Chapter 3:Last Resort

Byakuya quickly got out of the way of the huge reiatsu blast as it soared past him

"Sado!" Rukia shouted as she ran over to him "Are you okay?"

"Sort of" He grunted "I'm still Injured back I can still fight"

"How long have you been-"

"Faking?" He asked "Ever since Ichigo turned into…that" He said as motioned towards him "I wanted to see what was going down…and it looks like we've been betrayed…"

"I doubt they ever were on our side" Rukia said sadly

"Yeah…they've been planning to kill us haven't they?"

"Yes…ever since we saved them" Rukia noted

"Bastards" He cursed, even Rukia was surprised by the gentle giants swear

"Yes" she nodded "Every single last one of them"


Both Rukia and Sado turned around to see Ichigo's full hollow form gazing at them

"What...caused him to-" Sado began

"I screamed at him to help us…and it just sorta happened" Rukia explained as Ichigo began to walk towards them

"Ichigo…" is all Chad could say before the hollow gripped his neck

"Ichigo!" Rukia shouted as the hollow began to choke Sado "Stop it! let him go"

The hollow immediately complied as he let go of Chad's neck

"You can control him?" Chad wheezed as he tried to regain his breath

"Not really…but remembers me…" She said as she looked at Ichigo's black striped mask

"Rukia…" He said as he slowly walked towards her

"I'm not afraid" She said bluntly to him "I don't care what you've become or what kind of power you posses…you're Ichigo…you're my Ichigo"

"R-Ru…kia…" He stuttered

"Is he controlling it?" Sado asked

"I don't think so" She began to explain "But nevertheless it's protecting me…"

"Is he helping me because I screamed at him to get up?" Rukia asked herself

"So as long as you're here he's under control?" he asked, Rukia nodded "Alright then…Brazo izquierda del Diablo (Left arm of the Devil)"

The white armour formed around Sado's left arm, after that he immediately called out "Brazo Derecha de Gigante (Right Arm of the Giant)" his other shield like armour forming on his right arm

"Sado!" Rukia gasped "Don't be a fool! you're not strong enough to take on four captains!"

"Maybe not" he nodded "But I made a promise long ago…"

"All right. Let's do this Chad. You keep doing your thing and don't fight for yourself…but fight for me. And I will fight for you. If you put your life on the line to protect something, then I'll put my life on the line to protect it to"

"Me and Ichigo made a vow 3 years ago, If I want to protect something then he'll fight alongside me…and if he want's to protect something, I'll help him with no hesitation…and right now he's protecting you, so I am too" He explained

"But Sado!" she protested

"No" Mayuri cut her off "Let's see what the boy can do"

"El Directo!" Sado roared as he fired the huge blast at the disturbing captain who easily dodged

"Is that all?" he smirked

"Far from it" he said as he used Sonido to home in on him

"He used Sonido!" Byakuya gasped "What kind of powers does this boy posses?"

Byakuya was too lost in his train of thought to notice that Ichigo has just appeared behind him

"Oi Kuchiki!" Kenpachi laughed "Look behind ya!"

"What are you talking-Shit!" He hissed as he brought up Senbonzakura just in time to block Ichigo's attack

"AHHHHH!" Ichigo roared in Byakuya's face, the sound wave blowing him away

"A sound wave?" Rukia asked herself "Just by his roar…"

"Get ready!" Mayuri laughed as he drew his zanpakutou "Claw out, Ashisogi Jizo!"

"Uryu told me about his Zanpakutou" Chad noted "it paralyses whatever it cuts but leaves the pain receptors intact, If I get cut, just once, it's over"

"Come on boy" Mayuri chuckled "I can't wait to open you up and see what gives you those extraordinary powers"

"El Directo!" Chad shouted once again, as expected, Kurotsuchi dodged

"Please" he scoffed but had no time to speak anymore after Chad used Sonido to get behind him and fired another El Directo

"No matter how many you fire, it's pointless" Mayuri laughed as he dodged yet another one

"Sado" Rukia said, her voice nothing but a whisper "Please…don't die for my sake"


Rukia looked at the source of the noise, she'd be lying if she said she wasn't tempted to spit in his face as the one armed Renji crawled towards her

"What?" She asked in a cold emotionless voice

"Please…help me"

"Go to hell" she spat

"Please…Rukia" he begged as blood continued to flow

"I hope you burn in the deepest pits of hell" she admitted

"Please…I love you…"

"Well you know what Renji?" She said as she kneeled down to his level "I don't love you, and I'm not going to marry you, I love Ichigo, and you know what? I always have…I Despise you"

"Rukia...please..give me one more-"

"Chance?" she finished for him, he nodded in response "I Never even considered loving you…you were my friend Renji…and now…you're nothing to me"

Renji could only let his tears fall as the woman he loved dearly, also the women who now hated his guts walked away from him

"Why…he doesn't deserve her!" He shouted in his head before he fell into an unconscious state

Above the Dome

"What is gods name is going on down there?" Uryu shouted as he felt a huge amount of reiatsu shoot up

"Ishida-kun?" Inoue asked as she was finishing up on healing his arm

"I can feel Kurosaki, Kuchiki and Sado-kun's reiatsu along with the captains…and it feels like they're fighting each other…"

"But why would they do that?" Orihime asked

"I have no idea Inoue-san…"

"Ishida-kun" she whispered

"Inoue-san?" Uryu asked as he saw her shocked expression "What's wrong?"

"I-I can feel Kurosaki-kun's reiatsu…" she noted, Uryu's eye's widened "Has he…"

"Turned into the thing again?" He finished off for her "I'm afraid so"

"He…he" she stuttered in fear

"You're terrified of his hollow powers aren't you?" Uryu asked, she hesitated but nodded "Listen Inoue-san, Kurosaki isn't a hollow, it's just a mask"

"How can you say that Ishida-kun!" she shouted "You saw what he turned into!"

"Inoue-san…" Uryu moaned "So what if Kurosaki has a Hollow living inside of him? He's still the damn orange haired oaf"

"I-Ishida-kun" She stuttered as tears formed in the corner of her eyes

"Inoue-san…he's not a Hollow..."

"I want to believe you Ishida-Kun…I really do"

Las Noches

"Damn!" Byakuya cursed as Ichigo landed quite a cut on his right shoulder "What has this boy become? He charges like a Berserker and shows no remorse whatsoever"

"Kill…" He muttered as he swung Tensa Zangetsu once again

"You're a monster" Byakuya said as he blocked with Senbonzakura

"He's not the monster!" Rukia shouted

"How many times must I tell you be quiet girl?" Byakuya shouted "Zaraki what the hell are you doing just standing there?"

"What's it look like?" he scoffed "I'm enjoying the fight, lord knows this espada pussy won't be up to the task"

"I'm gonna enjoy ripping you in half!" Yammy shouted as he smashed his fist down, Kenpachi jumped back to avoid it

"Well, Well" he chuckled as he began to charge "Looks like you might be some fun after all…"

"Idiot!" Byakuya shouted "You're supposed to be helping me!"

"Oh shove it you pansy" Zaraki scoffed

"El Directo!" Chad shouted once again, Mayuri noticed that the boys speed was so great that he could fire an El Directo, Sonido behind him and fire another

"Impressive" He said as he dodged both, the blasts clashed and created a small explosion, creating a small cloud of Reiatsu and sand from the floor, Chad took this opportunity and fired an El Directo through the cloud "Foolish boy! I-"

"El Directo!" Chad shouted as he Sonido'ed behind Kurotsuchi and fired another at Point blank, hitting him in the back and sending him into the other El Directo, the two blasts had enough destructive power to create a small explosion

"One down" Chad groaned as he tried to regain his breath "and-"

"Do you seriously think that would be enough to stop me?"

"No!" Chad shouted in his head as Mayuri walked out the smoke created by the blast unscratched "Damn it!"

"Honestly Child" He scoffed as he dusted off his captains hoari "You underestimate me so much it's not even funny"

"Damn it!" he groaned "Firing El Directo's over and over again won't do me much good, I've got to think of something else…"

"Oh? Is that all, guess you won't be worth opening up after all" Mayuri groaned

"Bastard" Chad Groaned as he lifted his shielded arm "If this doesn't work then I'm screwed"

"Lost in thought are we?"

Chad's eyes widened as he heard the sickly smug sounding voice of Mayuri Kurotsuchi behind him

"Flash Step!"

"That can be very dangerous" he said as he lifted up his Zanpakutou "When facing an opponent like me!"

Chad quickly jumped away and barely managed to dodge the strike, the back of his shirt was torn was thankfully the blade had not pierced his skin

"That was close" he said as he received from his close call "I only have one shot at this…let's hope it works"

By this point, Byakuya was bleeding profusely, Blood was practically pouring from a large gash on his forehead

"Damn" he cursed in-between breaths as Hollow Ichigo approached

"Die Byakuya" Ichigo said, spitting his name like it was a curse, he lifted his sword up, prepared to land the final blow

Byakuya couldn't fight back, his arms felt numb, he could even breath, all he could do was close his eyes and wait for the finishing strike

The Blade was just inches away, the cold steel about to lob Byakuya's head off

and then Ichigo's mask shattered