Chapter 23:Meteor


Ichigo and Rukia surveyed the scene in front of them

Shunsui Kyoraku stood infront of them, arms folded

to his left stood Coyote Starrk, to his right, Byakuya Kuchiki

Behind them, the Vizards

But in the very front

Stood Isshin Kurosaki


"It's over...Ichigo" Isshin said "If you just lay down your swords now, we'll-"

"What the fuck is going on?!" Ichigo snapped "Shinji! What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Ichigo...when we met in the fake Karakura, I was inclined to fight alongside you" Shinji began to explain "But earlier, Shunsui came to our cell, let us out and let us see what you'd done..."

Ichigo's eyes met with Shinji's, Ichigo's look of fury was met with one of uncaring

"You became Aizen..."

That clearly hit a nerve with Ichigo as he began to grit his teeth

"You've become nothing more than a pyschopath who just wants, you left us back in the fake Karakura, that was the first clue"

"Just take a look at yourself and see what you've become" Shunsui sighed "I was actually on your side...until you pulled all of this...I can't forgive you for that"

"'ve killed too many innocents" Isshin said to his son "This path of destruction will just go on...unless we stop you now"


"So that's it then?" Ichigo questioned "What about you, Starrk?"

"I refuse to be a tool for revenge any longer" Starrk boldly stated to his former leader

"So that's that" Ichigo scoffed "What are you going to do? You seriously think that Soul Society will accept you amongst their ranks?"

"We've got that sorted out" Isshin stated

"So you're all here to stop us?" Rukia scoffed "If you think that this is enough, then you're wrong"

"This is the end Ichigo, we're not letting you go any further than this" Isshin stated as he drew his Zanpakuto

"Rukia, I must perform my duty" Byakuya said as he began to approach her "I will bring you back, by force if I must, for Hisana's will"

"Let's move" Shunsui stated to the Vizards "This is clearly a family matter"

With that, Shunsui and the Vizards took their leave


"So this is it huh? Dad" Ichigo grunted

"Someone has to stop you...I only hope Masaki will forgive me for this..." Isshin stated as he readied his Zanpakuto

"So this how we're doing things, Byakuya?" Rukia asked

"I will not kill you...only bring you back and re-educate you to how you once were" Byakuya stated "Even if that means dragging you back...prepare yourself"

"Bankai, Tensa Zangetsu!"

"Burn, Engetsu"

"Dance, Sode no Shirayuri"

"Bankai, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi"

"I'm afraid that's all I can do for her at the moment" Urahara sighed as he ceased the healing Kido on Unohana's leg

"Thank you...thank you" Isane sobbed

"There's no need to thank me" Urahara said as he stood up "You should hurry up and get her to your Squad barracks, they can do far more than I can"

Isane simply thanked him a couple more times before she sped off with Unohana

"That's just like you Kisuke"

Kisuke Urahara turned at the mention of his name

And was greeted by Shunsui, Starrk and the Vizards


"I believe I have what you requested" Shunsui said with a tip of his hat "Now then-"

"Very well then, It's been hard to do on such short notice but I believe I've been able to find The Vizards a new hiding spot" he stated, peering out the top of his hat "As for you Starrk-san, you'll be coming with me"

Starrk shot a slightly nervous glance at Shunsui

"It's alright, he doesn't bite" Shunsui said with a chuckle


"You'll be going and hiding with this man" Kyoraku confirmed "He'll hide you good, don't worry"

"So then...I'm going into hiding?"

"Just until you're needed" Kyoraku said as he patted Starrk on the shoulder

"Now, let's mosey" Urahara said with a smile

"Mosey?" Shinji scoffed

Ichigo reared back from another blow from Isshin's Engetsu, the flames surrounding his blade scorched and cracked the black Tensa Zangestu

Ichigo dashed forwards and swung once again only for his father to parry the strike and knock Ichigo back a few steps

Ichigo expected his father to swing at him once more, but to his surprise, he remained motionless

"What are you waiting for?" Ichigo growled

"Despite what you may think...I don't want to do this" Isshin declared to his son "Believe me, I want nothing more than to just go back before all this began, prevent this from happening to you and just go back to a normal life"


"So what?" Ichigo growled "You seriously think just thinking about that will change anything? If you really want to make a difference then join me and-"

"We both know that's not going to happen" Isshin cut him off

"So what's it gonna be then?" Ichigo shrugged


"Ichigo...just what do you actually know?"

"Know about what?" Ichigo grumbled

"Everything, why you're this powerful? why Soul Society made you a substitute? Did you every wonder about these things?"

"What is there to think about?" Ichigo asked "I was betrayed, I got stronger, end of story"

"Ichigo, you really are clueless" Isshin said to his son "I'm sure you've realized by now that I'm a Shinigami too"

"-and that's why I have Shinigami powers, believe me, I figured that one out on my own"

"Yeah, I suppose you have...but have you ever wondered how you came to be? How a Shinigami and a Human met, married and had a child?"

"Don't care" Ichigo scoffed

"Kurosaki was your mothers name, when I married her, I took on hers, my name is Isshin Shiba"

"Shiba?!" Rukia cried out from in the distance

"My parents names were Noriaki and Fujin Shiba" Isshin began to explain

"Shiba?" Ichigo asked but then his curiousity peaked "Wait a minute...does that mean-"

"Kukaku and Ganju...they're your cousins" Isshin confirmed his suspicions "They're the children of my late sister, Shomai well as your late cousin Kaien"

"Kaien...I see" Byakuya noted, his fight with Rukia temporarily suspended

"Then...he and Ichigo..." Rukia said, her mouth agape

"My sister was sick since birth and after giving birth to her third child, her life ended" Isshin said sadly "Her death drove our family apart and it tore my parents's marriage into peaces and soon my father began an affair

with a woman named Konata Aizen..."

"Aizen?!" Ichigo shouted in disbelief, the looks on Byakuya's and Rukia's faces showed that they were equally shocked

"Has Kyoka Suigestu agreed to lend you her power?" Isshin asked "It's because it knows who you are...and it knows that blood of the father of Sosuke Aizen runs through you veins...Aizen half-brother"

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez panted as he finally slashed down the remaining Shinigami

He feel to his knees as the man fell dead, the squad that ambushed him after he encountered Soifon and he had been jumped by a squad of Soldiers

Despite his broken body as a result of his clash with Kenpachi, he fought and continued to do so until they had all fallen

"Enough" he panted as he got back to his feet "Can't do anymore"

And needless to say, he wasn't pleased with what happened next


Grimmjow let out a yelp as he felt several small blades enter his back

"Damnit!" he growled as he feel on all fours

Grimmjow willed himself back to his feet and painstakingly removed the blades from his back, as he pulled the last one out, he turned to face his attacked

Yoruichi Shihouin, with Shunko already activated

"'Real dick move, you know that?" Grimmjow growled "So what do you want-?"

"I'm here to fight you, I'm sure that's pretty obvious" she said with her trademark smirk

"Well I ain't got time for this" Grimmjow muttered "Get lost"

Grimmjow turned to leave, but a sudden rush of wind told him to brace himself. He turned around and brought up his arm just quick enough to block a kick

But it did nothing to soften the impact as Grimmjow was blasted across the battlefield but managed to right himself and land on his feet

"If you think I'm just gonna let you leave, you're dumber than you look" Yoruichi stated to the Arrancar "This is a war, and I am here to crush my enemy"

Grimmjow readied himself, he didn't want to, but it would look like he'd had to fight again

"I really don't have time for this shit" Grimmjow growled as he unsheathed his Zanpakuto

"Nor do I, so I'll end it quick" Yoruichi stated as she pulled out a small blade from her Uniform "Tear, Kurai hyono yoroi! (Armor of the dark Panther)"

Grimmjow's vision was clouded as what looked like a storm cloud surrounded the woman, bolts of lightning firing from the cloud too, barely missing the Arrancar

When it cleared, the woman stood tall

Her arms completely clad in silver gauntlets, the gauntlets were spiked all over along with a red pattern pattern engraved all along the armor and what looked like buzzsaws were places at the shoulders and fist areas, similar greaves graced her feet with buzzsaws at the located on the sides of her ankles (AN: pst, Gilgamesh from Devil May Cry 4

"Normally I don't even bother with Shikai, but like I said, this is a war..."

"So let's just end it" Grimmjow growled

All voices halted, all eyes opened wide and everyone's jaw fell to the floor at Isshin's statement

"What the hell...did you just say?" Ichigo asked

"It's just as you heard" Isshin stated to his son "Sosuke Aizen was my half-brother"


"You mean...I'm related to Aizen?" Ichigo asked again, disgust hindering in his voice

"Barely...but yes" Isshin confirmed

"All this time...had we known this..." Byakuya said quietly with his head hung low "Perhaps this is some genetic curse of the Shiba"


Ichigo's roar diverted all attention to him, fury written in his eyes and his words

"Don't you dare compare me to him!" Ichigo snapped "I am nothing like him!"

"You're exactly like him!" Isshin stated to his son "You've practically become him!"

"Shut up!" Ichigo snapped "I am better than him! I've succeeded where he has failed!"

Ichigo then reached into his pocket and tore out a sole object

"The Hogyoku..." Isshin said in brief moment of awe

"You see!" Ichigo laughed "Aizen only had the basic understanding of the Hogyoku, I have conquered it! Aizen strived through convoluted plans instead of going after the main source of his problem! HE WAS A WEAK FOOL BUT I AM A GOD! I CONTROL THIS WORLD! NO ONE CAN STAND AGAINST ME!"

"You are not a god and this world is not yours" Isshin said to his son "You won't win Ichigo, me, Urahara and Yoruichi wanted to prove this to you so that's why we changed our minds and decided to come doesn't matter how strong your army is long as there is hope and dreams, the Shinigami, the rightful rulers of this world, will win"

"Hope...and dreams...are just pointless things" Ichigo said with his head hung low "They came from nowhere and they will go nowhere! I will destory Seireitei and your pathetic hopes and dreams!"

Ichigo turned up his head, his eyes filled with tears and his voice filled with hate



Ichigo's rant was cut off

Rukia's eyes widened, as did Byakuya's

Isshin closed his tearful eyes and muttered a silent apology to his late wife

"And just like let your arrogance get the better of you"

as Engetsu penetrated Ichigo's chest

"ICCCHHIIIIGOOOOO!" Rukia screamed as Isshin removed the blade from his son

She attempted to dash forward, only for Byakuya to case Rikujokoro on her

"WHY?!" She screamed at Isshin despite her imprisonment "He's your son! How could you do this to him?!"

Isshin did not reply, instead he gazed at fallen body of his son

"You have done a great service, Isshin Shiba"

And then all eyes turned to the new arrival

Head-Captain Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto

"Head-Captain" Byakuya said respectively

"I didn't do this for you...I did it to stop my sons suffering"

"He was only suffering because of you!" Rukia screamed "He was betrayed by-"

"Hado #2: Musei (Voiceless)"

Her words were severed as Byakuya's spell sported a line of reishi over her mouth, keeping it shut

"I will not see you bear the burden of killing your own son" Yamamoto stated "I will deliver the final blow"


"Do what you like" Isshin stated as he began to walk away "He'll eventually bleed to death if you just leave him"

"Reduce all of creations to ashes, Ryujin Jakka"

Rukia's muffled screams to her downed husband could be heard despite the kido spell, her screams intensified as Byakuya began to drag her away

"Be thankful that you're only facing imprisonment and re-education rather than execution"

"Ichigo!" she could be heard, despite the filter of Kido

"Rukia...everyone...the baby

Am I...going to die?

I can't...

Ichigo's eyes weakly lifted themselves

And gazed at the incoming wave of flames from Yamamoto

I'm...there's nothing I can do...


I'm so-"


Ichigo weakly jolted at the sound

The world around his froze, and in front of him stood

His inner hollow

"Remember what I said king?" The hollow asked as it knelt down to Ichigo's level "That I would give you that form only when you needed it the most?

Well...looks like now's the time"

And with that, Yamamoto's flames were blasted away by the torrent of Reiatsu that blasted off of Ichigo

The rain poured down on the streets of Naruki City

Everyone who was out, stood with an umbrell

All except one

A runaway child

Karin Kurosaki

In the days since her leave, she had not traveled far despite saying she would in her letter

She had resorted to sleeping in Alleyways and enduring the pouring rain

And now, she wandered the streets, searching for another alley to spend the night in

Though her search was temporarily suspended as she bumped into someone and feel into a puddle

"Hey, watch it!" The man declared before he looked down "Oh, just a kid"

"Sorry" she mumbled as she herself up

"Oh geez, sorry kid" the man mumbled "You better go home and change"

"I don't have a home" she mumbled before she walked past him

"Whoa, hold up!" he shouted as he turned to her "You're homeless?!"

"That's generally what not having a home means" she sighed as she continued walking

"Whoa hang on!" the man cried as he pursued her yet again "I can't you wonder around in the pouring rain like this!"

"What's your deal?" she sighed as she turned to face him

"I can't let a little girl wonder the dark and wet streets along at night, it's not safe!" The man cried "Come on, you gotta be hungry, I'll buy you some ramen!"

"What is your deal?!" Karin shouted

"Eh?" The man pondered

"You some kind of kiddy-toucher or something?!"


"Bet you wanna rip these wet clothes right off, don'tcha?!" Karin yelled at the man

"That's not what I mean!"


"I swear to god brat! People are looking!" The man growled

"Then get lost" Karin growled before dashing off

"Hey!" the man cried "I just wanna help!"

"Then get lost!" She snapped back as the man began to run after her

"How is that gonna help?!"

Karin continued running away and her pursuer followed her every step of the way

All until they reached a bridge, when Karin ran out of breath

"Will you listen to me now?!" The man asked as he arrived by her side

"What is your deal?!" She snapped

"I'm sorry if trying to help a homeless girl!" the man snapped back

"I'm fine by myself!" She snapped

"Really?" the man scoffed "You're homeless, cold, wet, broke and probably haven't ate for days, you know if you keep on going out like this, you'll run into muggers and when they find out you have no money they'll probably take your clothes instead and do unspeakable things to you and then they'll send you on your merry way"

Karin faced the man before he head fell low

"I'm trying to help you before the last things you have is taken away from you and you no choice but to become a broken underage nudist" the man sighed "I wanna help you kid...swear it"

Karin then lifted her head to face the man, who then adjusted his umbrella so that it covered both of them

"Listen, I have a place with a few friends, we got a bar, beds, even a shower, we can dry your clothes and then you can do whatever you like"




"My name is...Karin...Karin Kurosaki" the girl stated "And if you're lying to me-"

"Swear it, kid. There's even a kid there around your age" He smiled

"So...who are you?"

Shadows seemed to envelop the mans face as he smirked

"I'm Ginjo...Kugo Ginjo"