The Forest Obstacle.

"So I should use my environment." He muttered as he wondered how best to use the environment.

Then he began the second run but this time with a spear he fashioned from a tree branch around his clearing. He went in the left direction this time. The trees had ignored him when he was sitting down at the entrance. But when he moved 19 meters in, he began to notice the odd gazes. Then it became more and all of a sudden, multiple gazes fixed on him. All the trees in the surroundings were watching him.

This became the signal and the vines attacked. Their sneak attacks couldn't escape his perception so he dodged them easily. He was like the wind, slippery and deft. He escaped from their sinewy grasp time and time again. His stick spear came in handy in tricky situations where he would have to expend more energy or lose his form if he were to dodge. He would knock the attacks aside just like he learned in the blocking challenge.