Feed The Demon Lord.

The faceless terror turned to him. Her eyeless head focused on him. He is the one that laughed first.

She asked him. "I recognize you, boy. You are Salazar's boy. What's so funny boy?"

He didn't answer her. She is a dead demoness walking. There is no reason to entertain her. He continued to prepare his grimoire for the fight. The other demon dukes started to get ready too but no one attacked. They are all wary of each other. Beelta is not the only target here. Attacking her means you become open to an attack. That's why no one has attacked her yet.

Someone has to attack her first and Baal decided to be that someone. Who knows? He might impress Lord Chaos that way and secure his position as Herald to a demon king. Baal flicked the cards that the pages of his grimoire turned into. The brown cards flew around him and expanded to become sturdy walls.