Chapter 6:Unchangeable Word

"When we get there look for any fallen Espada" Ichigo commanded as he, Ulquiorra, Orihime and Rukia charged through the Garganta "Inoue if you find any, revive them with your Shun-Shun Rikka and Ulquiorra, you explain the situation to them"

"You don't control me" Ulquiorra said emotionlessly as he used his wings to fly through the Garganta

"I will soon" He groaned quietly as they continued to run through the Garganta, He realised what an over controlling ass he'd been earlier "I Really should apologise to Ishida later..."

Ulquiorra ignored his quiet protest, but what he did notice the orange haired girl running infront of him, something about her intrigued her, the only reason he was doing this is because she asked her too, was it because he felt like he owed her? Why...He tried to shrug it off, "Emotions" he scoffed "Unnessacerry liabilities, such things only hold you back..."

"AHH!' Orihime screamed as the path infront of her collapsed

"Inoue!" Ichigo shouted as he quickly ran towards her, but what happened next surprised him

Inoue screamed and closed her eyes as the path leading that lead the way to the world of living collapsed underneath her feet, she didn't have time to act, she didn't even have time to think, all she could do was scream as she plummeted into the Dark Abyss, she could hear Ichigo call her name, but she couldn't even face him right now, he had shattered her heart into millions of pieces and he wasn't even aware of it, falling down the endless pit would be a relief as it would end all of her suffering, But no...Someone had caught her, she slowly opened her eyes, expecting to see the familiar orange haired boy, and indeed she did see him, but she was looking down at him...

She was...flying?

She saw a pair of pale white arms around her waist, she could feel the wind move back and forth, like something was pushing it back and forward, like...wings

"Ul...quiorra?" She asked herself and tilted her head slightly to look up, it was indeed the bat-like arrancar...He flew down and planted her on the ground, he then proceeded to walk away as if nothing had happened "Th-Thank you..."

"Oi Ulquiorra" Ichigo said as he turned towards the Espada "Thanks"

"Don't thank me, i didn't do it for you" He said in an emotionless voice before he took flight once again "I did it because I felt like it"

"Freaking Emospada" Ichigo groaned "Inoue, could you heal me?"

"Y-Yes! Kurosaki-San" he stuttered as she ran over to him

"San?" Ichigo asked himself as she arrived by his side "While I'm glad she's stopped shouting Kurosaki-Kun over and over again...seriously, what good is calling out my name over and over again going to do? why did she drop the Kun?"

Rukia looked at Inoue heal Ichigo, the man who was now essentially her Boyfriend, She could see the hurt and broken look in Inoue's eye's, as she looked up to her, Rukia made direct eye-contact, she could tell just be her expression that Inoue was pleading with her to let her have him, for her to break up with him so she could be with him, like Ichigo was an Item. she scowled at her and mouthed the words "He's mine", Inoue's eyes widened before she turned back to Ichigo, she looked up for brief second before she turned back, she still had her stern expression, Rukia sighed, everyone but her could see that Ichigo didn't return her feelings, it didn't matter if he never met Rukia, he never would've been interested. but he had met her, He loved the petite Shinigami, not the Big breasted redhead. that was how is, that is how it always will be.

All Rukia could do was sigh as Inoue finished up healing Ichigo

"Thanks Inoue" Ichigo said as his wounds healed and his Black Jacket-like shihakusho was restored, he started to walk through the Garganta, whispering in Rukia's ear as he passed her "Admit it, you're disappointed that I'm wearing a shirt now"

"O-Oi!" Rukia shouted as she chased him, even though she would never admit it, he was right "God I just want to run my hands up and down the damn thing, is that so wrong?"

Inoue sighed as she watched the two ran off, she would have to accept it, Ichigo's heart belonged to Rukia, always did, always will. She really should've really seen it coming, They had stated several times they had a bond that could never be broken, they were even on a first name basis (A/N: In Japan, Calling someone by their first name can either mean you're very close with them or as a sign of disrespect)

"This is the end" they heard Ulquiorra say. they soon arrived at said destination

"Alright, here's the plan, Inoue you go look for Injured Arrancar and revive them, Me and Ulquiorra will take on the Captains, and Rukia you can go look for the guy you wanna kill"

Rukia and Orihime nodded, Ulquorra titled his head slightly

"Alright...this is it" Ichigo said as the Garganta began to open "Destroy everything in your path..."

Fake Karakura Town

Toshiro screamed as he charged at Aizen, He thought he had ended it all, Shinji Hirako had used his 'Sakanade' to reverse Aizen's vision, it seemed like he realised too late and Toshiro has landed the killing blow, but it was revealed that Aizen had used 'Kyoka Suigetsu' to switch places with Momo.

"Captain Hitsugaya! Wait!" Captain Kyoraku shouted as the young captain who continued to charge at Aizen but he didn't listen, he continued to charge

"All of you...are wide open" Aizen smirked before he vanished and when he re-appeared, he cut down Toshiro, Soifon, Shunsui and Shinji. "I won't kill you" he said "For people such as yourself, it is unlikely for you to fall can sit tight and watch"

Ichigo and Company watched closely as they exited the Garganta, the Garganta had opened behind a large building, shielding them from the captains and Aizen, They watched as Head-Captain Yamamoto proceeded to battle with an Arrancar they didn't recognize (Wonderweiss), They heard Aizen say that The Arrancar could seal away Captain Yamamoto's 'Ryuujin Jakka', afterwards He did some hand-to-hand combat moves that even Ulquiorra had to admit were impressive.

"This is pathetic" Ulquiorra Scoffed "We're cowering behind a Building"

"Have you ever heard of 'Choosing the right moment'?" Ichigo growled "We wait for ideal moment and we strike, simple as that"

Ulquiorra gave no response

"Honestly" Ichigo scoffed

They Continued to watch the fight until they heard something about how the Arrancar would explode an release the flames of Ryuujin Jakka (Ichigo was very tempted to make a 'Someone set us up the bomb' joke but ultimately pushed it aside), they saw Yamamoto cover the 'Arrancar Bomb' up with his body, in the next second Wonderweiss detonated and Yamamoto tried to shield it with his own body, Ichigo, Rukia, Orihime and Ulquiorra braced themselves just incase, A large pillar of flames shot up, When the flames cleared, Yamamoto was lying on the ground, Burned, Charred and Bloody

"Saved me the trouble" Ichigo Chuckled

Immediately afterwards Aizen cut into one of his speeches about he would rule the world and how much a fool Yamamoto was, Typical Aizen, But then Yamamoto, not quite dead yet unleashed a gigantic Kido spell called 'Itto Kaso' (Blade of Cremation) causing a large explosion

"Now's our chance!" Ichigo as he and Ulquiorra jumped out of their hiding place

Even Aizen, with all his intelligence couldn't tell what would happen next, all he heard were the two words "Getsuga Tenshou" and "Cero Oscuras" and the next thing he knew he was was falling to the ground, Bleeding and missing his right arm and leg

"Wh-What?" an Injured Shinji muttered from the ground below "Son of a...He did it..."

"Wait a minute...Is that a fucking Arrancar?" Shinji asked, but his train of thought was interrupted when Ichigo let out a sinister laugh

"I Never dreamed it would be so easy" He laughed before he noticed Ulquiorra had flown down and caught Aizen "Oi! What the fuck are you doing?"

"This" he stated as he plunged his hand into Aizen's chest

"Ul-quiorra" Aizen choked as he coughed up blood "You Bastard"

"It is too late to use Kyoka Suigetsu and I will not give you time to heal" Ulquiorra claimed as he pulled something out of Aizen's chest "Farewell Aizen" (A/N: No more "Sama" for you)

"B-Bastard" Aizen choked out, but before he could go on, Ichigo cleaved his head off

"It's over" Ichigo proclaimed as Ulquiorra let the deceased captain fall to the ground "Rukia, Inoue, Come out"

The two rushed over to his side

"Here" Ulquiorra groaned as he threw something to Ichigo

He caught it with his left hand, he looked at what Ulquiorra had given him and his eye's widened

"The Hogyoku!" He gasped

"Aizen had the Hogyoku implanted within him in order increase his power" Ulquiorra explained "Seeing as you're so obsessed with attaining power, You should use it"

Ichigo considered Ulquiorra's words before putting the Hogyoku in his pocket

"I Won't follow the same path as Aizen" he cursed "I'm not someone who wants to rule all dimensions, I Simply want Justice to be striked upon those who deserve it"

He caught something charging out the left of his eye, he managed to dodge it just in time, losing a few small hairs in the process, he saw it retract back, then noticed that the Item was a certain Zanpakutou

"Looky there...Ya went an' killed poor little Sosuke..."

"Gin Ichimaru..." Rukia growled

"Ah well, Ya only sped up the inevitable y'know, Woulda happened sooner of later" Gin shrugged

"Is he a recruit?" Ulquiorra asked

"No" Ichigo grunted "We'll just kill him"

"Understood" Ulquiorra nodded "Kurosaki-sama"

Ichigo tried to hold back his sinister laughter, his reign of power had begun...

"Sama?" Gin asked "Don't tell wanna take Aizen's place as leader of Las Noches? Sorry Can't let ya do that..."

"That's fine" Ichigo chuckled "I wasn't exactly asking for your permission..."

"It's been a while since we fought..." Gin chuckled

"On Second thought, Ulquiorra, Keep him busy...I'm gonna pay someone a visit..."

"Understood" Ulquiorra nodded

"Bankai" Gin Roared

"Tch, Pathetic" He grunted as he lifted up his arm "Cero Oscuras...."

"C'mon Inoue" Ichigo said as he and Inoue seen began their decent as Gin dodged the massive Cero

"Kurosaki-San..." she muttered

"Yo...Shinji" Ichigo waved as he spotted the injured Vizard on the ground, the Vizard gave no reply "Inoue...can you heal him?"

She gave no reply, she simply walked up the Vizard and started healing him, Ichigo knew all about how the Vizard's were exiled, for the same reason he was, they would understand...wouldn't they?

In the Air

"Kamishini no Yari" Gin called out

"I'm well aware of your Bankai's abilities" Ulquiorra said as he dodged the Blade "The Blade turns to dust for a fraction of second after it extends, after it pierces your target, you leave a small part of the blade inside of their heart and then the target disintegrates from the inside"

"Very good" Gin Chuckled "You've been peeping on my training haven't you? Not even Aizen was aware of my Bankai's true ability"

"But I am" Ulquiorra replied "And I know what to expect"

"Oh I doubt that" Gin Chuckled "Shame ya had to go and betray us, Kamishini no Yari: Botou (Dance Step)"

Gin chest the hilt directly to his chest and his Zanpakutou fired forward so fast, Ulquiorra barely dodged in time, His wing slightly wounded

"Damn" he cursed

"And that's not all, Kamishini no Yari: Buto Renjin (Dance Step, Serial Blade)"

Ulquiorra's eye's widened as Gin's Zanpakutou now retracted back and fired multiple times at an alarming rate, it retracted and fired back so fast it looked like there was 20 Blades, all aimed at Ulquiorra. The Bat-Like Arrancar dodged the best he could but eventually the blade connected, piercing his shoulder

"Shit!" he cursed as he jumped back before Gin could activate his Bankai's special ability to disintegrate

"Ooh Lucky Escape" Gin chuckled "Ah well, I'll just keep on Stabbing at ya until-"

"Some no Mai, Tsukishiro (First Dance, White Moon)"

Gin was too late to noticed the Pillar of Ice, He didn't even see or hear Rukia release her Zanpakutou

"Little Rukia-Chan is here?" Gin chuckled as he easily broke free of the Ice pillar "Where is she I'd like to see her-"

"Cero Oscuras" Ulquiorra shouted,Gin saw it coming and jumped out of the way

"Must be a cold day in hell, Seeing Ulquiorra and Rukia-Chan team up" He chuckled...unaware of just who was behind him

"San no Mai, Shirafune (Third Dance, White Sword)"

Gin saw a small bit of Ice form just infront of him, that Ice shot back, pierced his chest and then connected with Rukia's blade, the ice and the sword merged together, creating one long sword, that Gin was impaled on

"Well...Shit" Gin chuckled as Ice started to cover his chest, an effect of the third dance, He looked back at the petite Shinigami responsible for the blow "Didn't even see ya there...ya sure have gotten good at hidden' your Reiatsu...Rukia-Chan"

"Now would be a good time to start begging me to spare your life." She said in an emotionless voice

"Oh...can't do that can I?" he chuckled as Blood started to seep from his mouth, much to his surprise, Rukia pulled the blade back, turned Gin around and held him by his neck

"You know Gin...on second might prove useful to Ichigo" She said, Much to Gin's surprise, she had a grin on her face that could give his own a run for it's money

"Spare me?" he asked as he felt the Ice on his body begin to dissolve

"'d make a worthy subordinate to Ichigo" she chuckled, as much as Gin hated it, he was at her Mercy, he didn't have Shinso, he'd dropped after Rukia impaled him "Want me to save you?"

"I...I Suppose-"

"Gin" She interrupted


"Just Kidding" she said with a sinister smirk, and that's all she said before she lobbed off his head

"Payback is a bitch Ichimaru" Rukia chuckled as the dead captain fell down in two pieces "That was for breaking my resolve on the bridge and then for trying killing me on Sokyoku Hill, Hope you rot you creepy smiling bastard"

On the Ground

"Alright" a newly healed Shinji snapped "Mind telling me what the fuck is going on?"

"I've been betrayed" he said, not beating around the bush, just plain out admitting it

"By What? Your common sense? Why the fuck did you come here with an Arrancar!" Shinji roared as he grabbed Ichigo by the collar

"If you let me go, then I'll explain" Ichigo said as Shinji let him go "Alright, I'll just say it, The Soul Society wanted to Kill me because I'm one of you"

"Explain" Shinji commanded as he crossed his arms

"The Soul Society want me dead because I'm one of you, a Vizard, A Shinigami with Hollow powers, they believed I was a threat that needed to be wiped out A.S.A.P, So they sent a team of Shinigami to the real world, originally they were sent to kill me, but after Rukia joined them, they had to delay the execution, Then they came up the plan that started this whole mess-"

"Wait, Wait" Shinji interrupted "If the came after you why didn't they come after-"

"Duck!" Ichigo shouted as he tackled Shinji to the Ground, not even a second later a huge fire-like blast soared past them, If Shinji hadn't been shoved out the way then he would've been seriously injured

"Because they were using you" He said as he got up

Shinji turned and looked at who had fired the blast, the last person he had expected, the big human furball, Sajin Komamura, who was currently missing a limb

"I'm sorry Ichigo-kun, Hirako-San" Sajin said sadly "But your execution has been ordered by Central 46 and Head-Captain Yamamoto, and I must carry it through"

"Central 46 and Old Man Yama..." Ichigo noted in his head "So that's who I have to kill...then so be it"

"Oi!" Shinji shouted as he jumped up "Is it true? That you were just using us?"

"Yes, Hirako-san" Sajin nodded "We believed that you would make good allies in the battle against Aizen, and afterward your usefulness would've...expired, It didn't matter if even showed up in the Fake Karakura Town, we would've hunted you down"

Shinji grinded his teeth as he was told that he and his friends would've hunted down one way or another, Hiyori was already near death and being told that they would kill a gravely wounded girl like her without remorse caused something inside Shinji to Snap

"You son of a mother fucking bitch..." He growled at Sajin

"Not only that" Ichigo cut in, wanting to raise Shinji's urge to kill "They're responsible for Orihime's kidnapping"

"O-Orihime-Chan too" Shinji gasped "That's...That's-"

"Unforgivable" Ichigo finished for him "Now you know, Inoue, Ishida, Chad, Rukia and Ulquiorra have joined me because they too feel the soul society needs to brought to justice, So what are you going to do?"

Shinji looked at Ichigo for a second before extending his arm

"Count me in..."

"Welcome to my new Espada..." Ichigo smirked as he shook hands with his new partner "New Espada? sounds weak...The Arrancar's have that whole Spanish thing going on...and 'New' in Spanish is 'Nuevo'...but combined with "Espada", it would change to "Nueva"...that's it...that is the name of my new army..."

"The Nueva Espada..."

"I'm afraid you will die one way or another" Sajin said as he drew his Zanpakutou "I Must enforce Justice"

"Orihime-Chan, help Hachi heal Hiyori and the rest of the Vizards" Shinji said "Please..."

"Y-Yes" she nodded as she took off, It was then that Ulquiorra and Rukia descended to the ground

"Rukia, Ulquiorra how did it-"

"Gin's dead" Rukia interrupted

Ichigo nodded, he had a hunch that it was Gin that Rukia wanted to Kill, He knew he tried to kill her and she had told him about the time he had screwed with her head on the bridge, he was just glad the creepy bastard was dead

"Do you wish me to take over?" Ulquiorra asked

"No" Ichigo motioned as Shinji drew his Zanpakutou "Me and Shinji will handle this"

"I'm sorry it had to come to this" Sajin said as he lifted up his Zanpakutou

"Captain!" Came a shout, Everyone turned to see Tetsuzaemon Iba, Sajin Komamura's Lieutenant running towards them "Captain! Please allow me to deal with the trash"

"Such Arrogance" Ichigo scoffed "He wants to show off in front of his Captain, well go on then...come to your death Iba-san"

"Tetsuzaemon!" Sajin snapped as Tetsuzaemon stood infront of him "No stop! They're too strong for you to handle!"

"Please Trust me Captain!" He protested "Doing this could earn me-"

"I Know you want to fill in one of the empty Captain positions but you can't handle this!" Komamura protested

"Trust me Captain" Iba said in his head as he charged forward

"The first bites the dust" Ichigo chuckled as Black Reiatsu covered Ichigo's sword "First I think I'll snap his neck, then rip his arms off and then-"

Tersuzaemon loud yell snapped Ichigo out of his trance, he swung Tensa Zangetsu, Cleaving through Iba's Zanpakutou, and separating his head from his shoulders

"How disappointing, I didn't want to kill him. Not before breaking every bone in his body" Ichigo groaned as the headless body of Tetsuzaemon fell to the ground

"Tetsuzaemon!" Sajin shouted

"There's no time to grieve your fallen comrade. You'll be joining him shortly" Ichigo stated as the Black reiatsu began to cover Tensa Zangetsu again "Getsuga-"

"ICHIGO, STOP!" Came three simultaneous shouts

Ichigo turned to the source of the noise, he found three familiar faces, Kisuke Urahara, Yoruichi Shihouin and-
