Chapter 25:Count Zero

There was one name that was a taboo amongst the higher-ups of the Soul Society

One name, belonging to a criminal

A criminal of whom some believed was born of Soul Society's own doing, others claimed he was simply a psychopath

Either way, his existence was mostly hidden from those below the rank of Captain but his title was well known

Substitute Shinigami

The first Substitute Shinigami

And for all days, it was today, on the worst day in the history of Soul Society, that they were reminded of his existence


"Yes sir" Hidetomo nodded "We don't know how or why, but we picked up on him through Ichigo Kurosaki's Substitute Shinigami Combat Pass, it's him sir..."

Hidetomo was surprised to see that his captain did not react in shock, in fact, he seemed to have no reaction at all, all he did was close his eyes and sigh

It was today, of course it would be today

On the day he lost his two subordinates, on the day went everything went wrong

It was also the day he was reminded of his greatest sin

"How many others know?" Came the Captains chilled voice

"The research bureau, I and you, sir" Was Hidetomo's reply

"Then for now, make sure it stays that way" Ukitake informed him

"Yes, sir" Hidetomo said with a bow before taking his leave

"Why can't this just be a bad dream" He sighed into his hands "Let this be a bad dream, all of these things cannot be happening on one, please"

Taking his head out of his hands and letting out a large breath, he narrowly gazed at the wall in front of him


"How rude of me, allow me to introduce myself, the name's Date Masamune and this here is Kojuro, and we're here because you took my throne"

And with that, he found several blades held at his throat

"Woah, easy boys!" Date laughed as the army poked his throat with their blades "Calm down, take it too Kojuro"

His bodyguard nodded at his master as he released his grip on his sheathed blade

"Date Masamune...the Date Masamune?" Uryu asked "Are you seriously telling us, you're the ancient Samurai warlord?"

"What do you think?" He replied with a chuckle "Didn't take on the name just 'cuz I liked the sound of it"

"What do you want?" Came Nel's stern voice

"You deaf? You heard me, I'm here because spiky-head took my place as King, I'm afraid I called dibs long before he did"

Rukia nervously looked up at her husband, catching a determined look in his eyes

"I really don't have time for this shit" Came Ichigo's tired voice "Get lost"

"Woah! Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" Date laughed as he examined Ichigo "You really do look like shit, y'know?"

"That's what happens when you got to war" Ichigo growled "And as I just said, I don't have time for some one eyed, dual-wielding fuckstick who wants to be in charge!"

"Shit son! You really are edgy" Date laughed once more as he crossed his arms "Not in a fighting mood?"

"No, I am not!" He snapped "Now get the fuck out of my palace, before my army personally tears you and your buddy limb from fucking limb!"


"Wow...somebody is not happy today" Date smirked "Tell you what..."

Date lowered his arms and placed his hands on his hips as Kojuro turned to his master

"You're hurt, tired, exhausted, beat, bummed, etc etc" Date began with a twirl of his hand "So I won't take you to the grave today, no honor in killin' those who can't fight back"

Ichigo growled as Date's expression remained the same

"So I'll give you a li'l more time, few weeks, maybe a couple of months...but I'll be back...and then it's you and me, mano a it?"

"Do whatever the fuck you like" Ichigo seethed "Just get the fuck outta here"

"C'mon Kojuro" Date signaled to him that they were taking their leave "Be seeing you...Ichigo Kurosaki"

Kisuke Urahara sat in his shop, alone

Jinta, Ururu and Tessai were out and his guests were already being led to their new home

He sighed deeply as he tipped his bucket hat over his eyes

Lots of things had been lost today, today would mark the darkest day in his, and many others lives

"What do we do from here..." He sighed before he felt a familiar energy

The energy of a Senkaimon opening

Worried at what was transpiring, he immediately bolted down to the underground part of his shop

"It's okay Kisuke, it's only me" Came a voice the instant Urahara touched the ground

"Ukitake-san?" Kisuke questioned as he eyed the white haired man before him "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you about something..."

"I'd say now isn't a good time but I doubt the mood will lighten any time soon" Kisuke sighed "What can I do for you?"

With a loud sigh, almost as if he didn't want to admit it, Ukitake reluctantly informed Kisuke

"It's Ginjo...he's back"

Retsu Unohana lied face down on the bed, her eyes blankly staring the wall beside her

After her...punishment, a number of member of her squad were called in to transport her and Soifon to immediate medical attention

She could tell that her subordinates, her comrades, were shocked and mortified to see their captain, naked and suffering on the floor

They were quickly transported to surgery as they were informed to null their pain but not even attempt any form of recovery on the scars


That would forever be etched on her back, a symbol of her so-called betrayal

Her refusal to fight her own flesh and blood...

That was what ruined her

The pain was still there but it had subsided to bearable level

Her leg had been completely healed, which she took advantage of as she gently moved the cover off and stepped off the bed

She now stood there, naked, cold and alone in the empty room

Her bare feet carried over the other side of the room, where she stated into a mirror, she turned around, threw her hair over her shoulder and turned her head back, inspecting the mark that she would be forever etched with


All she could do was stare

Her clothing, her zanpakuto, her pride, her honor, her dignity

They were all gone now

The scar was all she had left

"Captain Unohana!" Came a shrieking voice from down the hall "CAPTAIN UNOHANA!"

And then Isane Kotetsu burst into the room

"Cap-Captain Unohana" Isane breathed slowly

Unohana tilted her head to the girl, she was that she was sweating and so flustered that she either didn't noticed her nakedness or simply didn't care about it

"C-Captain it true?" Isane mumbled as she shut the door behind her before making her way over

Her Captain didn't reply as she simply averted her gaze

"They...they're saying you've been removed as Captain...and Captain Soifon can't be true, can it?"

Once again, no answer, not even a gaze

"ANSWER ME!" She cried as she grabbed her by the shoulders "Captain Unohana! It can't be tr...ue"

Unohana slowly turned her gaze to her and saw that Isane was looking past her and into the mirror


Isane immediately spun her Captain around and swept her hair away

"Ca...Cap...Capt..." Isane gasped as she looked at the scar on her back, lost for words "What...what did they do to you?!"

"Isane" came her quiet reply as she turned around to face her "I...I'm no longer your Captain"

"This...they can't...they can't be doing this to you"

"I've been removed from my position as Captain and soon I will be transferred to Muken"

"Mu-Muken?! Captain, no!" Isane cried as tears began to seep from her eyes

"Isane...I don't know how long I Isane-"

Unohana raised her hand and gently stroked Isane's cheek

"This may come as a shock to you...but let me do this...let me do something I've wanted to do for a long time" Unohana whispered as she dipped her head closer to Isane

And claimed her lips

Isane eyes shot open and her body went numb with shock

Captain Unohana was...kissing her?

"Isane" Unohana whispered silkingly "I never made it clear, I always hid my feelings but...I've always...wanted to have you...will you let me?"

Without waiting for an answer, she locked her lips to Isane's once again

Isane was still in shock as a million questions ran through her mind, Captain Unohana was gay? Captain Unohana was kissing her? Was she gay? Unohana had always wanted her?

"Captain" Isane mumbled while in the kiss

Before she simply melted into it

Her eyelids closed as she found herself clawing as Unohana's naked flesh, Unohana responded by peeling down Isane's uniform, baring her shoulders

"Am I really doing this?" Isane asked herself "I...I've never thought about Captain Unohana like this"

Isane responded by opening her mouth, letting Unohana's tongue invade her mouth and vice-versa. Unohana pressed her lips harder against Isanes, their tongues swirling around each other.

"I...I've kissed a woman feels...nice"

The two could not recall how long they stayed like that but after they broke the kiss, Isane discovered that Unohana had somehow removed the top half of her uniform, her bindings being the only thing covering her top half

"I think...I think I want this"

With that notion in mind, Isane couldn't help but gaze at Unohana's chest

" you...want me?" Came her question

"Right here...right now...I think I do" Came Isane's reply before he initiated a kiss on Unohana

Her lips gradually travelled lower and lower, down her neck and eventually to her breasts

"I do want you Captain Unohana...I never realized until now but I want you"

With that, Isane planted kisses on Unohana's nipples causing her to let out quiet moans which only intensified when Isane's tongue trailed down her stomach

"Not yet" Unohana declared as she pulled Isane away from her obvious destination "Not just yet"

Isane was about to ask why her captain had pulled her away, but was cut off by the quick motion of Unohana's hand slipping into her hakama

Words seemed to cease to exist for Isane as she could only let out sharp moans as she felt Unohana's fingers slipping in and out of her, over and over again, practically turning her underwear into a river, the juices began to run down her leg as the wet sloshing could be heard

Isane bit her lips as she knees began to quiver, before Captain Unohana took out her hand and immediately yanked down her hakama along with her underwear, bearing her womanhood to her captain

She had never given herself to anyone before, no one had ever seen her body before

And she never dreamed that the first person to see her this way would be Retsu Unohana

As Unohana kneeled down, she reached up and ripped off the binding covering Isane's breasts, Isane took this oppertunity to step out of the pool of clothes surrounding her ankles, managing to lose her footwear as her socks and sandles got caught in the swarm, leaving her completely naked, just like her Captain

Unohana stood up and gave Isane a small smile before reaching out and placing her thumbs directly on Isane's nipples, rubbing them in a circular motion

"You're a very beautiful girl Isane" Unohana smiled as Isane let out small moans before she grabbed her buttcheek "So very beautiful..."

With that, Unohana began to back Isane away, until they reached the medical bed which she then shoved her on

Unohana then climbed on top the naked girl, their breasts brusing against each other

But she then dove down the bed and plunged her tongue into Isane

"C-Captain!" Isane gasped as Unohana's tongue flailed inside of her, her moans only intensified as Unohana moved her tongue in circles

"NO! STOP, CAPTAIN! I'M CUM...UGGGHHHH!" Isane screamed as her vision went completely white and clenched her toes

Unohana continued to devour her until her moans stopped, at which she emerged with a smile and lick of her lips

But the smile turned into a shocked o-face as Isane sat up and immediately placed her hand between Unohana's legs

Unohana breathed hard as she could feel Isane's hand fondle her swollen bud which was pulsing at this point, Isane could feel her shake with pleasure, the fact that Unohana immediately started squeezing her breasts was another sign of her enjoyment

"Ungh! Yes! Ah!" Unohana gasped as she threw her head back and applied a vice grip on her erect nipples

She didn't last much longer after that as with a prolonged moan, she practically poured out onto Isane's hand

"My...My legs have gone numb" Unohana laughed

"I...Captain...I" Isane incoherently mumbled before Unohana forced her down

Isane looked confusingly at her Captain as she seemed to be stepping off her but immediately realized what she was doing as she positioned one of her legs over Isane and shuffled towards her

Both woman let out sharp moans as they slammed their womanhoods against each other, those moans increased to screams as their buds grinded against each other

"It's too much!" Isane pleaded but Unohana slammed against her harder and faster, she writhed on the bed as she felt another orgasm coming on, Unohana began to grit her teeth as she felt her end coming too, pracitcally bouncing her hips off Isane

"F-FUCK! ISANE!" She screamed as a violent orgasm ripped through her as her juices sprayed out of her, Isane gripped the bed and practically frothed at the mouth as she did the same

With that, the two collapsed onto the bed, panting with their lower halves soaked

"C-Captain" Isane panted as Unohana peeled her leg off her

"No...I'm not your Captain anymore" Came her sorrowful reply as she sat up "You should get dressed..."

"But...Cap-" Isane began as she sat up

"Isane" Unohana cut her off "It's a very real possibility that you'll never see me again"


"I'm going away Isane...looking back now, It was kinda selfish of me to do this" Unohana said as she stepped of the bed

"I wanted to" Came Isane's stern reply

"Or did you get caught in the moment?" Unohana asked just as sternly


"Isane...I love you"

With that, the atmosphere stood still

"Y-You love me?"

"I..." Unohana began "Get dressed Isane"

"Look at me!" Isane cried as Unohana did just that "Did you think you can just tell me to leave after that?"


"No! You just said you love me and you expect me to get lost?!"

"Do you love me?"


"I...I don't know" Isane admitted "Truth be told...I never thought of you in this way before...not until-"

"I kissed you...It was spur of the moment" Unohana sighed "Just-"

"No! You can't do that to me! You can't say you love me and expect me to forget it! You're just gonna fuck me and leave forever?!"

"Isane...If I could, I'd-"

"Stay! Just stay!" Isane cried as she jumped off the bed and grabbed Unohana by the shoulders "You can run, you-"

"It's okay, Isane" Unohana smiled as she smoothed Isane's hands off her

"No, it's not!" She cried "Do you know how I feel?! My sister's dead! And now I'm losing you!"

"Y-Your sister?" Unohana mumbled quietly

"She was killed...she was killed...So I can't lose you, not you too, please" Isane pleaded with tears in her eyes

"I-I...I have to-"

"No! Please no!" Isane pleaded "Just run! Just run away! Hide!"

"They'll find me!" She told her "I can't run...I don't deserve to run"

"Just...stay" Isane pleaded as he hugged her

"Bakudo #9: Hakufaku"

"Cap-NO!" Isane cried out but he vision was clouded by falling purple petals, her vision then began to blur

"I'm sorry" Unohana said as Isane collapsed to the floor

Karin Kurosaki's life had been flipped in the last few days

Her brother was not dead, but he was gone from her life

Just like Yuzu and her father

And now in the last hour, she had met those who sought to guide her on a new path

Those who sought revenge on the Soul Society, just like her


Who were in the middle of an evacuation

"Okay everybody, pack your things" Yukio said with a clap of his hands "We are outta here!"

"Where are we heading?" Jackie asked as she stretched

"Like you said, something of this magnitude, we should head out of the country" Yukio confirmed

"Eh?! We're moving to another country?!" Riruka cried "All because some brat blew our cover?!"

"Shut it, Riruka!" Ginjo snapped as Karin got visibly upset at her comment

"Well" Tsukishima began as he closed his book "They say a new atmosphere can be refreshing, where are we going?"

"Hang on" Yukio stated as he pulled out an expensive looking phone and made a call "Yeah it's me, listen, you know that penthouse I was looking at the other day-"

"What is he doing?" Karin asked

"Yukio is loaded, plus he owns his own company" Ginjo smirked "If he can't get us out of here, no one can"

Karin jaw merely dropped at the realization that this kid, no older than her was completely loaded

"Yeah? Buy it, I'm moving...when? Now, book a flight too, six tickets" Yukio stated as he hung up "Alright, we have a new home"

"Where?" Jackie asked

"New York"

"NEW YORK?!" Riruka cried "I'm...I'm okay with moving now!"

"Thought you would be" Yukio sighed "I'll send a few movers over to your places to pack up your crap, these guys are professionals, your houses will be bare and its contents shipped within the next hour"

"May I remind you that I live in a mansion?" Tsukishima cut in

"It's a big penthouse" Yukio cut back

"Welp, let's get going" Ginjo said as he made his way to the door "Go home, pack your shit and get ready"

"Where are you going?" Jackie asked

"To a ramen stand, you can only get that packaged crap in America" Ginjo stated "One last taste of the good stuff"

"There's a limo coming" Yukio informed him

"I'll be quick" He smirked

" of all days...Kugo Ginjo makes a reappearance" Urahara sighed as he and Ukitake sat around the table

"More to the point, we located him through Ichigo Kurosaki's combat pass"

"Ichigo's?!" Urahara reacted "But how did..."

"We detected Karin Kurosaki as well, we believe she took the Combat Pass"

"I see..." Urahara sighed "Excuse me, I need to make a phone call"

As Urahara took his leave, Ukitake sat there placing his chin on his hands

This long day where everything went wrong was far from over, he sighed and held his head in his hands before Urahara re-entered the room

"I believe we should go to Isshin, he needs to know" Urahara stated

Ukitake nodded in agreement, as the two stood up to leave, someone entered through the door

"Right that's done" Came a female sigh "They're all hid away, safe and sound h...Ukitake?"

"Yoruichi?" Ukitake asked quizzically

"What's going on?" Yoruichi asked

"Come on, I'll explain on the way" Urahara stated as he made his leave

Isane Kotetsu awoke to the sight of an empty medical room, fully dressed. That immediately set off alarm bells

"CAPTAIN!" She shouted as she shot up

"Easy, easy" Came a comforting voice that eased her down "You're okay"

Isane turned to the source of the voice, surprise as who she found

"Captain Kyoraku? What are-"

"I found you here, you were on the bed" He explained

Isane was about to reply to him but then remember one simple fact

She was naked when Unohana had cast Hakufuku on her

Which meant either Captain Unohana had dressed her and placed her back on the bed


" you dress me?"

At that comment, Shunsui's eyebrows shot up and his expression changed to one of confusion

"Excuse me?"

"No! No! It's nothing" She waved off "Captain Unohana, she's-"

"I know" He nodded "They took her off about an hour ago, they're going to transfer her to Muken in a few hours"

"Captain Unohana...she said, she deserves to go there" Isane stated sadly

"I know...It's her brother isn't it?"

"How did you-"

"I've known her for a thousand years, she's one of my best friends" He smiled "And I'm gonna make sure neither her of Soifon get wrongfully imprisoned

I only have one question, will you help?"

Isane instantly gave a determined nod

"So Kugo Ginjo is back..." Isshin sighed "Of course...of course it would be today"

"We believe that-" Urahara began

"Karin took the pass, I know..." Isshin sighed once again as he rubbed his temples "I couldn't find it when I got back, she ran off...didn't take long to put two and two together, I guess this poetic Irony...Ginjo wants revenge on the Soul Society and now so does you think...maybe he's gone after Ichi-"

"We have no reason to believe that" Ukitake cut him off "But should the two meet, I'm sure they would both share a similar goal..."

"Of all times for him-" Yoruichi began

"We get it, today is the worst day this could happen" Urahara sighed "So what's our that he's shown himself"

"I do not wish to inform anyone within the Gotei...but I'm afraid it must be done" Ukitake sighed "I believe we still have one person left to inform before that..."

"I see...I'll tell her" Isshin sighed "She's my niece, I'll-"

"Excuse me" Came a knock at the door "Isshin?"

"Kyoraku?" Ukitake question as he noticed his friends familiar voice

"Hello all!" Shunsui greeted as he stepped into the room "Hope you don't mind that I barged in like this but I'm afraid I need your help, and now. I'm afraid some of our fellow Captain's have landed themselves in a spot of bother"

"Shunsui, what-" Isshin began before a certain silver haired lieutenant barged into the room

"Please, you have to help Captain Unohana and Captain Soifon!" Isane pleaded as she barged into the room

"Soifon?! What happened?!" Yoruichi asked as she jumped up

"I'm afraid they've been subjugated to inhumane acts" Shunsui sighed with a tip of his hat "As well as that, they've been removed as their positions as Captains"

"What?!" Isshin shouted as he stood up "Why?!"

"For things beyond their control, furthermore, they're looking at spending the rest of their lives in Muken, unless we do something"

"Muken?!" Isshin cried "Damn it, what the hell else can happen today?!"

"How long do we have before they're moved?" Yoruichi asked

"No clue, so we should hurry" Shunsui informed them

Ichigo growled angrily as he watched the two walk out

Who the hell did this Date Masamune think he was?!

He silent cursed as the warlord disappeared at which point he turned to Szayel

"I don't care what you have to do, just keep them the fuck out" He angirly growled at the pink haired arrancar "The Shinigami too, they'll come crawling now that Urahara's on their side"

"Kurosaki-sama?" He questioned

"Ichigo?" Rukia piped in

"There has to be a barrier of sorts, Aizen must've made something" Ichigo explained "He can't of just left the front door open"

"Well...Well Aizen was developing something but-" Szayel began as he pushed up his glasses

"Take me to it" Ichigo demanded

"Y-Yes sir" was Szayel's startled reply

"Ken-chan!" Came the cry of the little pink haired lieutenant "You're awake!"

"No shit" Came his mumble as he walked across the barracks

"Grandpa told everyone to wait in their barracks" Yachiru instructed as she leaped onto his shoulder "He said-"

"I don't give a damn what the old fart said" Kenpachi grumbled "When's the last time he made a good decision?"

"Oh, but then where are you going Ken-chan?" She asked

"Where'd ya think? To train" He grumbled

"Really? But you're torn up, Grimmy beat you real bad" She piped in

"That's exactly why" He replied back with his signature grin easing onto his face "I found some new entertainment, who I can't wait to meet again"

"So whatcha gonna do Ken-Chan?" Yachiru asked

"I'm going to get stronger..." He said silently as he eyed his Zanpakuto "Stronger than I've ever been before"

"Well, here we are" Yukio said as he stepped out the limo

"Viva Las Vegas!" Riruka shouted as she jumped out of the limo

"We're going to New York, not Vegas" Jackie reminded her

"I know!" Riruka snapped "It's something people say when they do to America"

"Only when they're going to Las Vegas!" Jackie snapped right back

"Knock it off you two" Ginjo sighed as he too exited the limo "We don't need you fighting during the whole flight"

"I'm sure the other passengers too would not approve" Tsukishima stated as he too exited, followed shortly by Karin

"That reminds me" Yukio noted as he reached into his coat pocket "We should take every step we can to hide our identities, so-"

"Fake passports" Ginjo finished the sentence

"Got it" Yukio nodded as he handed all of them out "Even managed to get one for our new Kurosaki friend"

"What?" Karin spluttered "How'd-"

"You'd be surprised how many strings I can pull" Yukio stated as he handed Karin the item

Which she opening and found a-near exact replica of her real passport, same picture, same date of birth

But far from the same name

"Erina...Pendleton?" She wondered outloud

"Josuke Higashikata?" Tsukishima recited his with a raised eyebrow

"Dio...Brando" Giriko read his with a sigh

"LISA LISA?!" Riruka spluttered

"Hermes...Costello" Jackie sighed

"Jotaro...Kujo...Are you fucking kidding me right now Yukio?!" Ginjo snapped "They're gonna know these are fake!"

"Do you know what status I have with these people?" Yukio asked with a shrug "I could put your name down as Barack Obama and they'd still let you through"

"You really are a piece of work, you know that kid?" Ginjo growled with a sinister smile as he gripped Yukio's head

"Ow, Kugo! You're crushing my skull! Ow!"

As Karin looked upon them, she realized something

These people were all she had now

Her family, her friends, they were gone now...

Silently, in back of her head, she began to have doubts. Was this right? Was she justified in running off? Was it okay for her to run away to another country with these people? To leave behind her whole life, solely because they shared the same, seemingly unatainable goal?

But she soon realized she didn't have a choice

She couldn't look her father in the eye, her brother was gone, and Yuzu...

As much as she hated to admit, she knew that Yuzu was probably going to be spoonfed some bullshit and everything would be made okay in her eyes...

Going with Xcution was her only option

Fighting back was her only option

So she muttered a small goodbye to her home...

The atmosphere was shattered by the annoying bleep of a cell phone, Ginjo immediately pulled it out of his pocket, examined it and then just as quickly, typed the keys on the phone and placed it back in his pocket

"That was our informant" Ginjo confirmed to the group "He's confirmed that Soul Society knows about us so we need to high-tail it, now"

"Kurosaki-Sama, wait!" Szayel pleaded as Ichigo barged into his lab "Please let me explain!"

"Aizen told you to make a barrier so now's the time to use it" He grumbled as he examined the lab

"I need to tell you, about the-" Szayel began but was once again cut off

"Where is it Szayel?" Ichigo demanded "Which one of these contraptions launches the barrier?"

"It-Sir, listen to me, this barrier is an absolute 100 perfect final solution!" Szayel continued to plead "It will-"

"Save it!" Ichigo snapped, once again cutting him off "Activate it!"

"Sir please!"

"Where is it!" Ichigo snapped as he grabbed Szayel by the collar

Szayel tried to remain stoic but Ichigo caught a glimpse of his eyes briefly flashing to the left, which Ichigo followed

Discovering nothing but a blank wall

"What's behind it?" Ichigo questioned as he increaded his grip on Szayel's collar

"It...Nothing" Was his responce

"Answer me" He seethed "What's behind it?"

Szayel only breathed and shamefully seized his lips shut

Ichigo's responce was to shove his aside and pull Zangetsu off his back


"Sir, wait!" Szayel cried


A large light engulfed then engulfed the room, followed by pieces of rubble flying everywhere, knocking Szayel off his feet

"Kurosaki-Sama!" Szayel shouted but his leader had already proceeded through the gap in the wall

Looking out over the vastless sands of Hueco Mundo from a window, Gamma sighed

He had met her, for the first time since they died, He saw Retsu

And he had unleashed hell on her

In his mind, she damn well deserved it

But why didn't he feel right?

Gintoki had interrupted his beatdown and in that moment, she had gotten away

But if...if she had stayed, he would have killed her

Wouldn't he?

For over 100 years, he had 2 goals

Achieving Immortality and making Retsu pay for what she did

But he was no closer to immortality and nor any closer to making her suffer

In the back of his mind, he began to wonder if he was at fault

"She died because her stupid older brother couldn't protect her" he told Arturo "We waited for someone to show up [...] but they only managed to save her in time"

He didn't feel it, why didn't he feel like he finally got retribution?

"It's her fault...that I became an Arrancar in the first place"

Over two hundred years of pent up rage was finally unleashed and it didn't feel like a damn thing had changed

He didn't feel satisfied, he didn't feel proud, he didn't feel like he got his revenge

If anything, he felt worse

"I don't get it" He sighed as he rubbed his temples "It doesn't feel any different, It should, damn it! I made her pay!"

"Ooh, contimplating life are we?"

And there it was, the newly crowned thorn in his side

"Gintoki" Gamma grumbled as he turned around "Aren't you quite the stalker?"

"Stressed?" Gintoki asked, pinky finger stuffed up his nostral "You shouldn't do that, stress makes you bald, but it's stressful to avoid stress, so you end up stressed out anyway, so in the end there's nothing you can do"

"Aren't you just the quote factory?" Gamma scoffed

"Whatever" Gintoki shrugged "The fact is, taking revenge for something that happened a long time ago just ain't worth it, Trust me on that one.."

"You know" Gamma chuckled "You're a fuckload more dangerous than you look"

"Thanks, love you too"

"No, I mean it" Gamma continued "I don't know what you turned into back there, but it was more than enough than to keep up with me"

"Welp" Gintoki shrugged with a dose of snark "I am the White Demon after all"

"Gave yourself that nickname did you?" Gamma laughed

"Actually no, it was-"


"Huh?!" Gintoki cried aloud as he turned around


And saw a pair of feet diving in his direction



"Not Zura!" came a cry "KATSURA!"

The kick proceeded to launch Gintoki acorss the room

And out the window

"Gintoki!" Gamma shouted before he turned to the assailant "Who are you?!"

Whoever he was, he had long black, femine looking hair and dark brown eyes. He was dressed in a yellow sashed, blue kimono with a pale blue haori draped over it, also adorned on his feet were typicals socks and sandals and a sword sheathed on his hip

"I am Kotaro Katsura!" Was his boastful, loud reply "Allie of the fool I just dropkicked"

"And why the hell did you dropkick me in the first place?!" Was Gintoki's cry as he clambered back in through the window

"Because you forgot about me!" Katsura snapped back "You vanished a few weeks ago without telling me where you went, you left me to fiend the evil deserts of Hueco Mundo on my own, it was no challenge of course but you vanished without a trace and joined an army!"


"Sonuvabitch!" Gintoki cried as he slapped his head "I knew I forgot something!"

"Yes! Me!" Katsura snapped back as he kneed Gintoki in the face

"Easy Zura!" Gintoki shouted as he held his now-bleeding nose

"I'm not Zura, I'm Katsura!"

", I take it you two know each other?" Gamma piped in

"So Unohana-san and Soifon are being held in the prison barracks?" Kisuke asked as the group stepped out of the senkaimon

"No, those were destroyed in the explosion" Shunsui stated as he looked at the debris of said explosion "They're being held in the head-captain's office"

"That'll make things even more difficult" Isshin sighed " they know-"

"Two thousand...two thousand people died in that explosion" Shunsui stated

"An entire third of the Gotei 13...gone" Yoruichi mumbled sadly

"No...there were much more casualities than that" Ukitake said softly "Many other lives were lost today...Including my third seats"

"K-Kiyone and Sentaro?" Shunsui stuttered as the group grinded to a halt "Jushiro, didn't tell me"

"Or us" Isshin piped in as he noticed Isane stare down at her feet "If this is the case, no wonder they're so worked up...Isane's lost her sister...and Ginjo..."

"We didn't know" Yoruichi stated as she placed her hand on Isane's shoulders "I'm sorry..."

"It...It's okay" Isane said as she feigned a smile "Right now, we just need to work on saving Captain Unohana and Captain Soifon"

"Well now, let's get to it shall we?" Urahara stated as he pulled something out from his cloak

"What are those?" Isshin asked as Kisuke pulled out five identical looking cloaks

"Cloaks that are designed to hide Reiatsu and by kneading some kido into it, you can blend into the air, practically turning you invisible" Urahara stated "I used them during my escape one hundred years ago, put them on, we'll be needing them"

Coyote Starrk, Gantenbainne Mosqueda, Sado Yasutora and Lilinette Gingerback merely observed the sight

The Vizards had hired a moving van to their new home

Their new secret home

"Is this really nessacery?" Starrk questioned

"I don't expect you to understand the value of possessions" Hiyori growled as she pulled what seemed to be a treadmill from the truck "Arrancar"

"Oi, Oi, Hiyori!" Shinji grumbled with a wave of his hand "None of that now, Coyote-san is our friend, right?"

"I guess" Starrk shrugged only to revieve a kick in the shin by Lilinette

"Will you put some effort into making a conversation!" Lilinette growled "We're gonna be living with these people from now on!"

"The Loli is right" Lisa sighed as she pulled a box out of the van "You're gonna be staying here with us for the forseeable future, try to drop the uninterested act"

"Yeah Starrk!" Lilinette stated "Listen to the pervert!"

"I am not a pervert!" Lisa yelled back

"She says as she carries a box of porn" Kensei sighed

"They're swimsuit catalogues!" she defended

"No, they're porn with the cover of swimsuit mags!" He said as he pulled one out and opened it up prompting Starrk to quickly cover Lilinette eyes "You replaced the covers, I don't really get it though, it's like going out naked and saying you're not an exhibitionist because you're in soul form and nobody can see you"

"H-How the hell did you know about that?!"


"It was a joke"


"S-S-Shut up!" she growled as grabbed the magazine and stormed off

"Well then...there's something we didn't know about Lisa-Chan" Love sighed with a rub of his head before turning to Starrk "Make sure to keep the kid away from her, you don't want Lisa-Chan corrupting her"

"Noted" Starrk nodded before he noticed that Hiyori was walking up to him

"Now you listen 'ere" She stated to the two arrancars "I don't like you, chances are I never will, I'm like that with people, but I know we're both against the rogue carrot top, but if I have doubts about what side you're on, just one, I'm gonna hunt you down..."

"You hate me, I get it" Starrk sighed "We've pretty much got no choice but to team up together, believe me, I get it. At the end of the day, you're a Shinigami and I'm a Hollow, and when it's all over, I'm sure you'll see to that"

"Wouldn't have it any other way" She scoffed

"Whatever ails ya" Gantenbainne sighed

"Ichigo-sama! Please, wait!" Szayel cried as he followed Ichigo into the room

That was completely empty save for something concealed in Kido Barrier in the middle of the room

"Disable the barrier" Ichigo said as he turned to him "Whatever's in there activates the defense system, doesn't it?"


"No more excuse Szayel!" Ichigo shouted as he pushed his blade against the Arrancar's chest "I don't care what it does, so long as it keeps them out!"

"If you would let me explain!" He shouted "This barrier is made from the Dangai"

"The Dangai?" Ichigo questioned

"Aizen collected several samples from both the walls of it as well as the Kototsu" Szayel stated "Using the reishi from it as well as blending in Kido, he created a barrier"

Szayel then performed a handsign that dispelled the barried, revealling a small glowing box

"We gave it the codename Sekai, one touch of it and the ultimate defense will arise" Szayel stated "But like I said...this is a 100% percent final solution, it's-"

"We have no other choice" Ichigo stated as he reached for the box

"SIR, WAIT!" Szayel cried

But it was too late

With one touch, the box disapated

"What the hell, why did it vanish?" Ichigo question

Before a deafining noise rang throughout Las Noches

"What the hell?!" Came a loud shout that they recongnized as the voice of Gamma

"Holy shit, what the fuck?!" Came another they recognized as Grimmjow

"What the fuck is going on!" Cirucci

"What the everloving fuck?!" Yammy

"What...what is happening?" Uryu

"What is it, what did it do?!" Ichigo shouted to Szayel

"M-My god...what have you done?!" Szayel cried

With that, Ichigo rushed to find a window, to find this barrier

Rushing out to a hallway, he peered out the hole in the wall

And saw a large purple dome encasing Las Noches


The entire stealth force stood in the room, surrounding the prisoners

Unohana and Soifon knelt in the room, clad in white prison garments, all eyes of the force locked onto them

"You don't feel one single piece of remorse at what you are doing do you?" Soifon's voice came, breaking the silence. No response came "That's fine...that's how I trained remorse for criminals"

"Soifon" Unohana began

"Shaolin Fon..." She cut her off "I have no right to use my families code name anymore, I no longer the head of the Fon family"

"Silence!" Came the shout of one member of the foce as they rammed their sheathed Zanpakuto into her gut

"Soifon!" Unohana cried out before snapping at the soldier "How dare you, she was your captain!"

"Leave it" Soifon wheezed as she was doubling over in pain "It's...fine"

"Sir, I have a message from the Head Captain" Came the voice of a masked messager that appeared in the room "It is time for the moving of the prisoners"

"Orders to move prisoners confirmed" Came the nod of one the Stealth Members to the messenger "Former Captain's Soifon and Unohana, you will now be transfered to-"

"Sir, you did not let me finish the message" He was cut off

"There's more?" He asked as he turned back "Fine, what is it?"

"Say goodnight"

With that, the messager pulled out a black cloak and threw it on

And vanished right in front of them

"What the-" Came the cry of one soldier before he was blasted across the room

"What's going on?!" Came the cry of another before he was smashed into a wall

Soifon and Unohana could only look onwards as the members of the stealth force were beaten bloody by an invisible force

And before the stealth force could even think of fighting back, they were all laid out unconcuis on the floor

"We'll that takes care of that" came a voice as the five silouette's seemed to face into existance

"That voice!" Unohana cried "Kyoraku?!"

"Hello there!" Shunsui smiled as he pulled off the hood from his cloak, before the others did the same

Revealing Urahara, Isshin, Ukitake, Shunsui, Yoruichi and Isane



"I don't see why I had to pull that messager stunt" Yoruichi sighed as she pulled off her cloak, revealing the outfit of a messager

"Well what's the point of dynamic entrance without a tease?" Urahara laughed

"I don't know if you two have noticed, but we're kinda short on time here" Isshin sighed

"Captain!" Isane cried as she ran over to her captain and grabbed her shoulders

"Isane, what are you doing here?" Unohana asked as Isane brought her up to her feet

"We're getting you out" Isshin claimed "No protests, you two are coming with us"

"But-" Soifon began

"No buts" Yoruichi cut her off

"I-I-I..." Soifon began before slamming her hands into the ground and kneeling over "I'm sorry!"

"Wha-?" Was the collective responce

"Isshin Shi-no, Kurosaki, I apologize for exposing your secret to the Gotei 13" She sobbed "I apologise to all of you, most of all you Yoruichi-sama, for bringing shame to Squad 2! I caused the death of thousands of innocents today, and then I shamelessly begged for my life in the face of the enemy, I deserve to rot in the confines of Muken"

"No excuses" Yoruichi stated as she got Soifon to out feet "That's what we just said, we're not leaving here without you"

"I told you to leave me behind" Unohana muttered "Isane"

"I think we both realised that wasn't going to happen" Isane stated back

"So what now?" Isshin asked "Stick them in a safe house in the world of the living?"

"That seems to be a running gag today" Shunsui noted

"Because it works" Urahara laughed before he took out two items from his cloak "We found these on two of the gaurds

"Suzumebachi" Soifon mumbled as Urahara handed her Zanpakuto to her

"Minazuki" Unohana stated as she was handed hers

"This is not without consequences" Ukitake confirmed

"I made it clear more than a few times that I have disagreed with the old man" Shunsui sighed stated as he pulled out his hat from his Haori and placed it back on "Their squads are gonna get accused for having something to do with this and let's face it, he still probably doesn't trust you three, Kotetsu-chan is also obviously going to be a suspect in this"

"I'm afraid that's how it must be" Urahara sighed "We're obviously going to be the biggest suspects in this and it will clear as day to some people that we are behind this"

"Well then, we'll have to hide the proof" Yoruichi stated "And we should start by getting Soifon and Unohana out of here"

"Agreed" Urahara expressed as he handed Unohana his cloak "Use this, Ukitake, Kotetsu and Kyoraku will take you back to my shop, we'll hide you there for a while and then we'll move you to safehouse"

"You sure have a lot of those..." Isshin mumbled

"Always had a few just incase..." Urahara confessed

"Good think too..." Yoruichi divulged as she handed Unohana her cloak

"Now, before we go, we should make sure we're not suspicious in the least" Urahara spouted "Which means, Yoruichi-san, I think you should accept the offer"

"Offer?" Isshin inquired "What's he talking about?"

"How did-" Yoruichi started but was cut off

"I'm an eavesdropper, what can I say?" Urahara shrugged with chuckle "Nevertheless, it would diverse suspicion on us"


"You think I should?" Yoruichi asked

"Yoruichi, what is he-" Ukitake began

"I've been offered back my old position as Captain of Squad 2" Came the atmosphere stalling responce

"You've...what?" Isshin paused

"Yoruichi-Sama?" Soifon muttered "You've-..."

"Geez!" Shunsui piped in

"It's probably just an attempt to increase their numbers following the battle" Isshin divulged "But nevertheless, it would be a convincing cover"



"Do it" Was her response to the premature question "I am fine with you taking back your rightful place as the Captain of Squad 2"

"Soifon..." Yoruichi muttered

"I was only promoted because you fled the Soul Society a hundred years ago, it was a position I was not meant to fill" She expressed with a bow "The role of Captain is a role that rightfully belongs to Yoruichi-Sama"

The room fell silent at her words before she arose, wearing an expression of happiness, yet filled with pain

"You need to get out here" Urahara stated as he motioned for them to activate the cloaks

With an almost simultanious nod, Kyoraku, Ukitake, Isane, Soifon and Unohana vinished into thin air and the sound of them dashing out of the room could be heard

"Well now that's done, we sh-"


"Excuse me, that's my Soul Pager" Urahara cut himself off as he pulled out the device

"Probably Ryuken wondering where his son is" Isshin mumbled sadly

"It's nothing of importance" He stated as he put the device back in his pocket

"What'd ya mean nothing?" Yoruichi asked with a raised eyebrow "It's on your Soul Pager, so it's obviously important"

"It's not" He said with a wave of his hand "It's just Tessai"

"Why would Tessai send you a message?" Isshin asked

"Nothing important, a new shipment came in to the store" Urahara claimed

"Then why would he call you on your Soul Pager?" Yoruichi questioned "You have a work phone"

"Tessai must have accidentally sent a message to this phone" Urahara shrugged "Now then-"

"Kisuke, what are you hiding?" Yoruichi asked as she placed her hand on her hips

"Nothing, Tessai-"

"In all the time we've known Tessai, we know he would never make a mistake like this" Yoruichi claimed "Who's messaging you Kisuke?"

"I told you, it's nothing of importance" he waved her off again

"It clearly is Kisuke" Yoruichi insisted "You only get Soul Pager transmissions when it's important, the only ones who message you on that are me, Isshin and occasionally Ryuken, and me and Isshin are here..."

"And you would have told us if it was Ryuken" Isshin added

"You two are looking far too much into this" Urahara laughed

"Kisuke, give me the phone" Yoruichi demanded as she held out her hand

"Look, if you think it's Ichigo and Yamamoto who are calling me on this thing, you're sorely mistaken!" He laughed once more as he rubbed the back of his head

"Then give us the phone" Yoruichi demanded once more "And show us it's not nothing"


"Kisuke...give us the phone"

"Kisuke, who ever it is, you clearly don't want us to know" Isshin added "If it's nothing, prove it to us"

"You two need to get over yourself" Kisuke sighed "It's no-"

A sudden breeze pushed past him, the result of Yoruichi flash-stepping past him

And she had also grabbed his Soul Pager

"Yoruichi!" Urahara shouted as he turned back

Only to see her flip open the phone and witnessing the message onscreen

From: K. Urahara

You need to run, Soul Society knows where you are,

Get out and get as far away as possible

Reply from: K. Ginjo

Tell me something I don't know

Getting out now, don't know when I'll be back

Keep me updated

She kept quiet the entire time she was reading

But the instant she was done, she nearly crushed the device in her hand

"You've...You've been in contact with Ginjo this entire time" Came her quiet voice

"You've What?!" Isshin shouted


"I can explain" He muttered quietly, before narrowly avoiding the phone aimed at his head

"You son of a bitch!" She roared as she grabbed him by his collar "After all this time, after what he did, you've known where he's been and you've been hiding him!"


"" Isshin mustered as much as he in could in his shock

"I...I took pity on him..." Kisuke sighed "He had been betrayed by the Soul Society and-"

"He killed hundreds of people!" Yoruichi snapped back "In...Including the rest of my clan!"

"And Ichigo killed thousands today, I fail-"

"You shut up!" Yoruichi roared as she gripped him tighter "All this time I've known you...and you hide him, and you chose not to tell me!"

"Would you have left him alone?" Urahara asked sternly

"Of course I fucking wouldn't!" She roared "After what he did?! I would have killed him on the spot!"

"Exactly!" He snapped back "Ginjo did what he did because he was betrayed by the Soul Society, and Ichigo-"

"It's different!" Yoruichi snapped back "It could not be more different!"

"How!?" He snapped back "Because Ichigo didn't kill anyone you know?!"


Without hesitation, Yoruichi's face found its mark on Urahara's cheek

"You shut up!" She roared

"Ginjo-kun was betrayed by the Soul Society in the same fashion Ichigo-kun was" He stated as he gently rubbed his cheek "I hid him, knowing full well what he did...and honestly...I couldn't blame h-"

"Kisuke" Yoruichi growled "I swear, I'll-"

"The situations between him and Ichigo were the same!" He defended "But he and Ichigo did not walk down the same path! There is less blood on Ginjo's hands than Ichigo's!"

"But there's still blood on them!" She roared as she reeled back her fist again but was grabbed by Isshin

"That's enough" He declared as he held her back "Kisuke had his reasons"

"You're agreeing with him?!" She shouted as she snapped her head back

"I didn't say that" He sighed "I'm saying he had his reasons for doing what he did and though I don't like he hid it from us, he clearly thought he was right"

"What do you think?!" She snapped "You think Ginjo is innocent after what he did to your family?!"


"I didn't mean he's innocent..." He sighed "And my family seems destined to struck down in some form or another"

"I...damn it!" She roared as she pulled her arm out of Isshin's grip "How could you do this to me Kisuke?"

"I never meant to bring you any harm" He stated sadly with a tip of his hat

"Well you know what?" She growled "We've known each other since we were children, I've done everything for you, when you were accused of treason by the Soul Society, I busted you out! I went to the ends of the earth for you and this is how you repay me?! By hiding the man who killed my clan and cut off Kukaku's arm because you pitied him?!"

"He made a mistake, Yoru-"

"Back off Isshin!" Yoruichi shouted without looking back "You know what Kisuke? This as far as I go with you-"

"Yoruichi-" He began to reply

"NO!" She snapped back "This is as far as I go with you, you've betrayed me in the worst possible way, so you know what? I'm done, I am done with you, I'm done fighting with you, I'm done fighting for you! You're not worth it! Whatever our relationship was, consider it over!"

Kisuke and Isshin could only merely look in shock as Yoruichi looked more furious than she'd ever been before

"Because of this, it's clear you've never really cared about me" She declared "So I'm done, if you don't care about me, then I sure as hell don't care about you...Goodbye, Kisuke"

And with that, she vanished with a dash of Shunpo

Sado Yasutora looked around his new home/warehouse

That he shared

With eleven other people

"I never thought it'd be like this" Was his quiet mumble

"I agree" Was a reply that turned out to come from Shinji Hirako "Not exactly how I planned on spending the rest of my days"

"But I know it was better than the alternative" Was the giants quiet mumble

"You were one of Ichigo's best friends before he jumped off the slippery slope" Shinji sighed "I can't imagine how hard this is for you"

"As far as I'm concerned, Ichigo died that day in Hueco Mundo" Sado coldly replied "Whoever that guy running Hueco Mundo far as I'm concerned, he just looks like Ichigo"

"That's a pretty bold declaration" Shinji replied with a raised eyebrow "But when the time comes for us to square off with them again...can you fight him?"


"I have to..." He sighed "It'll be a mercy killing"

Isshin Kurosaki's life had gone to hell

Family and friends had been taken from his left and right today

His half-brother's death, Ichigo's betrayal, Karin had run off with Ginjo, Kisuke and Yoruichi's bond had been destroyed, Yuzu was the only thing she had left and she was sleeping soundly upstairs

He sadly looked up to poster of Masaki he kept on the wall and quietly apologised to it

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry Masaki...Our family is destroyed"

He sighed deeply, he feeled like it was the only thing he could do

"What am I going to do" He sighed deeply as he looked at his Zanpakuto "I've lost everything"

"Not everything Isshin, not yet"

"Engetsu?" He called out in surprise "You...This is the first time we've made contact in so long"

"That it is, Holy shit, you got old"

"That's what 20 years as a human and raising three kids does to you" He chuckled

"That would explain it, that Gigai kept me sealed away for 20 years and aged you like a human"

"Yeah, that's right" He sighed "If you're looking for an apology, here it is-"

"You're past your prime, you're nowhere near your old strength, I doubt you could even use your Bankai anymore"

"I know...I'm a colossal failure" He responded sadly

"This Gigai's influence is losing its grip...Isshin...if you want to strong again, we can cast its influences aside"

"What do you mean?" Isshin asked

"The Gigai kept your powers tethered down, but by using that very power, we can remove those tethers and remove all of the effects from it"

"You can restore me to my former strength?" He asked the Zanpakuto

"I can restore you to way you were before, everything, power, strength...appearance"

"Woah, wait what?" Isshin laughed in surprise "What are you saying?"

"I burn away the influence the Gigai left behind, I can restore you to exactly how you were 20 years ago in every detail"

" can do that?"



"Are you kidding me right now" He sighed "The Soul King himself must be fucking with me"

"Isshin, this would restore you to how you once more...the way you are won't be able to fight"


"This would essentially be erasing my last twenty years" He sighed

"Only physically" Came the Zanpakuto's reassurance "I'm not actually sending you back in time"

"I'll look younger than my kids" He chuckled "And I'm sure as hell not going to be taken seriously as a Doctor anymore"

"But your power will be back"

"Engetsu...can you really do this?" Isshin asked the blade

"I can...Ever since you regained your powers, I never brought it up since it seemed like you had no interest, but seems you would prefer to rewind time"

"You didn't tell me this because I didn't want to set aside the past" He sighed "I get it...maybe you're right"

He then lifted his eyes to the poster of Masaki on the wall

"If I want to fight in this war, I can't be Isshin Kurosaki anymore"

"You mean?"

"I'm sorry Masaki" He apologised to the poster "I'm so sorry...but it's time for me to's time for me to go back to how things once were, it...turn me back into Isshin Shiba"

"Then it is settled...go into Jinzen"

Isshin immediately complied as he sat on the floor and placed his blade on his crossed lap

"Here goes" He mumbled

"This may sting quite a bit"


Isshin teeth smashed into each other as the tendons in his neck stretched to almost breaking point

It literaly felt like Engetsu was ripping his insides out

"a bit might of been an understatement" The Zanpakuto apologized

Isshin didn't respond as he feared opening his mouth provide a blood curling scream

He felt his bones crack and shrink, his muscles stretch and compress, he could even feel his hair change

His teeth began to crack as he grinded them, his fear that they were going to turn into dust was set aside though as the pain subsided

"It is done, the Gigai's reiryoku was lodged deeply in your soul, I apologize for the pain, but you have returned to your past glory"

Isshin let out a sigh, and immediately noticed the change

His voice, no matter what sound it made, sounded younger

His eyes shot opened as he looked at his hands, even they looked younger

He immediately shot up, noticing his change in his legs

He rushed to the first mirror could find, and stared at it in shock

Reflected in it was a relatively young-man, with side burns, no beard or goat chin, and short spiky hair

It was Isshin Shiba, Captain of Squad 10

"Christ" He gasped as he observed his new, or rather, old features

He eyed the mirror more intensely, he could believe it, he was young again

"Yuzu is going to freak out when she wakes up" He mumbled


The voice alarmed him and sent his head almost a full 180 degree around

And saw Yoruichi standing in the other side of the room

"Yoruichi?" He questioned "What are you doing here?"

"I...I came to see you and...christ, Isshin...Is that really you?" She questioned

"Funny story" He chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head

"Not that I don't appreciate the company, but I have to ask Kisuke, what's the occasion?"

Urahara sighed as he lowered the cup of Sake, he sat outside her home, next to her famous cannon, sitting across from the woman herself, Kukaku Shiba

"I just needed a drink is all" He sighed as he pulled off his bucket-hat "And of course, I knew you would be drinking, so there's that"

"I'm not an alcoholic" She pointed towards him "If that's what you're insinuating"

"Not at all" He said as wave of his hand before downing another cup of Sake "I merely needed a drink and you're practically an open bar"

"Charming" She said with a stiff laugh "But mind telling me why you needed a drink"?


"You are aware of your cousin's doing...aren't you?"

"You mean Ichigo going batshit insane?" She questioned, her eyes focused on her drink "How could I not?"

"Well...I'm some people's eyes...he isn't the worst" He sighed "...Ginjo"

The atmosphere fell completely silent, even the wind seemed to stop

"Judging by your tone...I take it the Soul Society found him?" She asked nonchalantly

"Indeed" Was his wistful reply "They found him earlier today...chances are he knows and has fled"

"Yeah...sounds like him" She said quietly

"Kukaku, I have a confession" He sighed gloomily "I-"

"You hid him and kept an eye out for him, right?" She uttered

His eyes immediately sprung up

"How did-"

"It just seemed like the kind of thing you'd do" She shrugged "It figures you'd take pity on the be honest, I feel responsible for the whole thing"

"You feel sorry for him?" He asked in surprise "You are aware that Kugo Ginjo is the one who cut your arm off, right?"

"And you are aware that I gave him my powers, making him a Substitute Shinigami in the first place?" She questioned back "I bet Ukitake isn't taking this well"

" he is not..." He sighed "And neither is Yoruichi"

"That figures..." Came another sigh from Kukaku "She never forgive Ginjo..."

"And she's never going to forgive me" Urahara said sadly

"Give her a few weeks" Kukaku said as she downed another cup "She'll come around"

"No...I really doubt she will" He stated as he put his hat back on "She hit me in pure anger...all the times, all the ways I've pissed of over the years, whether it be bugging her during paperwork, peeking on her in the shower, or that time I almost blew up the Squad 2 barracks, she hit me once of twice but today is the first ever time she even struck me in pure rage, she said she's done with me and quite frankly I believe her"

And with that, he stood up

"Thank you for the sake, I'll see you around" He said with a tip of his hat as he turned to leave

"Wait" She called out, gaining his attention "Sit back down"


"No one leaves Kukaku Shiba's house with a sour face" She said with a waggle of her finger "It's a rule"

"Since when?"

"Since now" She smirked "Sit, come on"


"You're actually not going to let me leave, are you?" He questioned

"What do you think?" She smiled "Now come on, sit, you ain't leaving until you're a laughin' drunk"

Kisuke with a small chuckle, shrugged his shoulders and sat back down

"Why not?" He laughed

What followed was a night of two old friends getting completely plastered, full-on, red cheeked, giggling drunk

The two eventually retreated indoors due to the cold, where they found themselves in the large hall of the building, still getting drunk

"I...I meant to ask" Kisuke mustered as big as he could in his drunken state "Where's...where's Ganj...Gan...Ganja? No...Um...Ganju? Yeah, that's it! Ganju! Where's the kid?"

"Off with his hog gang" She said with a snort "Hog...pigs...not motorcycles"

"A-And you're two & Boingo?" He questioned "Tomoko and Tomoki? No, um..."

"K-Koganehi-hi-hiko and Shi...Shiroganehiko" she hiccupped "They're out b-back"

"A-A-A-Are we...drunk?" He laughed

"Very!" she laughed back

"Well, then" He stumbled as he made his way to his feet "I'll be on my (hic) way"

"No, no, no, no!" Kukaku cried as she jumped up and latched onto him "More drink!"

"Nah!" He said with a with large pffft sound

"Stay!" She pleaded with a pout "Stay the night, come onnnnn!"

"Stahp!" He spluttered "Home now...sleeeeeeeep"

"Sleep here then" She mumbled she applied a vice grip around him

"Ku...ka...ku, pain! Ow!" He squealed as he tried to wriggle out of her vice grip

"Don't go" She said sadly "I want you to stay"

"Why?" He asked back

"Because now that Yoruichi doesn't want you..." She smiled "I can have you all to myself"



Any further (drunken) words were cut off as Kukaku smashed her lips to his, she wrapped her one arm around him, pressing his head to hers

"Come on" She commanded as she grabbed his hand and lead him out the room


She quickly led him across the large home, and into her bedroom, her clothes somehow disappearing along the way until by the time she opened the door, she was completely naked

Even in his drunken state, he wondered if this was right, was he taking advantage of her? Was she taking advantage of him? Was this just pity sex?

But the moment he witnessed the nude woman, sprawled out on her bed, motioning him to come forward with her finger, he shut the door behind him

What followed was a night neither can fully remember, but what they could recall was the countless orgasms, rolling around the room, the hours spent with their hot, sweaty bodies smacking off each other and Urahara almost being suffocated by her boobs on three separate occasions

When their bodies could take no more, they collapsed onto the bed, falling asleep the instant their heads touched the pillows

However they weren't the only ones committing sins tonight

"Can't believe he would do this to me" Yoruichi sighed as she downed the whiskey Isshin poured her "Christ, this stuff is strong"

"In his mind he was doing what was right" He explained "And it's Jack Daniels incase you were wondering"

"I don't give a fuck, he was wrong" she sheathed before taking another swig of whiskey and letting out another disgusted sound "Christ, get this stuff away from me!"

"So you're not a whiskey person" Isshin laughed as he downed the rest in the glass and put the cap back in the bottle

"Sake, please god, Sake" she pleaded as Isshin laughed

"Well it you insist" He laughed as he pulled out a bottle

"After today, I feel the need to get drunk" She sighed "Granted, once I stepped in here, I though I was the fuck did you do it Isshin?"

"Engetsu literally ripped the years spent in the Gigai outta me" he chuckled as they poured them both a drink "Hurt like shit mind you so I wouldn't really recommend it"

"Shame" she laughed as she accepted the drink "I could afford to shed off a few decades"

"If I recall correctly, you look exactly the same as you did when I first met you" Isshin said as he downed his Sake

"I changed my look over the years" She smiled "I was a total flower child in the '60's, went to all the festivals...didn't wear a damn thing to them fact, I don't think I wore a single thing in the 60's..didn't shave either, it was like a damn hedge down there"

Isshin proceeded to choke on his Sake

"It was like an afro"

He continued to choke

"I forgot you used to do that" Isshin coughed "Fuckin' tease"

"Ah yeah, I remember you freaking out the first time you saw me naked, like father like son" She smirked "But hey, I offered back then"

"I would never have said yes and even if I did, you probably would've just laughed at me" Isshin smirked back

"What if I asked now?" She stated


"Sorry...I didn't mean it like that" She said with a blush

"No, it's fine" He said with a hint of red to her cheeks "But...are you really not going back to Kisuke?"

"Don't plan too" Yoruichi said coldly as she swigged her family "He hid the man who killed my family"

"A lot of other people died in Ginjo's rampage" Isshin noted as he poured himself another cup

"You're not defending him, are you?" She grumbled "Because Ginjo murdered hundreds and..."

She quickly dropped her statement however as Isshin's expression made it clear that this talk of Ginjo's betrayal and rampage only reminded him of Ichigo

"I'm sorry Isshin, I shouldn't have brought it up" She said with a sigh "It's just today never fucking seems to end, my fucking student gets fucking tortured and removed from her place as Captain, the man I hate most in the world is back and Kisuke is fucking dead to me"


"I'll be honest here, I expected you and Kisuke to be one of those friends with benefits couples that went on forever"

"That's pretty much how it was" She shrugged "We did it a few times but we were never serious or anything, sure as fuck weren't going to get married anytime soon...definately not now"

"Maybe you too would have actually went on to become a full-fledged couple one day" He shrugged back before drinking his Sake

"Well, we'll never know" she piped as she poured herself another "What was it like...being in a full-fledged relationship?"

"Honestly?" Isshin began with a raised eyebrow "I was head over heels for Masaki since the day I met her, best feeling in the world"

"Yeah, that's how I figured it felt" She chuckled

"You never had that?" He asked

"What do you think?" She quizzed "Kisuke was the closest thing I had to a relationship, and that's down the shitter"

"Okay, that's enough talk about Kisuke" Isshin declared with a wave of his hand "Changing the subject"

"Okay, here's a question" She began with a point of her finger "Why did you de-age yourself?"


"I figured if I'm gonna fight him, I can't be his father" He said "When we fought earlier today...I couldn't do it...If we're going to fight...If I'm going to finish him, I won't do it as Isshin Kurosaki, I have do it as Isshin Shiba, I don't want to fight my the best I can do is go back to a time before I had a son"

"I see...a metaphoric new start" She nodded "Could use one of those myself...but what about Yuzu?"

"She's still my daughter..." He said sadly "That won't change"

"You're just gonna shun off Karin and Ichigo's existence?" She stated before nearly smacking herself "Fuck! I'm sorry Isshin"

"It's fine" He sighed "I know it sound ridiculous but...It's the only way"

"Rewinding the clock but still holding onto the future" She muttered "Do you think you can?"

"I have to..." He said quietly as he began to walk across the room

"Isshin?" She questioned as she watched him stop in front of his destination

And watched in shock as he pulled down the poster of Masaki on the wall

"A fresh start...involves setting aside the past" He sighed as he looked folded the poster "I'll always remember the days we spent together, I will always love you Masaki...but the man you knew is gone, it's time for me to start again...I will always cherish you and I will never forget you...but it's time for me to move on"

And with that, he took the folded up poster and put it in the closet

And immediately found himself wrapped in Yoruichi's arms

He merely rubbed her hands as she held him from the back

"You don't have to do this alone" She said quietly into his ear

"Same to you" He smiled " going to accept Soul Society's offer?"

"Yeah, I am" She confirmed

"So you'll be leaving for Soul Society in the morning?" He asked, a small nod confirmed that "Then...good luck to you"

Isshin immediately broke off the hug and went back to table

"I'm not...leaving 'till the morning" She said as she followed him back to the table "So right now...we're just two old friends having a drink"

"Two old friends who have little to nothing left" He declared with a lift of his glass

"May we figure our lives out" She chuckled as she chinked her glass against his "Cheers"

"So...the question is...what do I do with Yuzu?" He sighed "How did I keep her from getting involved in this?"

"Honestly...I think you shouldn't"


"I think you should tell her what's going down and train her, but it's your call" She shrugged "I don't think she should be kept out of this"

"She's all I have left" He muttered

"I know Isshin...but it doesn't have to be that way" She replied "You don't have to be alone"

"What are you-" He began but his words were cut off as Yoruichi placed her hand over his "Yoruichi?"

"You're the only thing I have left and I'm sure as hell not going to see you hurt" She said sharply

"I'm fine Yoruichi" He stated as he pulled his hand away

"No you are not!" She snapped as she grabbed his hand back "Maybe it's the alcohol talking here Isshin but I'm sure as shit not going to leave you alone on the day where you re-start your life"

"It doesn't matter, you'll be gone in the morning" He shrugged

" come with me"


"It'll be a new start for both of us!" She declared "Bring Yuzu too"

"I seriously doubt they're going to welcome me back with open arms" He scoffed

"Why not?" She asked "They're taking me back and-"

"I did more that just break out someone, I'm the father of their greatest enemy"

"You were the half-brother of their past greatest enemy" she reminded

"Yeah but they didn't know that" He noted "I can't go back"

"Why not? You just said that you're on a new start, so why?" She questioned

"It's my home...with Yuzu" He sighed

" just said you're starting again, how can you expect to do if you stay here?" She asked


"Maybe when Yuzu is grown up, but until then..." He mumbled as he finally downed the drink in his hand

And the instant he removed the glass from his lips, Yoruichi's lips replaced it

"W-What are you doing?!" He cried as he pulled away

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry!" She panted "I didn't...It was just...the m-moment and..."

Before she could get any more words out, her lips locked on his again

Isshin didn't know how to react, he was frozen

Many things flashed in his head, mostly images of Masaki...

But soon, the images burned out and in their place were images of her, Yoruichi

He had never thought of Yoruichi in a romantic way before, truth be told, he still didn't

But maybe it was because of his inner change, maybe it was because of the alcohol, maybe because he was desperate

But he kissed her back

He had always loved Masaki, he would always love Masaki

But with the re-birth of Isshin Shiba, It was time

It was time to move on

He let the glass he was holding fall down to table where it instantly shattered, he moved so the table was no longer in the way and wrapped his arms around her

Lips locked, their feet made their way up the stairs, they entered the room and then clothing went flying

He felt guilty making love to her in the same bed he used to sleep in with Masaki, but nevertheless, the night was filled with their fiery, passionate lovemaking

They kept as quiet as they could, concerning Yuzu was asleep in the next room but neither could hold back

Yoruichi moaned with ecstasy as Isshin's hands ran over her body, sending feelings throughout her that not even Kisuke had done

She wrapped her legs around him as she felt like a fire had been lit within her, she let out sharp moans through clenched teeth and when that longer sufficed for keeping her quiet, she bit her lip so hard that they drew blood. Their pants rang throughout each others ears, their sweat melding together, their tongues becoming tangled

She tried her best not to scream as countless orgasms ran thought her, the night was spent with their two bodies melting together, not stopping until the sun came up

When they did stop, they had realized they had essentially taken advantage of each others emotional and venerable states, but they instantly realised neither cared that they had

All they did was fall asleep in each others arms

"We're all here" Ichigo declared as everyone of his friends and army surrounded the meeting room "Now explain Szayel"

"The barrier was created using samples of the Dangai, blended in with Kido" He began to explain "It was an absolute final resort, meant to be used only if everything went wrong"

"Well, everything did" Ichigo scoffed "So why...why is it so damned dangerous"

"Because once it's activated, it can't be deactivated, no one gets in, no one gets out"

With that, the meeting room erupted

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Grimmjow snapped

"Aw man, I'm gonna miss so much Jump" Gintoki sighed

"We're trapped here!?" Uryu shouted

"You gotta be fucking kiddin' me!" Yammy roared

"You're saying...we're trapped here forever?" Rukia gasped

"No, not forever..." Szayel sighed "It'll wear out"

"When?" Ulquiorra asked


"20 months"

"20 MONTHS?!" Ichigo blazed "You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me!"

"I tried to explain this to you" Szayel pointed out "But that's not our worst worry"

"Great, 'course there's fucking more" Grimmjow sighed

"The Dangai is so compressed that time flows slower in it, using various Kido techniques, we reversed it and used it in the barrier"

"Reversed it?" Ichigo asked "What do you mean?"

"I mean not that the barrier had been erected, time has sped up" Szayel explained "Because of the Dangai residue, we now exist in a separate pocket of time, time now flows approximately ten times faster"

"TEN TIMES FASTER?!" Ichigo cried out ""

"We'll be trapped in here for 20 months...but...inside here...time has sped will still feel like 20 will actually be..."

"Spit it out damnit!" Cirucci snapped

"Damn it Szayel!" Ichigo roared "Tell us damn it, how long will it be?"


"It will be...20 years"

Kisuke Urahara sighed as he made his way back into his shop in the early hours of the morning, only a few hours of sleep in him, he felt guilty about leaving Kukaku there but he had left a it should be fine...right?

He quietly made his way back towards the entrance

Only to find it blocked

"Oi, guys wake up, he finally showed!" A young man shouted as he awoke his two sleep companions

"Huh, what?" Came the voice of a sleeping girl as she awoke

Kisuke immediately recognized them as Keigo, Mizuiro and Tatsuki

Ichigo's friends

"Oh boy" he muttered to himself with a tip of his hat "This isn't going to be fun"

"You finally showed" Came the voice of Mizuiro as he rubbed his eyes

"You kids camped out here?" he questioned

"When you didn't show, we had to" Tatsuki said with a yawn "We need to know...where are they?"

"Ichigo and the others...they should be back by now right?" Keigo asked "Where are they?"


"Come inside, I'll explain everything" he stated

And he did just that, explain

Needless to say, they didn't take it well

"'re kidding right?" Keigo stuttered "Ichigo...Ichigo wouldn't do that"

"I'm afraid it's the truth" Kisuke sighed sadly "I hardly believed it myself at first but that's the way it is..."

"That's Bullshit!" Tatsuki roared as she grabbed Urahara by the collar

"Arisawa!" Mizuiro cried out as he tried to pry her off

"I can understand why you don't believe me" Urahara stated nonchalantly despite the girl practically foaming at the mouth "I never would have guessed Ichigo was capable of such things either"

"You're making this shit have to" she panted "They would never..."

"I don't want to believe it myself" Was his reply "But it's the truth"

"He would never..." Were the words of a still stunned Keigo

"Believe it or not if you want, it's what happened" He stated as he removed Tatsuki's hands from him

"That's...that's!" Tatsuki tried to get out before she dashed for the door

"Arisawa!" Mizuiro cried before he dashed after her

A still stunned Keigo eyed Urahara before taking after them

"The hardships of the day still continue..." he sighed as he pulled off his hat

"Don't rest up, you're not done yet Kisuke"

His eyes shot up to meet the new entrant to the shop

"Nice of this kids to keep the door open" he stated as he pushed up his glasses "Now explained it to them, so I'm sure you'll have no problem explaining to me..."


"Where. is. my. son" The white haired man demanded

"20 years...20 FUCKING YEARS!" Grimmjow roared as he launched a chair across the room

"This is bullshit" Gamma seethed "There's gotta be someway-"

"None, that barrier is made from the Dangai, coming into contact with it will only cause you to be absorbed into it and suffer in god knows where for all eternity" Szayel sighed "20 years...months...that's when..."

"20...years" Orihime mumbled

"If you are worried about food and utilities, don't" Szayel noted "We made sure the palace was fully stocked should the situation arise...further more, 20 years in Soul Society and Hueco Mundo is only 2 physical years, so you won't age much...though, I should note that if any children are born within this long as that barrier is up, they will age with the increased time"

Ichigo and Rukia's eyes widened at that, Rukia's hands subconsciously floating to her stomach

"I should note that any pregnancies that occur in this time will also speed up" He stated, subtlety alerting Rukia "9 months here should be about 20 days..."

"Oh god..." she muttered

" shouldn't be too bad" Ichigo mumbled as he glanced around the room

A noticed a face he didn't recognize

"Who the fuck is this guy?"

"Oh this is a buddy of mine" Gintoki said with a wave "Zura"

"Not Zura, Katsura!" He roared, sending his elbow into Gintoki's face

"Gueth heith stuq hi wi us no bo?" Gintoki mumbled through his broken teeth, which Ichigo interpreted as Guess he's stuck with us now boss?

"You here with us now?" He questioned

"I am not you, I am Katsura" was his reply

"I mean did you come here seeking a place in my army?" Ichigo grumbled

"I did not, I came to find this idiot" He declared, motioning towards Gintoki "But I suppose since I am stuck here, I shall take a place in this establishment"

"Alright then" Ichigo said before gesturing towards Yammy "Kill him"

"'The Fuck?!" Yammy roared

"That shithead attacked his own allies in the middle of a war" Ichigo stated coldly "I will not accept a betrayal of that level"

"'The fuck are you talking about?!" Yammy roared

"Are you denying that you attacked Uryu and Cirucci?" He questioned

"How did he-?" Cirucci questioned Uryu

"I don't know" was his short reply

"So what if I did?!" Yammy belted "They did absolute fuck all during the invasion!"

"That's not what we're talking about, we're talkiing about you attack your own allies!" Ichigo yelled "I don't need people like you on my side"


"I will not kill him because you are displeased with him" Katsura stated as he crossed his arms, Ichigo was about to retort before Katsura leaped over the table, unsheathed a blade from his hip and delivered a massive slash across Yammy's chest "But I will kill him as he is a disgusting coward who attacks his own comrades"

"Wha-!? You bastard!" Yammy roared before he fired a Bala which Katsura easily avoided, causing it to crash into wall, sending rubble flying

"'The fuck're you playing at?!" Grimmjow roared

"You fool, are you going to destroy the building?" Nel questioned

"The fuck is wrong with you bastards?!" Yammy screamed "You're seriously choosing to side with this Kurosaki bastard?! You're not even gonna bat an eyelash that he's ordered me dead?!"

"Like we give a damn" Came the voice of a bandaged up Arturo Plateado

"You truly are worthless" Ulquiorra declared as he closed his eyes

"What the fuck is wrong with you pricks?! You're just leaving me to die!" He snapped "Well fuckin' fine! I'm better than all you pricks! I'm the goddamn Cero Espada!"

With that, he began to unsheathe his Zanpakuto

"Be enraged, I-"

But before he could finish, Katsura's blade had severed his arm clean off

"Deja Vu" Ichigo mumbled

"You fuck-" Yammy started to roar but several slashs carved him open

"Submit yourself to the pits of hell" Katsura declared as one final slash separated the Espada's head from his shoulders "You have fallen to the blade of I, Kotaro Katsura"

"He likes to boast a lot" Grimmjow grumbled "And I sure as fuck ain't cleaning this mess up"

"Well done on taking care of that trash" Ichigo declared and then snapped his fingers, causing a tingling sensation to go through some of the Arrancar "Normally, I would just award you Yammy's old spot. But I think after today, little re-arranging is in order"

All of them immediately checked their numbers

"I'm sure you understand why you've been demoted" Ichigo stated to one of them

"I have, sir" Came the sigh of Arturo Plateado, a large 10 in the place of where his 7 used to be "I abandoned my battle with the Squad 1 Lieutenant, for that, I shall accept this punishment"

"I see" Katsura mumbled as he pulled up his sleeve, revealing a 9 on his bicep

"Hey Zura, check it out!" Gintoki laughed as revealed an 8 on his forearm "I'm ranked high than you!"

"I'm not Zura, I'm Katsura!"

"What the?" Cirucci asked as she felt a sensation on her leg, she looked at the source of it and was shocked to see a 7 printed on her calf

Szayel merely sighed, noticing the 6 on his body was still there

"I see" Gamma noted as he looked at the 5 on his arm

Nel and Harribel numbers had remained the same

"I have to ask Harribel, did you finish off Renji?" Ichigo asked

"No, didn't have enough time to" She confirmed

"I see...and Nelliel, you may not have won your battle, but you put in a valiant effort, for that, you shall remain as the Cuatro"

Grimmjow couldn't believe what he was seeing...

A 2 on his hip

"I'm the Segunda..." He muttered before he turned to face Ichigo, who gave him a knowing look, Grimmjow merely stood still before giving him a small nod

Ulquiorra made no reaction, process of elimination made it clear he was still the primera

"We all need to get used to living like this...spend these 20 months...years, training and making yourself even stronger so we'll definitely crush Soul Society next time..." Ichigo declared "Meeting dismissed"