Two Sides Of The Same Coin.

Ragnarok asked the shaman, "Where are the Omegas in the pack? There should have been one in the sharp tooth pack since they had a totem. But I see only you."

He is working towards becoming the only Shaman in the pack so he wants to know if he will have any competitors. 

The old shaman replied, "Yes, there was a shaman. She was still in the prime of her life. That is both a good thing and a bad thing. Being young means that she has a lot of potential. But that also made her as naive as a youngling like you."

Ragnarok rolled his eyes at the subtle remark. He said, "I know what you're doing old man."

The old Shaman didn't address his suspicions. He continued innocently, "She didn't want to be a part of Sauron's tribe after the way everything turned out. She said she wasn't comfortable with the way Sauron took the tribe. So she left."

"I assume that's why you think she is naive," Ragnarok said.