Orientation Speech.

Inside the Ghastorix Main battle academy.

Soverick and the other two passed over the portal and were received by an automitrix. They had been examined before gaining entrance. Then they removed their old clothes which they replaced with the academy uniform. It is a single form-fitting cloth made out of stretchable fabric. Soverick's uniform is gold with black stripes pattern. Litori's is white with red stripes pattern. Ghaster's is purple with a golden stripes pattern. The uniforms have self-cleaning abilities and are also capable of cleaning the wearer.

The artificial intelligence assisting with the running operations of the academy had been informed of their pending arrival. So it sent one of the vessels to welcome them. Hence, the encounter with the golem.

"Welcome Ghaster, Litori, and Soverick to the Ghastorix Ghastorix Main Academy. I am XMSH-0a4 a subroutine of XMSH-A1. You can call me Wendy."