Caution And Brawn.

The Alpha watched Legion-6 go silently. She waited for them to leave her sight then she said to her squad, "Leno and Piar. You two should trail after them and watch them secretly. Don't show yourself unless you have to help. Protect them and kill the boy if he does something suspicious."

Leno and Piar bowed. "Yes, Tesrat. We will do as you say."

The two of them didn't question why their Alpha is sending four Warriors to watch and escort a weak Omega to the park. That is a lot of manpower to waste on a single harmless person. She ordered them and they simply obeyed. They left immediately.

Tesrat nodded. The first two Betas that she chose to take the white young Omega to the pack are the strongest after her. They are more than able to contain him if he decides to escape. The other two are precautions in case she has underestimated him.