Inevitable Clash.

Salvos only promised not to harm or antagonize him intentionally. So it is very possible that Salvos will still antagonize him. Soverick doesn't know if he made a mistake or not by letting Salvos go. It is not a good feeling. There is so much that he will lose if things go wrong.

"Legion cannot continue forward in blindness. Something must change or we will walk into a wall. Or worse we will walk into a trap. We must gain sight so that what happened with Zerkon and Zernon will not happen again." He said to every clone of Legion.

He has said it before but he is emphasizing it again because it is very important. They began discussing a way to fix this problem of their's. Brute strength is not enough. There's a need for information to make the best possible decisions. Or Legion will be toyed with the same way he toys with his enemies because of the advantage of his sight.