The Ambush.

He had instructed Xander to watch the borders five days ago when he started making his way here but the snake had seen no one and no activity. Either this ambush had been set up before he decided to run here or whoever did it was powerful enough to hide the levitation of boulders 3 meters across from Xander. 

He is sure it is the first option and also has a very good idea about who is behind it, but it isn't time to point fingers just yet. He had to resolve these attacks for now.

He brought out his claymore and began to focus on it. Chaos flames concentrated on it at a rapid pace but he simply waited. He jumped up when the 3m diameter rocks had reached 20m away from the ground. He swung his claymore at the rock above him as he rose and released the blade of chaos flames he was brewing. The blade sliced through the rock cleanly and he flew through the gap created between the dissected rock.