The Celestial God Of Lightning.

The mana entity was real. It was decked out in armor and deep blue fur. It isn't like the vestiges that Soverick was fighting earlier. This one actually has weight to his existence. That meant this fight has more than tripled in difficulty.

"I know you. That's why I didn't underestimate you." The mana entity spoke.

He was comfortable speaking since what it was doing was standing around and using the length-changing ability of its spear to attack Soverick. 

Soverick on the other hand kept quiet. He wasn't comfortable talking unless he wants to be pierced through by the spear. The attacks were lightning-fast. The switch from elongated to reduced was done by the spear beyond what he thought was possible for a weapon.

His opponent continued to talk. "You are the aberrant. I watched your fight in the first stage. You ruined our plan. You must pay for that sin with your life."