When A God Needs A Miracle.

"I am the GodKing of the Virut Pantheon, Ode the celestial." Ode shouted with an imposing voice. He might not have the confidence to fend off the attacker but he had to look the part. That's what being a god is after all, who knows, maybe a miracle will occur.

A chuckle rang out from the hurricane. "Finally, a big fish." The voice said again. Ode started to feel uneasy. He could feel a vague threat to his life. He became vigilant and was ready to run at the first sight of an anomaly.

"Stop right there. I am the God of all battles. And I decree that you shall not pass." Ode postured grandly.

"Is that so? Your domain is irrelevant here. I am not here for a battle, I am just here to make trouble. But a battle is a side effect that I welcome with open arms."