The Fourth Consciousness.

Another consciousness appeared suddenly and interrupted their discussion. It invaded this unreactive part of the universe without any effort. This consciousness had a dark, chilling, and harrowing presence. Its aura made Legion shiver involuntarily.

The fourth consciousness screamed in anger. "Who the heck just did that? Let me see who is responsible for almost destroying the universe."

The roar brought with it an extra impact of pressure. Legion felt like fainting. He has not felt like losing consciousness naturally since he was a mana entity. He has felt like losing consciousness before when he was weaker but those were from unnatural causes and are signs of dying. This situation is also unnatural and he might as well not survive it.

All three consciousness blasted at the intruder. "You are not welcome here." 

They spoke the same sentence for the first time. Their agreement create a powerful Union of will that slammed into the fourth consciousness.