Chapter 16:White Darkness

"We are at a standstill it seems" Arturo stated as blood dripped down from the cut on his shoulder

"Indeed" Hisagi stated, a line of blood trickled from his forehead, accompanying the drizzle of blood trailing down his back

"Just to let you know boy, This will not end until one of us dies" Arturo stated as he leapt forward

"I was hoping you would jump" Hisagi grunted "Bakudo #37, Tsuriboshi!"

Arturo's eyes widened as a small ball of Reiatsu appeared in the distance between him and Hisagi and then exploded, firing out six ropes which all connected to the ground, a building or a tree, a star shaped trampoline-like device made of Spirit energy laid in the centre were the ropes met, Arturo connected with the flat surface and was sent flying backwards, much like a trampoline.

"Do you honestly think that such childs play will stop me?" Arturo scoffed as he righted himself, much to his surprise, one of Kazeshini's blades tore through the trampoline-like device and was heading towards him at a great speed, he barely dodged in time, just getting a small cut on his left arm, he retracted the blade which narrowly missed Arturo's neck, said Arrancar Sonido'ed forward and attempted to slash Hisagi's chest only for him to leap into the air, he launched one of blades again as Arturo pursued him into the air, the Arrancar easily dodged the blade

"Hado #31, Shakkaho" Hisagi declared as he fired the red flame blast at his Turquoise haired foe, The Arrancar sliced the blast in half with his Zanpakutou but as he got closer to Hisagi, he tore off one of his armbands and threw it towards the Arrancar, the instant Arturo saw the metallic accessory begin to glow and whir, he knew it couldn't be good, and as a result, he fired his trademark "X" Shaped Bala towards it, the two collided causing a massive explosion and flurry of smoke, Arturo eyes widened as another blade of Kazeshini spun through the cloud of smoke towards him, The Arrancar blocked the strike with his Zanpakutou and blocked again when he launched the other blade and then dodged as he retracted both scythes using the chain

"You have impressive reflexes" Hisagi noted as he readied Kazeshini "That won't change your fate however"

"Neither will your reflexes" Arturo scoffed as he flew up to Hisagi's level "This battlefield is already filled with blood, feel the surrounding Reiatsu, we are not the only in battle and we are winning"

"I've had enough of you!" Hisagi roared as he charged forward

"I know the feeling" Arturo stated as he narrowed his eyes "You've been on the defensive for most of this battle, are you sure the offensive position suits you?"

"Shut up!" He roared as he and the Arrancar locked blades, and proceeded to unload a flurry of strikes, knocking each other down until they leapt onto the roof of a barrack, Hisagi proceeded to charge forward, not noticing the red light forming on infront of Arturo until it was too late

"Cero" The Arrancar declared by firing off the huge red blast, Hisagi could only gaze in horror as the blast neared him

"C-Captain Aizen…" Momo gasped as she saw the seemingly, supposed to be dead ex-captain standing in front of her

"It's me…Momo" The Captain said as he opened up his arms, as if expecting her to run into a hug

Toshiro was frozen still

How could he be here?

How could be even be alive!

Kurosaki cut off his head in Karakura Town! Even Aizen couldn't surviv-

It was now that Momo had left his arms

"Captain Aizen!" she cried as she ran into the offered hug

"He's back" she muttered as she felt him wrap his arms around her

"There's one thing I have to tell you Momo" the captain stated in his low voice

"C-Captain?' she asked as she looked up to his glasses-wearing face

"Well…it's more something to say about you, you see, I've always liked this certain quality about you?"

"W-What is it…Captain?" she asked, Toshiro still frozen from shock behind her

"It's that


"You're so gullible"

And then then realisation hit Toshiro

"MOMO, GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Toshiro screamed

"Shatter, Kyoka Suigetsu"


"Momo!" Toshiro cried

In mere milliseconds, *Aizen* had disappeared and a black blade made its way across Hinamori's chest, slashing it open

"Such a pitiful girl" came a female voice from behind him

"Indeed" came a male voice from in front of Momo's fallen body "So, So gullible."

Toshiro gasped as he looked behind him to meet the female who had spoked

"Kuchiki…" he muttered as he met the smirking raven haired girl

"Then that means…"

He creaked his head back to were it had been

Infront of him he saw a man,

A Blade with a green hilt in his left hand and completely black blade in his right

with wild orange hair

"Kurosaki..." he whispered

"I'm impressed" Arturo stated "That your Zanpakutou could hold its own against my cero"

"Shut up" he growled, he had used the blades of Kazeshini as a shield from the blast but the damage had been done, his legs were covered in blood and a good part of his right arm has been slashed open

"You have lasted long boy, far longer than I had anticipated" Arturo stated as he returned his blade to it's sheath but kept his hand on the hilt "For that, you at least deserve to witness it"

"Witness what?" Hisagi chocked out as he righted himself

"That Sword release of a Nueva Espada" Arturo declared as Hisagi's eyes widened

"Extend your flaming wings, Fenix!"

"P-Primera?" the Squad 2 captain stuttered

"That means…that you're the top dog of the Espada aren't you?" she asked with wide eyes

"Correct" he stated as he opened his coat enough to reveal the "1" Tattoo on his right breast "I was appointed as the Primera shortly after Kurosaki-sama came to power"

This was bad

She needed the help of a Vizard and Her Bankai just to beat the Segunda Espada last time, and even then, it wasn't her who delivered the final blow

She needed to go all out

"Sting all enemies to death, Suzumebachi!" she shouted as her blade transformed into the familiar needle-like gauntlet on her right hand

"That's it? That's what you're going to fight me with?" Ulquiorra scoffed "Don't mock me"


Soifon quickly shunpo'ed out of the way of the green energy blast, as soon as she dodged it, another one fired almost immediately afterwards which she quickly dodged as well

"You're slow"

Soifon gasped as she turned around to see the Arrancar casually standing beside her

Before he launched her into the air with a massive kick

"This won't take 5 Minutes…" The Arrancar declared as he Unsheathed his Zanpakutou

"Extend your flaming wings, Fenix!"

What could only be called a blizzard of fire erupted from where Arturo stood, the flames burn furiously until beginning to retract where the Arrancar stood, soon all the flames gathered and then burnt out revealing Arturo's released form

"Now you know why I don't like using my Zanpakutou, My Release form is…very anti-climatic"

Hisagi was tempted to nod along, virtually nothing about the arrancar had changed, the jawbone shaped mask fragment had disappeared, his skin had faded in colour, not to point of Ulquiorra's paleness but actually quite close, Reiatsu swirled around the Arrancar as two wispy, soft looking wings made of Reiatsu formed on his back, which flashed red, black, yellow and green shades of Reiatsu, all at the same time

"Before you go on thinking this is some kind of joke or that I've got a higher stage or release, I haven't. This is it" Arturo stated "You'd think with a name like Fenix, the Immortal King, it would be ridiculously fancy"


Hisagi's eyes widened as the Arrancar held his arms up in the air, tempted to look up, Hisagi witnessed several "X" Shaped marks appearing in the sky

"That doesn't mean it's not powerful"

With a swing on his arms, Cero's came raining down from the X shaped markings in the sky, Hisagi did his best to dodge them all, and did successfully,

"I'm annoyed" Arturo said with Narrowed eyes "You're actually starting to become a nuisance, maldito mocoso" Arturo glared "I shall end it with this"

Arturo stretched his arms out wide as a ball of red energy with a black centre formed in front of his pectorals, Hisagi noticed this an instantly readied himself, with the highest kido spell he knew

"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribed a twin lotus, in the abyss of conflagration, wait for the far heavens" Hisagi chanted as he smacked his two wrists together and held them out in front of him "Hado #73, Soren Sokatsui!"

The Large blue blast homed in on the Turquoise haired Arrancar, but after Arturo fired his enormous cero, the kido spell was reduced to nothing

Hisagi couldn't even attempt to run as the Cero consumed him

And as the smoke cleared, Arturo stood over the ruined barracks that had been their battlefield, stood over the crippled and bloodied body of Shuhei Hisagi

He returned to his normal state and then proceeded to walk away

He left the battlefield


Soifon clutched her bleeding arm as she looked at the Espada in in front of her

He was completely unscratched while she had blood leaking out of her arm like a waterfall

"He's…so strong" she muttered through her clenched teeth, simultaneously wincing from the pain of her wound

"Why don't you just give up?" Ulquiorra asked

"I'm a captain, I will not back down from the likes of you!" she roared

"You're persistent" Ulquiorra muttered "Those of the words of someone who has yet to see true despair…very well then…I will show you True Despair"

"Enclose, Murciélago"

A flurry off black rain erupted in front of her, she shielded herself as the black substance dyed everything around her darkuntil the heavy drizzle faded revealing a figure

A Helmet covering his head with two outward pointing horns, a flowing, almost dress-like garment, thick grey lines under his eyes and a pair of gigantic bat wings on his back

Ulquiorra's Resurreccion

"Ready?" he asked as a green lance materialised in his hand

Sajin Komamura let out a loud groan as he found himself tossed into a wall

He rubbed the back of his head as his memory jogged

He had sensed the Arrancar's Reiatsu and had come to assist Shuhei

Only to be blindsided by another Arrancar who had dragged him all the way out here

As he opened his eyes, he could see the arrancars blues ones looking back at him

"Yeah…this should do it" Gamma stated as he looked around the landscape, holstering his blade on his shoulder

"Who…are you?" The Furry Captain asked as he righted himself

"Name's Gamma Akutabi" he declared as he revved up his chainsword "how's it goin'?"

"I see…An Arrancar…"

"Octava" he noted

"I see…then…Bankai"

"Wow, you're not underestimating me, are ya?" Gamma laughed

"Kokujo Tengen Myo'o" Komamura declared as his mammoth of a Bankai appeared before him

"Wow…" Gamma whistled before he held out his blade "Alright…If you're not gonna go easy one me, then I ain't go easy on you either…this…is beyond what you have ever seen before…My Zanpakuto release

Set them alight…"

The Squad 2 Captain let out a scream as the Espada sent her flying back once again, batting her around like a ping pong ball

"He's so fast" she gasped, all she had to do was blink and the Arrancar would be mere millimetres from her face, she silently wondered in the back of her head if even Yoruichi-sama was this fast "He's overwhelming me with his speed and the lance of his can send me flying back like I weigh nothing at all"

"I Have no choice" she muttered as she righted herself in the air

"It appears that I have grossly underestimated you" Ulquiorra stated as he appeared a few metres in front of her "Weren't you the one who defeated Barragan? Or was that one of the Vizard you betrayed?"

Soifon growled angrily at that

"I've had enough of you, Espada" she grunted "All you've done is mock me, I'll show you the true power of a Captain"

"I don't have time to wrap the Ginjōhan around anything, and even then the only things I could wrap it around are a bunch of tree's that would vaporise from the blast, I have no choice…this will hurt"


Ulquiorra's expression remained stoic a mass of reiatsu blasted off the Captain in the form of a wispy, light blue pillar

His eyes did widen a fraction however when the pillar of energy faded, revealing the Captain and her Bankai

What appeared to be a missile launch base coloured gold with black stripes encased her entire right arm along with the accompanying missile, a small shield with what looked like a primitive type of scope laid of the top of the base, presumably to aim the monster of a missile that was attached to the base

"Jakuhō Raikōben" The Captain declared "If possible, I'd of preferred not to use this but it's obvious that I cannot beat you with a Shikai"

Ulquiorra eyed the Bankai carefully, it didn't take a genius to discover that it was designed to be used at long range and the use of it at close range would be disastrous for both of them

So he quickly Sonido'd roughly 200ft away from the captain

"Are you backing away?" Soifon asked "Afraid?"

Ulquiorra chose not to respond to that question

"Remain still" Ulquiorra advised as he clasped his hands together "Just as you do not wish to set off your Bankai at close range, I do not wish to detonate this near me either"

"What are you-" the captain begin to ask until a pale green light began to ignite in the gap between his hands, as he pulled his hands apart, the light extended into the form of a lance

"Lanza del Relámpago" Ulquiorra declared as he held the lance in one hand "Like, I said, stay where you are, If possible, I'd prefer not to set this off near me"

Soifon's response was to aim her Bankai at the Espada, Ulquiorra responded by reeling back his lance wielding arm

And then they both released their ultimate attack

And the result of the clash was the closest thing the seireitei had ever seen to a Nuclear Bomb.