The Tune Of Violence.

He was forced to have this celebration because giants of Order are set in their ways. He doesn't mind that. They can have a celebration if they want to have a celebration. But they forced him to attend. That's already bad enough. Then they took the one thing that could have made the event pleasant for him. They turned him into a performer for them and now someone is even saying his performance is not because of his efforts. 

It is one thing after the other. It is an insult upon insult and injury upon injury, but he can't do anything but sulk. He will make them pay. He will usher in pain and suffering to them. He will break open the gates of hell. Their whole world will come crashing down. They will all dance to the tune of violence that he will play for them. Then he will see how much fun they are having with it.

Hak proclaimed, totally oblivious to the raging emotions within Helios, "Your victory calls for a celebration."