Hancock The Sparkon

It doesn't help that he always succeeds in the stunts that he pulls off. He hasn't learned to restrain his impulses because he always gets away with his stunts. So the realm lord's confidence is true the roof. One might say it is supreme. Mother high heaven can only try to reason with him. In other words, she can only try and fail to reason with him.

He ignored her pessimistic attitude and grinned with anticipation. "This is going to be so cool."

He can't wait to create history and steal a continent. His excitement will not be dampened by mother high heaven's sour attitude.

The realm lord produced a golden orb in his hand with a dramatic flourish. Mother high heaven signed and refused to comment. She would like to ask why he is behaving like so but that will be encouraging him. If she is to discourage him from doing risky things then she must refuse to play along with his games.