The Bad Egg Of The Litter.

Litori waved goodbye and ran to catch up to their parents. Soverick returned to his forge unbothered by the events of the day. So what that Kayla died? So what if Litori harvested the remnant of her soul after she died? So what if Litori doesn't actually feel anything for Kayla but is faking it? So what if Litori doesn't actually feel empathy and sympathy for anyone? So what if Litori is a psychopath and she only spoke to him about it because she hopes to feel guilty or at least feel something? What does all of it matter? It matters nothing to him.

Her emotional changes are not exactly her fault. It is the influence of her bloodline. Her affinity with fire and the soul has warped her. Fire is unfeeling and uncaring because fire burns everything. Those that study the soul are cold because they shed the shackles of the flesh to be better able to sense the spirit.