The First Demand.

Helios sat within his tent meditating. He did not leave his tent or receive any other visitors. Even if he did receive visitors, no one else on the front line did anything suspicious. They all went about their day as if nothing is different which to most of them, it might as well be. Most of them didn't know about the Celestial Supreme's declaration.

The Celestial Supreme can say with uttermost certainty that the leak did not occur because of anyone on the front lines. This means that the gods are the ones that leaked the information to the ant. One of them is in contact with the ants. He can't monitor what the gods do in their divine kingdoms so he doesn't know which god betrayed him. 

There is some good that came out of the leakage though. He has confirmed that the god of fate was right and that there really is a betrayer among the gods. Now, he will be extra cautious and careful around the gods.