Chapter 19:Chase The Thrill

His body couldn't go on…

His Resolve Broken…

But his soul…his will

Would not give up

As his was about to collapse to his knees…everything went dark

And a voice echoed through his head


"Is that it…are you just going to die here and now?"

"Pantera…is that you?"

"You are not losing here because your opponent if stronger than you, It is because you're giving up…"

"I'm beat…I Can't go on"

"Your Will is strong enough to go on…"

"Don't start this metaphysical bullshit with me"

"Right Now, The world is telling you to give up...

But Your Soul…is telling you to go on"


"Never, Never, Never give up Grimmjow!" Came the Zanpakutou's voice "Remember why you want to live…the goals you've yet to achieve"

"My goals…My goal is…to win…"

"And?" Panthera urged on

"To…climb to the top…and then…then"


"Then…Beat Kurosaki…"

"I have…to beat Kurosaki"


"I can't die here….

I can't die...

I can't die…

I can't die!



"Grimmjow" Came the Zanpakutou's voice once again "Trust in me, take my power, Embrace the power in your soul, push yourself to your limit, stand up...



Kenpachi's widened at the event that had just occurred

Just as the was about to fall

The Arrancar righted himself…and grabbed his blade

Even Kenpachi couldn't believe it

"Sorry" The Arrancar stated as he looked as Kenpachi with a somewhat sad smile "I'm not allowed…to take any more damage"


"Damn, Damn, Damn!" Shunsui cursed as he ran down the streets of Seireitei, he could sense the massive battle occurring around him, several shinigami had already fallen while the casualties on Kurosaki's side were practically non-existent, his two blades drawn already incase he would run into battle

Which is exactly what happened, Shunsui couldn't let out more than a quick "whoa!" as a cero blasted past him, scorching his hat

"It's been a while…Captain-san"

"That voice…"

"I only hope that you haven't forgotten me…Espada-san" Shunsui chuckled

"I wonder if you remember my name…It's Starrk" He stated as he lowered his gun "Coyote Starrk"

"And it's Shunsui Kyoraku..incase you've forgotten" he stated as he readied his blades "So…shall we begin?"

One more Desgarron to captain's chest

That had to be it

That last slash had to to be it…

But it was not over yet

"Not Over…Not…Over…It's not over yet" The Captain groaned as he gasped for air, the attacking having knocked the wind out of him

"One more"

Kenpachi looked up to the arrancar and looked at his face

He was exhausted, bloodied, battered

But the will to fight was still there

"One…more…time" Grimmjow panted "One more attack…that's it…that's all we have left in us…When I beat you…I'll move forward…without looking back…Even if my body breaks…Even if I fall to the ground…My pride…my will to fight…my resolve…will help me up…and I'll fight again and again…I won't lose here…"

"A stand-off….alright" The Captain panted as he and the arrancar took several steps back before both readied themselves "Let's end it…Grimmjow Jeagerjaquez"

"Kenpachi Zaraki!" Grimmjow roared as he charged forwards

"DIE!" Kenpachi roared as he charged forward

The smell of blood filled the air

the end was near

As the stand-off neared its end, Images began to flash in Grimmjow's head

His Comrades, The Nueva Espada



"Have to…"




Both remained still after the clash…Their backs turned to each other…Neither moving

"Is it over?" Grimmjow asked, his voice was nothing but a whisper

"Yeah…It's over" Kenpachi answered, his voice equally quiet as the two began to fall forward

Time seemed to slow down as the two began to collapse, The echoing shout of "Ken-Chan" from the Pink Haired lieutenant as they both fell to the ground was the only sound that could be heard

Both were about to fall...

But…at the last moment

Grimmjow put one foot out and righted himself

But Kenpachi fell to the ground...

"It's over" Grimmjow said so quietly that he barely moved his lips, dropping his released form "I…Win"


Grimmjow nearly jumped as the unexpected shriek rung through his eardrums, he turned around to see the captains pink haired lieutenant hoisting her captain on her shoulders

"Thanks mister! Ken-chan really had fun with you, he'll want to fight you again sometime, 'kay? BYEEEE!" Yachiru delightfully chirped before she leaped away with her captain

Grimmjow stared into nothingness, trying to contemplate the scenario that just played out before him, but before he could make sense of it all, he legs gave way and he fell to the ground

"Damn…" he muttered as he clenched the dirt "Used to much…power"

He used every ounce of strength he had left in his body to right himself, just getting on his knees left him breathless

"Can't stop here…I won't…I won't stop here…"

Starrk panted as once again as his clash with Shunsui ended in deadlock

"You've gotten better' Shunsui grinned

"Likewise" Starrk stated "But…I'm glad"

Shunsui raised his eyebrow as the Espada holstered his guns

"I've been training day and night to achieve this…to get stronger"

"What are you-"

"You took something from me…someone…I won't forgive you" Starrk stated as a dark energy began to surround him "Five minutes is all I have…got to make this quick"

"Resurreccion: Segunda Etapa"

Gamma Akutabi sighed as his Chainsword stopped whirring, it was covered in the blood of another Shinigami

"That's Number 23" he sighed "Since I split with Gintoki, all I've found are these weakling…how dull"


Gamma turned around to come face to face with a Shinigami captain and her Lieutenant

He faced the silver haired Isane Kotetsu and-

His eyes widened and his breath hitched as he saw who was standing beside her


Isane heard a shocked gasp from her captain, she turned to see that same shocked expression the Espada was wearing written on her Captains face


"Captain!" She shrieked "How do you know him?!"


"Go ahead" Gamma stated as he Sonido'd infront of her and their eyes met "Tell her"

"Isane…" she muttered as she stared into Gamma's eyes "He's…He's…

He…is my brother"