl before their eyes, captivating their senses and leaving them awestruck.

Tink happily led the way as their tour guide, their heart brimming with a blend of excitement and pride. Behind them walked Zoey and her father, Bruce, his eyes wide with a mixture of curiosity and uncontained enthusiasm. Everett, matching his excitement step for step, seemed to radiate an infectious energy that rippled through the atmosphere.

The city streets were adorned with flying newspapers that heralded the latest big news—the death of Victor Khan—an event that seemed to have captured the entire city's attention even months after. The LuminauroraTimes, a publication that held sway over the magji community, had its presence woven into the fabric of the city. Its influence was undeniable, shaping conversations and directing focus like a conductor guiding a symphony.

As they strolled along the bustling streets, Zoey's family found themselves amidst a diverse array of magji races—fairies flitting through the air with iridescent wings, Viperians exuding an air of power as they slithered gracefully, Walkers towering over their surroundings with their shaggy fur and incredible height, and Succubi who seemed to possess an otherworldly beauty that was difficult to look away from.

"Look at that, Dad!" Everett's voice was tinged with awe as his gaze locked onto a group of fairies. His finger pointed upward, tracking the path of the small, humanoid creatures that darted through the air in sync like a group of synchronized swimming teams. Each doing their best to clean up trash, pretty up Luminaurora, or help anyone in need.

"Those are fairies, just like me," Tink proudly explained with a wide smile. "Their jobs are to serve magjistars. We're drawn to magji like bees to flowers."

Everett's excitement seemed to know no bounds as he animatedly watched in awe, "And over there are Viperians. They're strong, venomous, and their bodies are infused with a tangy-like magji Kind of hard to stomach unless you have a preference for it. They're like walking magji powerhouses!" Tink explained next while pointing at a couple of snake people bonding over a cup of something. They had human upper bodies and snake lower bodies.

Zoey's mother, on the other hand, seemed more subdued than usual. Her usual vibrant demeanor had taken on a hint of uncertainty, her eyes darting around as if she was taking in every detail with heightened awareness. Zoey could almost feel her mother's fear, a clear indication of her unfamiliarity with this world of magji wonders. Zoey didn't know how to feel at seeing this.

As they walked further, their path crossed that of a Luminari, a figure adorned with a prismatic aura that could glow with every hue imaginable. The luminous figure seemed to capture the essence of every color, a walking kaleidoscope that painted the world around them with a surreal, dreamlike quality.

"Whoa, they're pretty." Bruce's quiet exclamation captured the sentiment that was echoing within his heart.

Tink's explanation flowed like a river, "They're called Luminari. They can control light through mahna and are a big reason why Luminaurora is so bright. Although you guys probably won't see it, nighttime is when Luminaurora is really alive."

A sense of wonder seemed to blanket the surroundings as they ventured deeper into the magji world. As they continued their journey, they stumbled upon a curious shop, a magjismith's shop. Here, magji tools, creations of the magji world's artisans, lined the shelves. The air hummed with an undertone of mahna as if each tool held a whisper of the magji that had crafted it.

"Magji tools," Tink confidently gestured toward the array of artifacts as if they were made with their own sweat and blood. "The Magjismiths are like blacksmiths in your world. They craft everything from weapons to everyday items, all infused with mahna or magji."

Bruce's eyes danced with fascination as he examined the craftsmanship on display, "Do they accept human money here?" He asked curiously. "Nope," Tink answered with a smile.

And then there were the Daemonic Objects, creations whose purposes often held great power at a dangerous cost. These objects seemed to defy convention, embracing temptation and violence. "Zoey, can you buy me this?" In Everett's hand was a black harp.

"HIYAH!" Tink chopped down on Everett's head with their hand.

Zoey caught the harp before Everett could drop it and returned it to the shelf. "Humans are more susceptible to the control of daemonic objects since you guys have no control over your mahna. Be careful!" Tink warned them.

Zoey pulled her family out of the shop as they were getting mesmerized by more and more daemonic objects. She felt no desire to buy any of them. Why was she only learning now that Daemonic Objects had that feature? Hell, she was surprised magjistars even knew that much about something with the name Daemonic in it.

Anyway, the meeting between the Winters and Sinclair was set at a cozy and neutral location, a quaint café nestled in the heart of Luminaurora. The air was tinged with the rich aroma of freshly brewed something and the sweet scent of pastries, mingling to create an atmosphere that seemed to wrap everyone in a welcoming embrace. Soft old-timey tunes played in the background, weaving a melody that accompanied the hum of conversations and occasional laughter. Outside, small tables were arranged under the shade of colorful umbrellas, providing an inviting space for customers to gather and enjoy the outside weather.

As the appointed hour neared, the anticipation grew thicker, an invisible thread connecting the hearts of those who were about to meet. Both families arrived, each step carrying a mixture of anxiety and apprehension. Zoey's heart wasn't racing all that much.

In a private room of their own that could fit all of them, Zoey sat flanked by Everett, Bruce, and Alicia, their presence being necessary as she couldn't do this family meetup alone. Tink floated near her hair. Everett hid behind her on the edge of the couch, using her status as a strong scary magjistar to ground him as he observed the approach of the Sinclairs. Elizabeth walked at the forefront, her pouting face syncing well with her family members. Lucus Sinclair, the authoritative head of the Sinclair Family, strode with a measured grace. His face and body were uninjured. Beside him, Charlotte Sinclair exuded a sense of quiet strength, her kind eyes harboring a wealth of wisdom earned through years of experience. William Sinclair was the only Sinclair member smiling.

As the two families drew closer, very few smiles were exchanged, the air filled with the melody of awkwardness and discomfort. Everyone entered the private room and took a seat where they felt comfortable.

"Sinclairs. We are the Winters. I am Zoey Winters, ex-magjistar and student of Victor Khan." Inner Zoey introduced herself.

"I'm Tink! Zoey's best friend and Everett's regular friend!!" Tink introduced themselves.

"I am Bruce Murphy, just a regular ole human. I work with data software." Bruce sheepishly explained.

"My name is Alicia Winters…" Alicia took a good look at each member of the Sinclair family, especially the young vixen who seduced her only son.

"Everett Winters…" Everett made sure to stick close to Zoey as Elizabeth's dad glared at him.

"Lucus Sinclair, Patriarch of the Sinclair Family, a pure-blooded A-grade magjistar." Lucus glared holes into Everett's shaking frame.

"Charlotte Sinclair, A-grade magjistar and Madam of the Sinclair Estate." Charlotte gave a polite bow.

"William Sinclair, D-grade magjistar and famous waste of the Sinclair Family." He smiled.

"Elizabeth Sinclair, B-grade magjistar, heir to the Sinclair Family, and mother of Everett Winter's child." Elizabeth dropped a nuke for conversations to begin.

"Is it smart to go through with this pregnancy when she's so young?" Alicia spoke up as she reigned herself in from saying what she really wanted to say to the little slut.

"What are you saying?" Charlotte questioned, meeting Alicia's eyes.

"Maybe we should think of other alternatives instead of going through and supporting this pregnancy." Alicia tried to convince the slut's parents.

"I'm keeping our child!" Elizabeth shouted as she caught on, her magji coming to life with a burst of pink aura.

"Mom, what the hell?" Inner Zoey looked at her mom in disapproval. An abortion? Was she fucking for real?

"It's safer for the girl and the children's futures." Alicia didn't give up. Why should her baby be attached to this soul-sucking succubus of a girl?

"I'm surprised to say that I agree. To think I'd be willing to agree with a Winters… Maybe you all aren't as incorrigible as I thought." Lucus spoke up.

"No! No! No!" Elizabeth shut down that avenue for them, her magji growing stronger by the second.

"Elizabeth, control your magji, or you might harm the baby's development." Charlotte sternly warned her.

Charlotte's words of concern worked on Elizabeth when she realized she could hurt her child. Almost instantly, her love magji was reigned in and no longer pressured those within the room. She started taking calm and relaxing deep breaths. Zoey used her mahna to protect her family from Elizabeth's show of magji.

"Looks like the baby ain't getting killed, so what do we do now?" William's voice was cheery as he rested his head in his hand.

"Could we not just support the children and try to help them the best we can?" Bruce softly added his input.