The Sage's Eye. The Eye Of Truth. The Eye Of Casuality. The Eye Of Fatality.

"That is so epic. I wish I were their child or at least had such a glorious bloodline instead of Ghastorix's lineage." Guntu said with longing.

"I don't think Ghastorix would like to hear that." The origin god said. What he didn't say is that he didn't like to have been born to the Sage's lineage.

Guntu scoffed before he caught himself and looked around warily. He has had a lot of experience with pranks to know that the moment you want to talk smack about someone is the moment they might be standing behind you.

He is a little afraid of the ancestor, but he respects the sages more, so he continued talking. "I am sure even ancestor Ghastorix would have liked to be born with Sage's bloodline."