Emperor Of The Undead.

Ragnarok feels that he doesn't even need to be selfish and greedy to reject becoming the vessel of a demon god. Being smart is more than enough reason for him to refuse. 

"I'll think about it." That's what he said to her.

But he has thought about it for long enough and his answer will remain no. 

"That is good enough for me," It said. "I can't ask for more than that."

Ragnarok thought to himself in jest, "You can but I will say no all the same."

The two of them finally made it to the devil's pit.

"Welcome to my humble abode," the vampire said to him.

They have crossed the lip of the crater to its center. The two of them are looking down at the gaping maw of the pit that leads to the underground. The crater seems to have been formed by a meteor or a large rock hitting the ground. It has a wide lip but the pit itself wasn't formed by the resulting explosion. It is too smooth and narrow to be something created by chance.