The Start Of The Trial.

They were all shocked when they noticed the single ring that he was releasing. It dwarfed the multiple rings that other Origin gods released just to restrain the Influence of his single ring on them. They all had numerous questions on their mind, but they kept quiet. If the realm lord wants to tell them, then he will tell them.

"It is time. Let us begin." he smiled and said. 

Then the tower shook, and the barrier around it was taken down. That signifies the beginning of the trial of heaven. 

Monarch High Heaven retracted his aura and continued.

"Welcome Messengers, Representatives, and Others to another Origin cycle meetup. Like always, we will start with the discussion, then the feast, and we will finish with the auction. You will not be disappointed."

This meeting will go on while the participants of the trial will enter the tower of heaven. The origin gods will chat and mingle. This meeting will be very special too. The realm lord has a very important announcement to make. It will mark the change in an era of the realm of high heaven.

While the origin gods above were busy with their meeting, the ones waiting outside and below were ecstatic as soon as the barrier came down. After 800 years of anticipation, it was finally time. The tower of heaven is finally open for the commencement of the trial.

Gehald maintained his indifferent look and vigilance as he looked around. He could see happiness, gloominess, and various other emotions on the face and through the body language of the surrounding sovereigns. He spent some time checking out the people around him. They would be his competition. Then he joined the crowd of sovereigns as they moved forward. 

Below him, the various layers of power also trudged into the tower. It is remarkable that even with the large number, there was no rushing—only carefully ordered steps. As Gehald moved forward, he placed most of his attention on the entrance to the sovereign level of the tower. 

It wasn't that much different from the ones below, just a harmless-looking swirling portal within the very large arched doorway. He didn't expect anything different. He just had to look to make sure because this was his first time participating in the trial of heaven as a sovereign. Other times he came here, he was a King and a titan.

He wasn't nervous, he had planned for this for a long time, and nothing could shake his confidence. Most of the people that enter the tower today will not come out 200 years later, and they will not be dying of natural causes. 

Most of them have confidence in their prowess too. Some of them are geniuses in their various planes or slaves raised by slavers. The people entering have various reasons and different hopes or dreams. But most of them won't achieve those aims.

These people might have come here hoping for the chance to break through, gain some battle experience, take some treasures, make some achievements, or claim their freedom in the case of slaves. But regardless of hopes and dreams, the reality is that people will die, and only one in five will make it out alive. As for the rest, their hopes and dreams will die with them.

Gehald also has his hopes and dreams. To make his grand plan of acquiring as much power as possible, he has made a lot of sacrifices. He even had to descend into the abyss one time to get a very important material he needed for his plan. 

It is an understatement to call it a dangerous trip. He was hunted by hordes of demons, but he still made it back alive and in one piece. His confidence soared as he was thinking about that particular trip to the abyss. He reaffirmed his will and promised himself to at least survive the trial. His life remains the most important thing to have. With life comes possibilities.

When he got to the portal, he felt himself being checked and scanned by a very powerful divine sense. He remained calm and was soon teleported away into the world of the tower of heaven. If he had been found wanting in power level for this gate, either above or below the requirement, he would have been turned to ashes. This is the cause of the first death and many to come. 

Some people won't die in the tower but outside of the tower because of their foolishness, and it happens every time. More of these foolish deaths occurs among the transcendents as compared to the sovereigns, but yes, there have been sovereigns hoping to smuggle each other into the king portal. They paid with their lives. 

There are no exceptions even for the case of soul contracts of soul bounds, summoning contracts of summons, and some others. These are banned to prevent cheating. But some still try every year. Fortunately, Mother High Heaven knows when anyone is being naughty. They will receive death for trying her patience.

Gehaldirah spread his divine sense as soon as he could after he was teleported. He scanned his surroundings for danger or other people. It is a habit of his at this point, a good habit, but he didn't need to because there was no one around him and no danger. 

He was transported to the location of the first trial of the elements, the trial of ice. History has shown that there would be no attacks for now. The environment will be the enemy. 

All he could see was white freezing ice all around, but there was a barrier around him that prevented the cold from affecting him. The presence of this barrier meant that it wasn't time for the trial to start. So he will just have to wait till the portal outside is closed. He sat down to meditate and keep himself in top shape.

24 hours later, which is way shorter than the time allowed for the Titans, the will of the world descended. He received a message from her, and in his status, there was a line that stated he was in the trial of ice and it contained its details.