Advance And Scorch.

The front row of the attackers threw one of the axes strapped to their armor. Then they switched with the ones behind them. The axes whistled through the air and cut down the angels, but more replaced their downed comrades.

"Second row throw."

"Third row throw."

More and more axes flew forward and found purchase within the enemy ranks. Some of the attackers were caught by the arrows but they were easily rescued and replaced. The bastion that they created with their shields remained unbroken.

"Tenth row throw."

The last ranged attacks finally flew. A lot of the angels had been cut down but they were about to reach the attackers.

"Front row Brace for impact. Second row prep spears. Third to thirteenth row prep axe."

He sent out orders quickly.

"Hold. Hold. Hold."

The angels smashed into the front row like a wave against rocks. The front row stood their ground under the impact.

"Second row impale."