The Great Speech.

The changes that Monarch High Heaven had made are one of the factors why he improves so fast, that and his universe artifact. Apart from him, the changes have improved the lives, strength, and innovation of the races of High Heaven. The Status screens that only the populace of High Heaven can see are simply a byproduct of his ascension to realm lord. 

The universe artifact that had bounded with him also bounded with the realm heart and caused that change. Everyone thinks it's the will of the realm that did it till today, and he would like it to remain that way, at least until he becomes a world god or even beyond that. With his experience, he knows that there are some monsters in the void universe that can make realm lords quake in their boots.

He is in a great situation. He is rich, and he is envied. But not everything is well for him. He has his own troubles. The title of realm lord is both a boon and a shackle for him. There are also many forces that don't like him, and her looking for ways to end him. He is not a supreme force in the void universe yet. Things will change soon. He already made the announcement during the meeting that occurred this origin cycle. A new era is coming.


The tower of heaven will open in a few minutes, so the Realm Lord decided to begin preparations for his speech. He started giving the speech when he became a realm lord, and it has become a tradition ever since. 

The stress of having to think of something different and special every time is honestly getting to him. He didn't want to be known as a lazy realm lord, so he continued to give speeches.

While the realm lord is thinking of what to say for his grand speech, down below, outside the realm tower, are people waiting. It has been 200 years already. The people that have made plans to meet outside the tower of heaven are waiting. 

Some of the participants will choose to exit at their planar gates. Regardless of their choice, no one will assault or pressure the participants for their rewards. 

It is a law of the realm, and the will of the realm cannot be fooled. If there is one thing the realm is particular about, it will be fairness during the trial and the protection of the Survivors after it because they represent the good seeds to nurture.

A multitude of people is waiting in a ring some distance around the tower of heaven. They are filled with friends, acquaintances, family, and well-wishers of the participants. For most people, the experience of the start and end of the trial of heaven is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. 

But no matter how anxious people are, they will make sure to be at least 10km away from the tower. The vacant space will only be occupied when the participants are going into the tower and when they are coming out.

Many people are here for their family members whom they care about. Others are around for a multitude of other reasons. But regardless of whatever they are here for, they all freeze when a powerful presence makes itself known.

The people below, regardless of their power, even the sovereign clones of Origin gods, freeze because of the overwhelming pressure that descended on them. They are not flustered. Instead, there is visible excitement on their faces. This signifies the end of the trial of heaven. 

The voice of the realm lord booms in their ear, "My People of High Heaven."

They could feel majesty and power in his voice.

"It is the end of another trial of heaven. The end of the life of some. The end of the hopes and dreams of others. It is also the start of the rise to power of some. It is the start of the fulfillment of the dreams of some. It is the start of a new era, a new chapter, and a new page in the history of High Heaven. A new origin cycle."

"Just like I do every origin cycle, I admonish you, aim for the stars. If you fail, at least you will get the sun." The people below could feel their blood boiling with passion. 

When the realm lord first said those words many Origin cycles ago, people didn't understand him and were confused, but then his explanation was spread from various origin gods to their races and down to the common man.

The realm lord is saying that they should aim for the stars that are out there in the void. Those stars are very far away, so if they fail to reach them, they will be able to get the sun since it is closer to them. It is the template that people use to measure their lives. Meanwhile, the realm lord continued.

"Dreams can be achieved only if you have the courage to aim for them and the strength to pursue them. To get anywhere, you must start from somewhere. The first step always counts. I want you to continue moving forward regardless of the outcome of the trial today. Great things don't just happen, you must make great things happen, and strength is the cornerstone of great things."

He paused to let his words sink in. Many of his audience steeled their hearts and made determined promises to themselves.

"Be strong and be wise. Family and friends might fail you, but your strength and wisdom will be the last to fail you. So be strong and be wise. Goodbye," he finished and withdrew his divine sense. 

People were celebrating and hugging each other below. The realm lord saw all this and shook his head. "It is like new Year from my past life," he muttered, but he was happy about how seriously his speech was taken. Most of the creatures don't live past an origin cycle. The lifespan of extraordinaries can indeed be extended, but only the truly powerful at either the transcendent of the path of perfection or the low god level of the path of divinity can live up to an origin cycle. 

So to weaker people below, with shorter lifespans, the realm Lord's speech is something monumental. It is a treasured experience. It is something they will not experience ever again. It is literally a one-in-a-lifetime experience.