For Blood And Glory, Or For Allowance.

Different things come to the minds of different people during the advent of the trial, but Origin gods from High Heaven always feel intense jealousy. Which they sometimes admit, but world gods would never admit to being jealous.

The will of the realm considers all of her children adults when they become Origin gods, so she doesn't cater to their needs anymore. Especially their need for origin essence, which every sovereign needs to break through to become an Origin god and subsequent breakthrough to the World god level. 

But that isn't the situation with him. He is the realm champion, the special child of the realm, and the lord of the realm. Only he is still pampered like a child, pampered with protection and Origin essence. 

Realm lords are not common in the Void universe. You would think it ought to be, considering that a realm tree just needs a single one of her near-uncountable children to reach the requirements for a fusion with the realm heart. But this requirement is a tall order, especially if you have to do it faster than others, and there can only be a single realm lord. 

A realm tree with time will have a realm lord eventually but the earlier, the better. Since the trillions of years since the beginning of the universe, some realm trees still don't have realm lords. Realm lords protect the realm tree, uphold the laws of a realm, make the processes that go on in the realm proceed without any problem, and someday when the universe ends, will ensure the realm tree's survival. 

But a realm lord has to be strong for all that. That's why the realm always pampers its realm lord.

He is in a good mood, so he put in some extra elegance in his usually over-the-top elegant gait. He walked over to a wall that opened when he reached it. 

It opened to nothing but an endless view of the ancient battlefield. From here, he could see into every plane, active or inactive. For in his realm, he might as well be omnipotent and omnipresent. He can do whatever he wants as long as it's not against the will of the realm.

Maybe to others, the origin cycle is a call to blood and glory, but to the will of the realm, it is a culling ritual. She uses this opportunity to reduce the population of extraordinaries by enticing them with goodies. She then weeds out the weak and rewards the strong.

He doesn't care about any of that. After all, to him, it is time to receive his allowance from Mother High Heaven, and he couldn't be happier. Then he burst into laughter when he thought about the various messengers and representatives that will come when the trial starts. 

His laughter rang out like singing. It could make weak minds lose themselves. He could imagine all the jealous gazes directed at him, and he became even happier. 

Precious things are rare and scarce. They are even better if they are unique. The position of the realm lord and the rewards that come with it are certainly unique in the void universe. The meeting that occurs every origin cycle is his opportunity to show off his wealth and further increase it.

This event will also allow him to meet some old friends and do some chatting with his peers. After all, it isn't very often that they have a reason to meet. The path to perfection is a lonely one. Not to forget the auction that will be attended by the representatives of the supreme races and individual powers. 


People from all planes will gather at the Tower of Heaven. It is almost like animal migration or a pilgrimage. 600 years from now, you will see a multitude of creatures here as far as the eye can see, creatures of various races standing around the tower that reached the sky of the ancient battlefield.

It is a sight that will boggle the mind, and more will arrive in the next 200 years to burgeon the numbers present here to unimaginable levels. You will be able to see flying animals and levitating magical constructs of various sizes and shapes. 

Most notable is a palpating sense of power that is infused into the atmosphere. From it, you can sense the Titans of the path of perfection and the Sovereigns of law. There is visible tension in the air. The only thing stopping fights from exploding is the sense of propriety at such a sacred event. There's also the promise of death for showing disrespect in the presence of the realm lord.

That's why there are demarcations based on race, power level, and social standing. But the most powerful participants won't be here until it is near the time for entry into the tower of heaven. The main character of this story is one of those powerful participants. They are the ones that will battle for the chance of immortality.


The awaited day finally arrived. On this day, 800 years after the light started shining from the top of the realm tree, the tower of heaven will finally be open to the masses.

After waiting for 800 years since the call went out within the realm tree, males and females of various races can fully prove their mettle and get some precious treasures for it. The trial of heaven is about to start soon.

People have been waiting, and soon they will have what they've been waiting for. The amount of people standing in waiting around the tower has reached a number too much to count. They have divided themselves into different strata based on power levels. 

The transcendents and below don't dare to fly or levitate. They are stuck to the ground in groups of friends or races. Next are the lords and low gods. They floated by themselves or used artifacts that levitates to stand above those on the ground. Higher up are kings and mid-gods. Above them are Titans and then sovereigns.