The Roar Of Justice.

Jarkon cursed because he suddenly lost his target. Soverick had suddenly disappeared from his vision. He wanted to accept the inevitable defeat. If he had his way, he would turn around and run right now as any smart person would do, but his bloodline will have none of it. 

He can't have his way, not when Soverick is so close to him. He moved against his will to try and counter the incoming blow. His eyes might not be able to track Soverick but his divine sense can. Soverick suddenly appeared within the range of his divine sense like a flicker of light. He also has his fist clenched together for a punch and that said fist is traveling very fast toward his face.

Jarkon saw the incoming blow and tried to block it. Unfortunately but not surprisingly, he failed to block the blow that struck his temple. Soverick's fist smashed into his head and lifted him into the air. 

'I knew it would happen.' He sailed through the air thinking that to himself.