Butchered Like A Pig For A Sacrifice.

His six-armed figure in white shiny armor doesn't look heroic to the behemoth. Helios looks more like a death knight masquerading as a holy knight to the behemoth. The flesh of the Behemoths that came with it is still burned and smoking beside him. Even though Helios is only 10 meters tall, he seems terrifying like a demon from the abyss. The behemoth turned and ran.

Helios shook his head. "Foolish. I just said I am fast and you turn to run."

He isn't the only one with that opinion. The Celestial Supreme has the same opinion and is shouting it to the mind of the behemoth.

"Stand your ground and fight. Running is not the answer."

But the Behemoth won't listen now that it has regained control over its body. "I'm not doing anything you tell me, father. Not again, not ever again."