Chapter 182: A Slave Proving His Usefulness.

Before his job hunt, Ethan had something crucial to do if he wanted to continue serving Poison. Ethan's determination to prove himself useful for Poison led him to a moment he didn't quite know how to handle except directly. He couldn't very well hide Poison in his room for who knows how long she's going to allow him to stay next to her. If he allowed her to leave, she might just find someone better suited to be her slave! So, he decided to introduce her to his mother. 

Ethan's heart pounded as he stood at the door with Poison. He was nervous about the impending meeting and worried about how his mother would react. "Okay, Poison, just remember, we have to follow my mom's rules, at least for now, until I can save up enough to get a place for us," Ethan whispered to her. Poison simply glanced at him. She wasn't interested in playing around with her slave, but she needed to start somewhere. 

Ethan's mother opened the door, and her eyes widened as she saw the woman standing beside her son. Poison was attractive, and it was clear that she didn't believe someone like her would have feelings for her son. Her mind couldn't wrap around for what reason this beautiful woman was standing next to her son. Her son was too poor to be scammed by anyone.

"Ethan, who is your friend here?" his mother asked, disbelief evident in her tone.

Ethan scratched his head, his cheeks flushing. "Mom, this is Jade. We've been talking for a while online, and she decided to come out and meet me. You don't mind if she stays with us for a bit, do you?"

His mother continued to study Poison, searching for any sign that this was a farce. Poison kept her composure but didn't do much to reinforce the lie. She stared back at the human without offering support to Ethan or anything.

"Alright, dear," his mother said, her skepticism thinly veiled. "You can stay with us, but we have some house rules. You two will have to stay in separate rooms and no sleeping together." Ms. Rhodes would be damned if someone that wasn't her was having sex under her roof.

Poison nodded in agreement while Ethan tried to hide his disappointment. Although he never really believed Poison would sleep with him in the first place, it was still nice to have hope, you know? 

With the house rules declared, Poison and Ethan made their way to his room. When he opened the door to his room, they both were assaulted by the horrendous smell inside. Poison pinched her nose together as she visibly recoiled in disgust at the sight and smell of the room. Ethan had never been so embarrassed about the state of his room, and it was clear that Poison was less than impressed as she entered. The room was cluttered with just absolute filth.

Ethan, mortified, began to apologize profusely. "I'm so sorry. I didn't have time to clean up. Let me just... tidy this up real quick. Please go to the guest room while I deal with this. It's just down on the hall on the left." As he frantically began clearing the mess, Poison left the haphazard room and went to the guest room without delay. This slave was off to a horrible start. Maybe she should've just killed him back then.


Ethan had made a decision. He was going to turn his life around, not for himself, but for the sake of serving Poison. As he actually put some effort into the task of entering the job market, his once lethargic demeanor underwent a significant transformation. It was time to take the first step towards being a productive human being. His journey began with a simple realization: he needed a job if he wanted to serve Jade, or Poison, as she told him to call her in private. The encounter with Poison had shaken something inside him, a yearning for more than the monotonous existence he had embraced for years. If he was going to be of any use to Poison, he had to show that he had any use at all.

With a newfound determination, Ethan went from place to place in person throughout his city after having Poison help him make himself look far more presentable and desirable. Well, as much as she could… He didn't think there was much to work with in the looks department as it wasn't something he ever really cared about, but now that he was serving Poison, maybe it was time that changed. Ethan walked into stores that he never would've applied to and did something he never would've done if he hadn't met Poison. He asked if they were hiring. Although he didn't always get a positive answer, there were more than a few times that he did.

When he walked into his first interview, he could feel the familiar weight of social anxiety pressing down on him. He shook his head as he focused on three things: honesty, confidence, and a firm handshake. The interview room was a brightly lit space. Across from him sat a middle-aged woman, her expression neutral. Ethan tried to smile, but it came out as a nervous twitch. "So, Mr. Rhodes, tell me about yourself," she began.

Ethan's mind raced. He knew he had to make a good impression. "Well, I'm really good with computers...I mean, not that I don't like people. I just... um, I'm good with computers." He stumbled over his words, sweat forming on his forehead. The woman raised an eyebrow. "Can you give me an example of a time when you solved a problem at work?" Ethan thought for a moment. "Oh, there was this time when my computer froze, and I Googled how to fix it. It took me, like, a few minutes tops, but I got it working again." He chuckled nervously, not telling her he had no prior work experience.

The interviewer's skepticism deepened. "That's... nice. But can you tell me about a time when you worked well in a team?" Ethan's mind raced to recall any such moment, but it was like searching for a needle in a haystack. "Well, I usually play online games, and you know, teamwork is important there. I've been in a few guilds...or, uh, teams, and we...well, we did stuff together, I guess."

The interview continued in a similarly awkward fashion, with Ethan fumbling through answers, stuttering, and occasionally nervously laughing. By the end of it, he could sense that the interviewer couldn't wait for him to leave. His first interview ended with a polite rejection, which felt like a heavy blow to his already fragile self-esteem. But Ethan wasn't really expecting to get in his first shot anyway…

It was furnished with understated decor, including clean, cream-colored walls. The central focus of the room was a sturdy wooden desk, neatly organized with documents. An inviting chair was placed across from the desk for the applicant, creating a balanced and conducive environment for the interview. Ethan entered, feeling a little bit sweaty in his suit and tie recently bought thanks to his mother's money. The middle-aged interviewer, Ms. Simmons, offered a polite smile, which Ethan could only manage to return with a nervous twitch. As they went through the initial formalities, Ethan's anxiety escalated. His palms grew sweaty, and he began to fidget with a potted plant on the desk.

"Mr. Ethan, it's a pleasure to meet you. Tell me, what interests you in this position?" Ms. Simmons inquired, showing the utmost professionalism as a natural human being well-adjusted to society.

Ethan's voice quivered as he attempted to articulate his desire for the job. But as he extended his trembling hand for a handshake, disaster struck. In his nervousness, he knocked over the potted plant, sending it crashing to the floor with a loud thud. Soil and leaves scattered in every direction. Ms. Simmons' polite smile faltered, replaced by an astonished expression. "Oh my! Are you alright?" she asked, concern mingling with her surprise. Ethan, mortified and beet red, bent down to pick up the scattered plant, muttering apologies. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... It's just...uh, this plant... it's... really interesting... I mean, I wasn't trying to knock it over..."

Ms. Simmons, now clearly perplexed, gave him a nod. "Well, let's move on. Please, have a seat. I'll deal with that later; don't dirty your nice outfit over it." She gestured toward the chair, now surrounded by a mess of soil and leaves. As Ethan sat down, his heart pounded like a drum. He couldn't help but feel that he'd already sabotaged his chances.

In another interview, Ethan found himself in a room with a younger, more casual-looking interviewer, Mr. Anderson. This time, Ethan was determined to make a better impression. As Mr. Anderson asked the typical question, "Tell me about your hobbies and interests," Ethan's mind raced through various potential responses. However, when he began to speak, it was as if he couldn't stop. Ethan launched into an extensive monologue about his favorite video games, their plotlines, character development, and strategies for success. He mentioned game titles, gaming platforms, and even the most obscure easter eggs he had ever discovered.

He began by immersing the interviewer in the realm of gaming, highlighting the allure of gaming. His voice became animated as he described the intricate plotlines of his beloved games. For instance, he vividly depicted the vast, interconnected cities of Xeloria, where players navigated through political intrigue and journeyed through space while battling space pirates. He painted a picture of a war-torn galaxy in the game Azurion Rift, where players assumed the roles of interstellar mercenaries with their own self-created backstories.

Ethan's monologue extended to character development. He spoke of protagonists who faced moral dilemmas, each choice impacting the game's outcome. Characters grew and evolved over time, influenced by the player's decisions. He passionately discussed how games like "Virtual Odyssey" allowed players to sculpt their avatars with unique customization, down to the finest details of appearance and personality.

In his discourse on strategies for success, Ethan showcased his deep understanding of in-game mechanics. He explained how mastering a character's abilities and understanding enemy behavior patterns were keys to triumph. He highlighted the significance of timing, resource management, and teamwork when tackling the game's toughest challenges. Moreover, Ethan demonstrated his mastery of gaming platforms. He dived into the technical aspects, elaborating on how gaming rigs and consoles offered unique gaming experiences. He drew distinctions between the hyper-realistic graphics of the QuantumCore X6 and the versatility of the Horizon V gaming console, emphasizing how each platform catered to different gaming preferences.

Unbeknownst to him, Mr. Anderson's polite smile began to fade, replaced by a mixture of confusion and irritation. The interviewer tried to interject, "That's quite interesting, but let's focus on your qualifications for this job. Please." Ethan, lost in his gaming world, barely acknowledged the interruption. He continued to ramble on about epic boss battles and legendary loot drops. Minutes turned into an eternity, and Mr. Anderson's patience reached its limit. With a forced cough, he interjected more forcefully, "Mr. Ethan, I appreciate your enthusiasm for video games, but we really need to discuss your qualifications for this position. Can you tell me about your relevant work experience?"

Ethan finally snapped out of his gaming trance, realizing that he'd been talking non-stop for far too long. He stammered an apology, but it was clear that the damage had been done. The interview continued, but the atmosphere had grown significantly more awkward. Mr. Anderson couldn't help but wonder how this applicant, with such a passion for gaming, could be so oblivious to social cues. Ethan left the interview room that day, feeling dejected and knowing that he had once again failed to make a favorable impression. This whole getting a job thing was a hell of a lot fucking harder when you were a braindead fucktard…

Ethan had applied for a job as a cashier at a fast-food restaurant. His determination to provide for his angel drove him to endure another in-person interview. This time, the interview was scheduled at a bustling fast-food joint. As he entered the restaurant, the scent of greasy fries and sizzling patties filled the air. The manager, Mr. Reynolds, welcomed him with a firm handshake. Ethan's hand was slightly clammy, and he winced, hoping Mr. Reynolds hadn't noticed. They sat at a corner table, near the constant hum of the front counter. Mr. Reynolds leaned forward, his tone casual but businesslike. "So, Ethan, why do you want to work here?"

Ethan tried to sound enthusiastic. "I've always liked your burgers... I mean, I've always been a fan of fast food, and I think I'd be a great addition to your team." Mr. Reynolds nodded, seemingly pleased with the response. "That's great to hear. We value team players here. Can you give me an example of a time when you worked effectively in a team?" Ethan racked his brain for a relevant experience but came up empty. He decided to embellish a little. "Well, I was part of a group project in college. We had to organize a presentation, and I helped with setting up the slideshow and electronic document for all of us to work on at the same time, even if we couldn't always meet up in person."

Mr. Reynolds looked at him with a raised eyebrow, but he didn't press further. "That sounds good. Now, what do you think makes a great cashier?" Ethan shifted in his chair, his mind racing to find the right answer. "I think a great cashier should be... um, fast with numbers, friendly to customers, and... organized. Yeah, definitely organized."

Mr. Reynolds nodded, seemingly satisfied with the response. "Alright, Ethan. One last question. Can you tell me about a challenging situation you've faced at a previous job or in your personal life and how you handled it?" Ethan thought about the countless gaming challenges he'd overcome and considered mentioning one, but he realized it probably wasn't the smartest ideae. "Well, there was this one time when I had to handle a difficult classmate in college. They were really upset, and I tried to, you know, calm them down and resolve the issue without it escalating."

Mr. Reynolds smiled, apparently content with the answer. "Thank you, Ethan. We'll be in touch within a week or two." Ethan left the fast-food restaurant with mixed feelings. The interview had been better than the previous ones. He felt a little confident that this might turn out well.

For his next interview, Ethan had applied for a position as an associate at a local supermarket. He arrived at the supermarket on a bright and busy day, where shoppers bustled about with full carts. The assistant manager, Mrs. Sanchez, greeted him with a friendly smile and led him to the back of the store where the employees worked. The atmosphere was far less intimidating than his previous interviews.

"So, Ethan, why do you want to work as an associate of Harvest Delights?" Mrs. Sanchez asked. Ethan felt more at ease and replied, "I've never really had a bad experience at Harvest Delights, and I've been shopping in these stores since I was a little kid. I wanted to experience what it feels like to be a part of a successful long-time company that knows what they're doing and how to treat their customers." He had help with that answer thanks to the internet.

Mrs. Sanchez nodded, her expression encouraging. "That's great to hear. Now, tell me about your experience with organization and attention to detail." Ethan was relieved that he could draw on his experiences, especially his obsession with arranging his gaming setup efficiently. "I'm very detail-oriented. I've spent a lot of time organizing my personal space and making sure everything is in its place. I believe these skills would translate well into working at Harvest Delights."

Mrs. Sanchez smiled at him. "Excellent. Now, can you give me an example of a time when you had to work efficiently in a team?" Ethan recalled a few gaming sessions where teamwork was crucial. "Back in college, I was usually the person that people emailed for help during our project whenever it had to deal with something online or technological. I'm good with technology."

Mrs. Sanchez nodded and moved on to the final question. "Ethan, tell me about a time when you faced a challenge in a previous job or in your personal life and how you overcame it." Ethan shared a story from his past, "Back in school, I had a tough math course that I initially struggled with. Instead of avoiding it, I sought extra help from my teacher, joined study groups, and put in extra hours of practice. Over time, my math skills improved, and I even ended up helping others in the class." Mrs. Sanchez smiled warmly. "Thank you, Ethan. We'll be in touch with you soon."

As Ethan left the supermarket, he felt a glimmer of hope. The interview had gone well, and he could sense that he was making progress. He clenched his fist with pride. This whole communicating with other human beings thing was getting easier and easier!