
He aligned the tree trunk and swung it again. The spikes on the monster's back began to vibrate and the armored plates that they're attached to its back began to move around its back. The vibrating spikes shredded the tree while the shifting plates ensured that the spikes cut more into the tree trunk. It was going to free itself. 

Unfortunately for it, it wasn't fast enough. The giant club struck it before it could be free from the trunk. It was slammed into the trunk by the club. The force of the hit was so great that both the monster and the tree it was attached to were sent flying. The monster landed in an unsightly manner. It crashed onto the ground and its face became covered in dirt.

It rose up to its feet with anger only to see Soverick preparing another strike. He was already swinging the club around to take another hit on the monster. The monster's anger boiled over and its eyes flashed purple. It is furious and the world answered its call of fury.