The Last Stage.

"I honestly thought my entry would be cooler." He muttered as he examined the room.

His eyes scanned the room for relevant information and his opponent. Considering that this is the last fight, he is ready for it to be difficult.

This room is much larger than his previous room. It is about 1 kilometer in diameter. This entire room is the central bubble and the glowing sun in the sky is the dungeon core. He pointed at Ode who was sitting at the center of the room, beneath the sun.

"Hey, you. Remember me?" He asked.

"You're the one that destroyed my plans in the canyon gorge. You're the aberrant. You're also the one that was spying on me earlier." Ode answered calmly.

Ode shook his head and said, "Should I say as expected of the trump card of the main plane."