A New Rival.

"Maybe you're right." Ghaster conceded.

He has been feeling a little down ever since Soverick died. Maybe it is because he didn't know what Soverick meant to him until he lost his rival. Maybe that's why he feels aimless, lost, and without motivation.

"But so what if you are right?" He asked, "Soverick was the greatest battle sage monkey since the time of the sage. It has even been announced that he has become a sage for his talents and his contribution to the battle against the Vipers. He is the greatest rival one can ask for but now he is dead and I have no one else to sharpen myself against. How am I to move on with my life?"

He went on an unexpected tirade. He didn't know he had so much to say about Soverick until he started speaking. It was then that he realized how much Soverick meant to him.

He sighed. Then he asked, "What should I do?"