Chapter 196: Times are Changing...

Detective Rodriguez sat watching the security footage of recently burglarized places of business within the past few months. Each with the same batch of criminals… Irritation and frustration filled his bones. He may have been put in charge of this case, but that didn't mean that he was working alone anymore. As Ethan and his gang of criminals escalated in their crimes, Detective Rodriguez was given more responsibility and authority in apprehending these criminals. They were targeting bigger and more valuable places.

Reporters and media outlets were like starving hounds on his ass, nipping and barking at him. Even his own boss didn't give him any leeway, demanding any form of results and progress in putting this group behind bars. They've already had high exposure from news stations posting videos of their crime spree. They would play the footage from the security cameras of the places they robbed, going over each and every step of the robbery. Commenting on several things, complimenting them in some cases, and other times badmouthing the force. 

Normally, when they're getting dragged through the mud by the media, their go-to response is to make a crowd-control statement and then ignore it. Eventually, it'll be forgotten as the public focuses their attention on the next big thing. However, in this case… Things were not going as smoothly as Andrew Rodriguez would have liked. 

Ever since those vigilantes put Tears behind bars and got everyone associated with him in some trouble as well, people actively began discussing why the hell they even needed the police if some kids in costumes were more than enough to directly cause the crime rate in Krey to plummet. There were memes of a data chart on the crime rate in Krey going straight down after Tears's arrest. Andrew's kids were more than happy to show him the latest memes despite how much it infuriated him.

Andrew had no personal issues with Diablo and Glutton. Most people in Krey loved the kids and their mentor, Boundless, although she's rarely seen anymore. They had people making shirts, toys, plushies, and all sorts of crap of them. Although he thought it was wrong that people were making money off of kids, he understood that people would do it regardless. 

At the end of the day, those three superheroes have negatively affected the public's perception of Krey's law enforcement. People trusted children with their lives more than police officers. Andrew wanted to have a big long drink after reading that those superheroes had more of a public approval rating them their police department. And that wasn't even the craziest part.

Somehow, news of Ethan's criminal interview has reached the public. Andrew figured it was one of the loudmouths he was assigned under him to handle Ethan's gang. So now people knew about the circumstances revolving around Ethan's gang recruitment. And with those security camera footages of their crimes live for anyone to see and potentially replicate, the gangsters have even gotten their own fans! 

Has the world descended into chaos, or has it always been crazy? Andrew couldn't believe that people were actually choosing to cheer and support actual criminals and vigilantes over cops! He refused to accept that those comments from people online were real in that they would have accepted Ethan's gang recruitment. 

Supposedly, someone a part of Ethan's gang posted something on the internet about how much they got paid for each job, how many hours they worked a week, and what was expected of them. That post blew up the internet, and millions of people were seemingly actively looking to join Ethan's gang or something similar to it. The hashtag #FuckARealJob was trending on every social media platform.

People were sharing all sorts of memes with that tag. Saying stuff like, "I could get paid more doing crime than I do with my master's degree." "Why put myself into debt with college when I can make more than someone ten years out of college by doing crime?" Another post said. "If I could make that much money with the only catch being I had to share my personal information, I couldn't snitch once I was in about anything, and a good possibility of upward mobility in the gang if I stay long enough? Am I fucking crazy? Of course, I'm joining! Sure, if I get arrested, it might suck, but hey, I'm sure if I keep my mouth shut, I'll have a position back in the gang once I'm out! Making that big-time money."

Andrew took a long look at the flask one of his buddies had. Was the world truly in such a bad state that crime was more profitable than honest living…? This was the real world, not some fantasy, damn it! Superheroes and idolizing criminals? What sort of world is this?!


Ricky: So, what do you guys think about our upcoming job, soon?! Are you all excited!?

Butterfly: Excited to buy my new Marbling sports car after it's finished.

Queeny: I'm buying a place of my own. Opulent Hotel is threatening to kick me out because they hate freedom of expression!

Ricky: You sure it ain't because they're tired of you playing loud music all throughout the night?

Queeny: No! My music is awesome.

Natalie: Her music is good.

Butterfly: It isn't horrible. Those producers, engineers, songwriters, and marketers you hired do a decent job of making it sound tolerable.

Ricky: I believe that's the nicest thing of a compliment that you'll receive from Butterfly…

Queeny: I can't believe I have the princess's approval. I'm really going to get far in the music industry now.

Butterfly: Cherish the moment, Queeny. Might never happen again.

Ricky: Wait! Back on topic! Tyler, Jake, Pinkie, and even the bossman himself! I want replies!

Tyler: I'm scared.

Pinkie: Tyler is speaking the truth, baby.

Jake: Preparing.

Ethan: Planning. Sorry, I can't chat much. This is an important job that could make or break us. I need to make sure everything is well-planned out for all of our safety.

Ricky: Respect to the Bossman, Ethan! Jake, what are you preparing, my man?

Jake: A will.

Natalie: Wait, Jake. A will? Is that necessary?

Jake: You never know what might happen.

Ricky: Jake's just being dramatic. We'll pull this off without a hitch. The bossman wouldn't lead us to our deaths. Right?"

Ethan: It would be better to have one than not.

Queeny: Damn, that's some hardcore shit! I love it! I should make a song about me singing about myself, making a will for myself!

Butterfly: Hm. I guess I'll give everything to my Chihuahua Belle. She's a princess and deserves the world.

Tyler: Your dog…?

Butterfly: Is that a problem, Tyler?

Pinkie: That is the whitest shit i've ever heard. What about your family, girl? Don't you have people you care about?!

Butterfly: My family sucks and I hate them.

Queeny: I never thought i'd agree with you on anything but i feel that one. Although if i get popped on this bank job, i got no one to give my money. I'm definitely not giving it to my parents who kicked me out of the house when i turned 18.

Ricky: Hoo boy, now i think i know why some of us accepted Ethan's offer a little better…

Jake: The world sucks.

Ethan: It is certainly more difficult to make a living nowadays compared to our parents' generation.

Natalie: Are we getting guns?

Ethan: Some of you will, not everyone will need one. Unless you all want guns?

Queeny: Gun plsssss

Butterfly: Gun please.

Ricky: Can i get an ka-74? Or a shotgun?

Jake: A Kolt would be nice.

Pinkie: Can i skip on the gun?

Tyler: I would like to skip as well…

Ricky: Skip out on an actual gun?! Are you guys crazy!? This is going to be so awesome!

Pinkie: This isn't a damn game, Ricky. Guns are used for only one reason. Killing people. I ain't trying to kill no damn body!

Ricky: No one said you had to kill anybody. But… if there was a chance of me being shot at, i would definitely like to have a gun on me even if i didn't plan to use it.

Pinkie: I don't want no damn gun.

Tyler: I changed my mind. I'll take one…

Pinkie: Tyler!?

Tyler: He made a good point…

Queeny: A dead cop is not going to be on anyone's mind. Even if something does go down.

Jake: Cops are too scared to risk their lives against actual criminals nowadays. They like picking on the vulnerable and innocent. As long as we show we mean business, we should be fine.

Ricky: I think that's the most you ever said to date.


Butterfly: I don't care what happens as long as I get what's mine.

Queeny: Ayeeee! Preach Butterfly!

Ethan: Good news is, if this job goes well, we won't need to do anything this risky ever again, probably. I'll also have to make another recruitment effort to help expand our organization. So, if you have any friends who desperately need money, there will be an opportunity for them to join us. But that's all in the hope that everything turns out well for our job. Alright, i gotta go and yes i'll give everyone who wants guns guns.