The Heavy Sleepers.

Soverick watched wide-eyed as the rock projectiles blanketed the sky. These projectiles outclassed the ones he faces in training by orders of magnitude. There's no way he can knock these aside with a stick.

He looked down at his trusty buckler and shook his head. His trusty buckler is totally out of its depth and so is he. An idea came to his mind. Jump up to meet the rocks and escape my predicament by jumping from rock to rock.

"It is crazy. But it just might work." He laughed and prepared to face his doom.

He operated the coiling dragon technique within the muscles of his legs. He had to stop running to do it. He crouched down and waited for the rocks. Either the rocks will get him first or the bugs. He couldn't face the two of them at once. Thankfully the rocks didn't disappoint. They entered the range of his jump so even though the bugs were much closer, they were not a threat anymore.

"Here goes nothing." He said and jumped.