6 Is The Lucky Number.

Events seem to happen randomly but some things can be predicted. If by chance a debt collector comes to collect his debts from a debtor who has a gambling addiction in a period of time when that debtor is working on completing his own part of a big project that both of them are working on. Is it a thing of chance if the debtor chooses to bet again since it already bet on who will finish their part of the project earlier and it also has a good chance of winning?

It is not by chance. Gambling addiction plus the need for money plus the opportunity to bet plus a high chance of winning is equal to a definite possibility of betting. As the maths have shown, it is not by chance. It was carefully engineered. Either way, that gamble escalated into betting on the outcome of Project DISPLACEMENT. Now the battle sage can win 6 times the amount of the previously humongous debt. That is of course if his side wins.