Like Master Like His Pet.

They clashed soon after. Aeternus's claymore and Danazel's hammers created an explosion as soon as they made contact. It became clear that Danazel was stronger because Aeternus was thrown backward from their clash. He crashed into several buildings before stopping. 

Aeternus stood up immediately. His body was damaged a bit but he wasn't capable of feeling pain just like he doesn't get tired. His broken bones snapped together and healed using chaos energy. He was good as new and ready to react to Danazel's next attack.

Danazel had run and jumped up. He intended to smash Aeternus into the ground. But Aeternus began swinging his claymore at him. Danazel's instincts screamed to keep away from the blades of flaming darkness that were thrown at him. He knew that if he could just overcome the attack, he wouldn't need to fear it anymore. But he also knew that the chances of surviving the attack are too low. So he deflected the blades with his hammers.