The Warrogs Are Dead.

The Warrogs are treated like feral beasts. They are sentient beasts at best and are treated as such. The quality and quantity of their population is kept down. It is not cruelty. It is a necessity for peace. Things used to be worse than this. Warrogs were more violent and highly fertile. They were treated as pests meant to be destroyed on sight. 

Back then, Warrogs were snarling and violent beasts. That was at the time when they were major contenders for the control of the plane. They had several emperors the likes that haven't been seen since then. Their society of war and violence flourished under the leadership of their Emperors. They were a mighty force to contend with. 

The Warrogs were rightfully strong and more deserving of the position of the overlord of the plane. But the tree elves laid their hands on the fountain of life. They empowered themselves with the fountain and managed to defeat the unruly Warrogs. That ended the First great world war.