Free The Captives.

Making fire is easy for him. Making weak but virulent fire is very difficult. This fire needs to be weak so as to not damage the ant too much but be capable of spreading even with its low power. It requires very precise control of his divine power. 

He took a handful of the specially made ball of fire and threw it to a slumbering royal guard. The fungi on the body of the ant caught fire. The fire spread quickly to cover the entire ant. It burned the fungi away and freed the nerves beneath the carapace.

A divine sense reached out from the slumbering ant as its mind awakened, "What is going on? Am I free?"

"Yes, you are. I freed you. Get up quickly and escape." He said to the ant while he threw more balls to the other ants.

His main aim in this heroic quest is to free these royal guards. He is not after the ant queen at all.

"Is the colony under attack?" It asked in concern.